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  • Nation
    United States of America
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Winter Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Skiing, luge, bobsled, speed skating
  • Real Name
    Todd W. Roat
  • Living City
  • Job
    Acute Care Medical Research

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  1. >>>The only real solution is avoiding the internet (tv and radio too), and watching replays in chronological order... Would love to easily find them listed in nice logical order. Will try CBC. Shouldn't be this difficult. I think its just as hard for those that pay.
  2. Griff88. Thanks for the info. I have a proper VPN, will check it out. VPN required I presume for this type of workaround"" app?
  3. Greeting all! What am I doing wrong here? Simply trying to find an easy way to watch event replays for completed previous day events (or earlier that day) thru a TV streaming service preferred. Figure they want my money, and thats ok. Seems like it was much easier previous Olympics, and you they had event replays segments with just that or maybe one other event broken down by day. Pretty much now all I see is NBCSports or Peacock. And reference to watching replays on USA. But even with those the organization of material is very unclear and poorly laid out. Didnt see any from Monday, and ones I saw were from Tuesday And those segments I show like 3 hours of material covering several events over a period of time complete with commercials and commentary breaks. I can deal with that BUT they are also replete with tons of spoliers!!! Couldn't find a replay of Mondays downhill or individual ski jump so watched some mixed ski jump. And during event or breaks they kindly told me who won the previous days individuals. And the USA channel replays are very chaotic and difficult to figure out. Is there a simple way, location, service I can pay for to just watch single event replays? I have a job and such and I miss so much. ;^) Fubo with some kind of DVR option my only expensive choice? Arrgg..... and thanks.
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