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Everything posted by rafalgorka

  1. True, agree 100% And we must remember that there are these parliamentary elections this autumn here is POL There is a chance - a very slim one but there is - that there will be completely different politicians in the government in summer 2024 than the ones we have there now. And obviously the ones who govern now will do anything they can in 24 to grab the power again So I can see them talking : "we wanted to boycott for a good cause but these guys don't, look at them, how awful and pro-Russian they are!" but whatever, i don't think we will have completely different people in the government in 2024 than we have now this is only a hipotical situation on the other hand, whether i'd like to see a political change here, well, you can make your guesses
  2. I've read this text one more time and i think that author used this words: "If the West wants the sporting world to continue to respect its ideals, it must have a new FIFA and a new IOC. In the old ones it will mean less and less." as a kind of sarcasm. And when i recall some other texts by him I have read in the past I'm pretty sure it's a sarcasm. I guess me and him - we both just know that this battle is already lost by "so-called West" and there is no good solution. We won't find majority in IOC here. If we stick to our point of view (or ideals, whatever you want to call it...), we would have to make a new IOC ineed - which doesn't make sense because we want the olympic games and not the eurogames, westgames or sth. So let's be it. In the old IOC west will mean less and less. Ok. Let it be. Who cares. Frankly, I don't care, because what I care and what I want is this war to end. And I don't want to see even major war all around the world this century. If I could only watch Paris olympics in peace, without much non-sport concern on my head - that would be nice addition to this no-war thing. But if this war continues in summer 2024 i just won't be in mood to any olympics stuff...
  3. We can't do much about it, you know. Btw, I prefer alpine than biathlon ofc But if you dig deep you will find some BLRUS in alpine skiing WCH as well, I'm afraid...
  4. Yes, ofc. tell us sth we don’t know already 😉 good we still have some good sports this week, alpine and biathlon and whatever anyone likes Let’s enjoy it while we still can
  5. But if we have even bigger war around the corner, I don't care if there is one IOC, two IOCes or twenty-one IOCes. That would be just irrelevant.
  6. That's not my own idea. I have just copied/pasted article written and published by sb else. I don't see I agree with that 100%. I only say it's interesting. I wouldn't like to see anything like "a new IOC". I just think there is no good solution to the current "BLRUS at Paris" situation. Do I have a solution myself? Not really. Should they be in Paris??? I will answer Obama-style: This issue is well "above my pay grade".
  7.,65025,29470890,dopuszczenie-rosjan-do-igrzysk-to-nie-naiwnosc-to-mierzony.html#s=SNO_Img_1 an interesting text imo Here is Google Translate: Allowing Russians to participate in the Games is not naive. It's a measured punch with deep purpose Michal Kiedrowski 16.02.2023 13:35 When I hear Kamil Bortniczuk say: "The International Olympic Committee sins with naivety", I am sure that the Minister of Sport does not really understand what is at stake at all – comments Michał Kiedrowski from Kamil Bortniczuk talked about naivety in the context of the idea of allowing athletes from Russia and Belarus to participate in the Games under a neutral Olympic flag. And here, of course, I agree with the Minister of Sport that this is fiction. The neutral flag under which Russian athletes performed during the Winter Games in Beijing did not bother Russian President Vladimir Putin. He applauded his compatriots from the stands, and also used the athletes for propaganda during a rally at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow. This event was one big manifesto of support for aggression against Ukraine. But I do not agree with the suggestion that the IOC and President Thomas Bach were unaware of this. If someone has already climbed such a function in the Olympic movement, he must know this world and its rules from the inside out. And if I had to choose the qualities most useful for this, it would be: cynicism and hypocrisy, not naivety. The global south does not look who is the aggressor and who is the victim I think that both for Bach and for the vast majority of IOC members there is no doubt that it is impossible to reconcile the participation of Russians in the Games with the message of peace. But that's not the point. It is not even about Russia itself, but about showing who is in charge here, or rather, strictly speaking, that the West is no longer in charge. It is not Bach himself who is behind the admission of the Russians to the Games, but the entire coalition of countries - one can guess - with China at the forefront. After all, it was from Asia that the initiative for the Russians to take part in the Asian qualifications for the Games came from. It is in India that the World Women's Boxing Championships will be held in March, during which Russian women will perform both under their flag and with their anthem. It will be the same at the World Boxing Championships in Tashkent in May. All because the boxing federation is ruled by Umar Kremlin - Putin's trusted man. Poland, together with the Czech Republic, Canada, the USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia decided to boycott the event. In response, the authorities of the boxing federation proposed that all boxers from these countries be allowed to compete, regardless of the decisions of the national associations. They even promise to cover the costs. Russian boxers have already performed under their flag in the recent World Boxing Tour Golden Belt Series tournament in Marrakech. As you can see, Moroccans don't mind Russian crimes against Ukrainians either. And here it is worth listening to what political scientists, such as Michał Lubina from the Jagiellonian University, say: "China managed to present this war in pro-Western countries as an intra-European conflict, a local proxy war of the West with Russia. This is how the Third World, i.e. the global south, thinks about it. who is indifferent to this war. He dislikes Americans more than he sees who is the aggressor and who is the victim." We don't have a lever. The Chinese