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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. 1st Slovak Medal. (1 - 0 - 0) Gold Shooting - Womens Air Rifle SH1 VERONIKA VADOVIČOVÁ 207.8 PFR (2nd in Q 413.4)
  2. YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! GOLD Medal oh dear if not this 5000m we would have won the very first gold of the games Great job by Veronika! Congrats ! So proud of her
  3. Veronika Vadovičová qualified for the air rifle asian championships finals from 2nd place
  4. our captain... only few eeks before he played his last match in our NT..the most emotional moments after the anthem was something that touched the whole country, I thought that I will never cry so much again but few weeks later the whole nation cried again...RIP our captain our 38 !
  5. Great ceremony. Very emotional, Liked it much. And now let the game start. Good luck to all athletes and all teams and now good night
  6. Thanks bud. There no strict goals for our team this time, but we have some medal chances too ofc, especially with Veronika Vadovičová in womens air rifle tomorrow, there a real chance for Slovakia to win the very first medal of the Rio paralympics, which would be awesome and there also some other medal chances in table tennis and track and road cycling..but we are usually much better in winter paralympics, mainly in alpine skiing Slovakia is one of the top countries, I remember we won the medal count of this sport in Vancouver 2010, in summer editions we aren´t so good...but who know, maybe Rio will be a lucky place for us like it was during the olympics, so we´ll see
  7. 8 medals are definitely cool too I think Good luck to your athletes, hope they will enjoy the games have a lot of fun and great memories and return back with many medals
  8. I wonder why they have the need to show those puzzles just when Slovakia enter the parade they do it every time, sometimes they just show the vip hosts, or sometimes just the public on the stands...each olympics or paralympics it´s the same when SVK enter they must show everything else
  9. Do you know, whats DEN/SWE expectations of the games ? Any number of medals expected ?
  10. and btw John Twomey of Ireland is going to compete his 11th paralympics He started as a table tennis player, later he became a discus thrower and in the couple of last paralympics he compete in sailing
  11. flagbearers full list and the feeling when you see a slovak athlete in the first page of the rio site
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