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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Graphic also showed as qualifying, but I believe that’s a mistake because as far as I know, only 8 athletes make the final. Either way, 9th place is a great result for her. I’m sure @thepharoah will be happy with that
  2. These broadcasts are entirely unwatchable without graphics.
  3. Pajon was very close to a third victory in a discipline where winning once can be quite the task. She’s quite the rider. Shriever raced that perfectly.
  4. I’m very worried about Fields. This discipline has had a run of horrific, life-threatening accidents/crashes.
  5. Very concerned about her. Hard crash to the asphalt with someone then running into her head at full speed.
  6. Competition delayed until 10:45 local time due to rain.
  7. has a champion. It took awhile for them to join the medal table, but I bet they’ll be happy with that performance
  8. Athlete’s name is “TEHUPEIORY,” so might have been right. Her name does look similar to “temporary” though.
  9. When they were in the blocks popped up instead of
  10. Succumbed to tired eyes before the finals, but had a chance to watch them today. Just wanted to add my congratulations to and . I was cheering so hard for those two to win medals
  11. Just watched the highlights from the v. game. That was quite the slugfest between those two teams
  12. For me, first four days were quite full, yesterday and today have been noticeably lighter, but tomorrow is the busiest day by far (so far). It’s mainly to do with the crazy amount of finals during the morning/early afternoon tomorrow.
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