comrades will gladly replace us It's brutal but true. If we look at the activities of the Olympic movement in this way, they are completely legible. Countries that are not Westerners are outraged by the moral blackmail that the Americans and their allies are exerting on them. Especially since we, as the West, have no leverage. European companies cannot say to the IOC: we will not pay you a broken euro if you do not respect our values. Olympic officials will just shrug: it's okay, you pay us almost nothing anyway. Chinese comrades will gladly replace you. Western politicians should open their eyes. This is not naivety, but a calculated act. Anyway, let's look further. Not only at the IOC. Take the International Football Federation (FIFA). It is also where the influence of autocratic regimes is growing, which shows at every turn: the West no longer rules. The whole of European football depends on the money that flows to it from China and Arab states for television rights and sponsorship. For Asian fans, matches in England, Italy or Spain are scheduled for early afternoon hours on weekends. Due to fans from that region of the world, the Champions League final was moved from Wednesday to Saturday. The most influential man in European football is the Qatari Nasser Al-Khelaifi: not only the president of PSG, but also the CEO of beIN Media Group, as well as the head of the Association of European Clubs. The most sponsors of the European Championships are from China. Saudi Arabia even sponsored the Women's World Cup, much to the outrage of all human rights activists. The World Cup in Qatar was a breakthrough: now we can do it all The World Cup in Qatar became a breakthrough. Not only did they succeed, but they also turned out to be a great success. In addition, despite the fact that the hosts on many issues - such as allowing the sale of beer with percentages or rainbow bands - stood their ground against the protests of public opinion in the West. Indignation at each other, and fans delighted with the World Cup itself. FIFA boss Gianni Infantino can say to his colleagues what Bolo in "Football Poker" said to the Laguna referee: Now we can do it all, the biggest numbers in the world. The Qatari people, whose emir had a friendly talk with Putin even before the start of the World Cup, did not wait long. They have already treated the workers brought from abroad to service the World Cup out of hand. Saudi Arabia won the Club World Cup. Another World Cup in the Persian Gulf, built by low-paid workers who are exploited beyond their means, seems a foregone conclusion. The Saudis want to organize it together with Egypt and Greece in 2030. If the West wants the sporting world to continue to respect its ideals, it must have a new FIFA and a new IOC. In the old ones it will mean less and less. In Asia, they believe that the future center of the world lies there, and they will use every opportunity to show how little Europe and the United States matter anymore. I will repeat again. The participation of Russians and Belarusians in the Games in Paris is no naivety, no pro-Russian sympathies, it is simply an opportunity to say: the West no longer has power.
  8. Thank you! I have nothing against Karkonosze and CZE, but if I could choose, I would prefer POL-SVK bid. Anyway, we can dream, but it won't happen. It is just politics on POL side. We have our parliamentary elections this autumn. Zakopane and around are traditional pro-PiS area. So they want to gain more of their votes by telling them how much money they would invest in the area trying to get the olympics here. I think this is too early for olympics in POL. Way too early. We should start with Nordic Skiing WCH, i think we would be able to organize them in Zakopane and that would be: 1. fun to watch. 2. and it would be a competition that REALLY MATTERS, not these 2023-European-Games-sth.
  10. Poll #50 is a good moment to sum things up a liitle bit. THANK YOU everyone for voting in this series. At the beginning I thought: I'll do 5 polls or sth and we'll see if anyone wants to vote. +10 votes in every poll (if I remember correctly) is a good number, I guess. Thank you very much! So I kept going on. When I had a month hiatus some time ago, I though everybody forgot this thing, but one user wrote here: When it's gonna come back???, that was nice. Thank you very much for the comments, Phelps is obviously a leader here, a yellow bib guaranteed, but I want to thank all of you for it. Thanks for pointing out some athletes we tend to forget or who are less known and popular. I hope we'll finish this series. But when we already have +200 events, there are some questions on the horizon. 1. What to do with the events which were held only once in Tokyo 2020 and will be there again in Paris 2024? Any poll doesn't make sense here. Simply add the results to our summary and medal table? POL will get a 2nd gold this way heh 2. What to do with the events which will be held in Paris 2024 for the first time? I think we will just skip them. No sport climbing - speed events yet :-( 3. What to do with the discounted events? Should they be here or not? If yes, all of them? If not, how to choose which of them? MAYBE A POLL HAHA, You can choose e.g. 10 events and we add them to our series... I don't know. Anyway, thanks once again. And I'm very happy that during these series of polls there were no unpleasant posts, no unpleasant discussion, you know what i mean. Have a good day, everyone!
  11. Nikita Nagornyy, great gymnast obviously. Will he be their flag bearer in Paris?
  13. Volleyball is a sport where there are no WCH in year 2023 So I added Women's and Men's 2022 WCH results here We have POL in our medal table this way :-) I think it is good solution because 2023 Nations League (or whatever they call it this year) is just not the same as WCH Coming up next: 2022 equestrian
  14. So tomorrow first people should get e-mails informing that they were lucky in the draw. We will see how it goes.
  16. I wonder if we get any NOC in our medal simulation this season which never got an olympic Winter medal before or if we get a gold for any NOC who never got an olympic Winter gold yet what you think? Who has chances for it???
  17. Updated after event #23 - biathlon M pursuit Vetle Sjaastad Christiansen NOR not included in the results because he was out of Norwegian Top 4 in sprint race yesterday Coming up next: Biathlon - M 20km individual (Tue, Feb 14th, 14:30 CET)
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