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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. As we say, it's like you're talking about the devil and he suddenly shows up
  2. That (but x5) will be me in 2 weeks during the 24 hours of Le Mans Now I don't need it
  3. I only drink milk with breakfast and lunch, never with dinner Actually, with dinner I usually don't drink anything, unless it's in a restaurant or some special occasion
  4. Usually I drink it around 1 and a half or 2 hours after dinner, which is during this break because dinner was around 2 hours ago
  5. You think Sheldon of the Big Bang Theory would suddenly drink something else than normal?
  6. Tea? I always drink some nice cold milk around this time, is that available?
  7. Exaggerating a whole lot I'd say. I mean, if I was 4th in the Olympics I wish I could trade that for being on 99 points here..
  8. This whole thing means that only Argentina, Bulgaria, India, Moldova and New Zealand don't have a medal yet, quite the diverse list
  9. When Canada was voting, they were probably thinking: "Hmm, Raonic is our best tennis player, he has some Serbian connections, Romania is a big neighbour of Serbia so let's give Romania 12 points, 11 to Portugal because they're second letter is an "o" as well and Lithuania 10 points because it ends with "a" like Canada."
  10. Read everything posted while I had dinner so I'm all up to date, let's post the medal table after Canada's last votes
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