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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. It took me around 12 hours to listen and rank all the songs up to the 10 points, then it took me another 12 hours to decide between Serbia and Tunisia and in the end it was really like 50.1/49.9
  2. Netherlands Netherlands Jury Scorecard: Serbia 12 Tunisia 11 Slovakia 10 Romania 9 Greece 8 Slovenia 7 Great Britain 6 Ireland 5 France 4 Italy 3 Algeria 2 Spain 1 Tot zover de stemmen van de Nederlandse jury. We wensen iedereen een schitterende avond, ook al is de wedstrijd bijna afgelopen. Drink er nog een glaasje melk, wijn of bier op en tot volgend jaar - That's it for the Dutch votes. We wish everyone a wonderful evening, even though the contest is drawing to a close. Take a nice glass of milk, wine or beer and see you next year
  3. Whoops, I was confusing Italy and Ireland like I have done for the past few hours
  4. We are now the only ones with a medal if I'm not mistaken High five
  5. Netherlands Netherlands Jury Scorecard: Tunisia 11 Slovakia 10 Romania 9 Greece 8 Slovenia 7 Great Britain 6 Ireland 5 France 4 Italy 3 Algeria 2 Spain 1
  6. Alright, I'll hand him another medal then Netherlands Goedenavond Totallympics en hallo Kosice! De Nederlandse jury wil Kosice en haar leider, hckosice, bedanken voor het geweldige evenement van vandaag, fantastisch gedaan! Om dan nu maar ter zake te komen: hier zijn de punten van de Nederlandse jury. - Good evening Totallympics and hello Kosice! The Dutch jury would like to thank Kosice and their leader, hckosice, for the wonderful event we're seeing today, great job! To get to the point: these are the points given by the Dutch jury. Netherlands Jury Scorecard: Slovakia 10 Romania 9 Greece 8 Slovenia 7 Great Britain 6 Ireland 5 France 4 Italy 3 Algeria 2 Spain 1
  7. Ah I was really just about to post that when I saw your post already saying the same
  8. No no Got a text from my sister who isn't home at the moment: "Could you water the plants in my room please?" Hang on
  9. 63 points to 4th place is the biggest gap of the contest by the way
  10. Or if you're not capable of basic statistics, it's 50/50: either the Dutch votes decide the winner or they don't
  11. There's actually around a 3% chance that the contest, at least in terms of who wins, is over after the Dutch votes
  12. Ah I knew there was basically the same English saying, but I had forgotten it Thanks!
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