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10 minutes ago, Rafa Maciel said:

I think it is a good shout that the article probably predates the latest version of the qualification document.


On the issue of a single athlete qualifying 2 quotas - it does kind of feel like it shouldn't be possible - but when I look at the qualification pathways in other sports including diving, shooting, trampoline, the document specifically includes a clause which prohibits a single athlete securing 2 quotas. You'd like to think that they were aware that this scenario could occur and by not including it in the document would suggest that they were happy to accept it.


If we accept that the same athlete can secure 2 quotas, then good chance that it would benefit :JPN :GBR :AUS on men's side and :USA on the women's


Yeah, but we also have to remmeber that the OQD are made by the specific federations and sometimes they leave things that may be obvious to them. I wonder if we had this loophole on the 2020 or previous documents by UCI? I'm kind of new into this area. 

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On 8/8/2023 at 6:36 AM, Rafa Maciel said:

Looking at the available results from competitions over the last 18 months, my current expectations for qualification in women's freestyle looks like this:


Host Quota

:FRA (Laury Perez)


Olympic Qualifier Series

:USA (Hannah Roberts)



:CZE (Iveta Miculycova)

:GER (Kim Lee Muller)

:GBR (Charlotte Worthington)


2022 World Champ Quotas




2023 World Champ Quotas





Out of curiosity what would be your take for the man's freestyle?

Mine would be

Olympic Qualifier Series
:USA (but this sixth spot I guess could go to  :ARG:VEN:NED:GBR or other countries out of the radar

2022 World Champ Quotas

2023 World Champ Quotas
possibly reallocated to :ARG
:FRA reallocated to :CRO 

:BRA chance would be if GBR gets two spots via OQS (or if Gustavo Bala Loka wins directly a quota via OQS)

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13 hours ago, Rafa Maciel said:



I'm not sure that the author has presented that in the correct way.


If we look at the qualification document, from the last line of the paragraph below, it is clear that the World Champ results can result in a NOC obtaining a 2nd quota. 




From my reading of the qualification document, the paragraph quoted from the article relates to the reallocation of quotas, and specifically, to the reallocation of NOC quotas earned in 2022/2023 World Champs:


We can ignore Method A - that's the simplest part of this qualification document :d. Method B relates to the reallocation of the 5 quotas obtained at the 2022 and 2023 World Champs. In the event that those quotas are reallocated - and theoretically, they should only be reallocated if a NOC obtains 2 named quotas in the OQS (likely the chase of :CHN for women), to provide continental representation (we know :RSA and :AUS will benefit from this) or an NOC rejects the quota (:RSA have rejected continental quotas in the past) - then they will be reallocated to nations who have not already qualified. 


Happy for my interpretation to be shot down by others, but that's how I see it.



I agree with you.


I think that people from have inside access to question anything and to be fair all Martin's texts are very much similar to the documents even in those gray areas. 


I have saved all previous versions and just realized that they changed this section to explicity remove any impeditions from an NOC to have a second quota by the 2023 Worlds. But at the same time, it is still not clear if the same athlete can obtain 2 quotas for its country, which is crazy but... I guess on the male's side, Logan Smith for instance would probably get a second quota for Australia via 2023 WC even if he qualifies through the OQS or by continental quota via 2022 Worlds.


Version from 19 August 2022 (and probably the one used by Marta Martin):




Version from January 2023:


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South Africa has historically turned down continental quotas on sports in which their athletes are not world level, so hoping this would be the case...


I do like the idea for this qualification process, but I think either the OQS should have come before or they would be last in priority... 


But I also struggle to understand if someone can win 2 quotas. I would vote no because it does not make any sense, but...

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