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Everything posted by Sub13

  1. After killing it in the 100 fly and back, Regan Smith’s 200s were both much slower than expected. Interesting times to come. Also Claire Curzan who allegedly did the “backstroke sweep” in Doha misses the team altogether
  2. A few things: 1. Chelsea Hodges just surprise retired following chronic injuries and surgeries. I’m devastated. She’ll always be an Olympic champion though. 2. @NearPup I agree they should aim for 20 swimmers in events with semis. Don’t care if there’s less than 20 if there’s no semis anyway. Could force universality swimmers to only enter events that are low on numbers. That could be fun. 3. NearPup again: Your second point kind of defeats the whole purpose of A and B cuts. This would lead to the strong swimming countries, who already have an advantage, sneaking in extra individual swimmers using relay spots. You would end up with swimmers from smaller countries not being invited while slower swimmers from big swim countries racing individually purely because their country has good relays. I don’t think flooding the heats with extra B cut swimmers who have no chance of medalling is necessarily a positive.
  3. I agree. Temple doesn’t really need to fully rest for trials given he keeps going sub 51 while unrested, but also he can’t afford to risk being totally in work. I suspect he does a drop taper and goes a 50 mid and then we’ll see what he has in Paris
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