Is logical that this kind of news are unknown in your country (for the distance and the control of your state about mass media)
the foreign policy of China is to benefit from every political/economical weakness of inoperatives and corrupts goverments around the world, there are many examples in Africa and Asia, now is exploring Latin America.
In 2014/2015, the decadent goverment of Cristina Fernandez used the central bank reserves for common expenses and that became a problem (logical), so the chinese goverment detect that weakness and offered a deal: swaps for the cebtral bank (Yuans for our central bank and argentinian pesos for China), in exchange, China obtain a military base in the south of our country for 50 years (yes, you read well), and the impunity for their fish boats in our sea.
With the last goverment, the chinese goverment continue with all of this and have some energy projects, now this goverment (the continuity of the goverment of Cristina), are using the yuans of the swaps for stoping the interest in dolars (and is failling, of course) and there are a BIG PORCINE PROJECT, with an important economical and environmental impact.