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Everything posted by dareza

  1. Ja isto mislim. Anic, Amela i Dudas. Za ostale je uspeh sto imaju normu
  2. Kakvo je vase misljenje za sp u atletici, ali bez ivane?
  3. Ne bi valjalo protiv Kine da igramo u 1/2 sad. Vidim da igraju opasno sad. Moramo dobiti Italiju
  4. Steta sto nema nigde da se vide svi njegovi biseri
  5. pa oboje su sad u Sloveniji, a i Veljko ce verovatno posto nas savez ima dobre odnose sa njihovim profesionalnim ekipama i onda ih tako posalju Oni koji ostanu ovde da rade sa domacim trenerima tesko da mogu nesto da urade. Posto kapiram da je program treninga istu godinama u nazad.
  6. Ne mora da znaci Jelena je bolja u senirskoj npr nego sto je bila u juniorskoj. Rajovic isto Oni vise i ne rade u Srbiji. A nece ni Veljko dugo ostati ovde.
  7. a uspeh je jos veci ako znamo da oni i nemaju profesionalne bicikle za ovo.
  8. wow Stojnic is great. I hope he will be in top 10 at the end. This result is great for him.
  9. Pity only for 3:2. We were really better in first 3 sets
  10. David Rudisha pulls out of world championships
  11. Hm, nisam znao to. Vrlo moguce. Onda se nadam da ce Rale sam Pa da padne u trans kad Ivana skoci preko 7
  12. Idiot. Im glad that he will miss EC now
  13. Well he had problem with injuries. First one was in 2015. Then after few months he began to train normally and all was ok. He went on preparations in Spain and guess what? New injury. This one was very bizzare. He injured his leg (knee) at the gym. That was in april 2016. And that injury is not good at all. In october he went to Czech Republic to train with Pavel Maslak and his coach, and he was there about 100 days, but it seems that again he had problem with his leg. He is now ok, I have him on instagram. We will see next year what will be. Btw he is very nice person. He is always with smile on his face, I never heard from him bad words about all of this. I love to watch his interviews. A very smart and educated guy.
  14. Gledam Ivanine snimke neke iz Rija, i umirem od smeha sad. Setio sam se Raleta i Kovinjala i one situacije kada je padala kisa pa su dobili onaj najlon ili sta vec Drzi ga Rale! " Sada cu uzivo da vam prenosim sta trenutno radim. Sad cu da nas pokrijem najlonom da ne ispadne da smo mi Balkanci zatucani". I dalje se secam od reci do reci sta je pricao Kovinjalo Pa pre trke na 200m za Bolta: "Njegov licni je 19 metara i 74 cm" Pa kad je Bolt uzeo zlato u stafeti, Kovinjalo kaze drugo zlato za Bolta. Rale mu kaze ma trece. Ovaj se ucutao i razmislja kako sad trece. I tisina pola minuta i Rale kaze, pa osvojio je i 200 i Kovinjalo pocne da se smeje ------------------------ Oni ce garant sada prenositi cim nisu plivanje Ovaj sad za plivanje pojma nije imao. Ja sam gledao ES, i onaj tamo ne zna sta prica, mesa imena, ali dobro svakako je bolji.
  15. About Ivana Spanovic, sorry about Serbian team: So Ivana Spanovic team, sorry again, Serbian team have only one chance for medal. Guess where? In long jump. And I hope not only bronze...
  16. Interesting results on WJC and WU23C. 31 nations have at least one medal - great for this sport Cuba won 4, Mexico 3 medals, Argentina 2. Asia is not that good, only China, Iran and Uzbekistan are good. I thought that Japan will be good, but they are far from good
  17. I watched only few matches and I have to say that from this championship future stars imo are Musina and Vadeeva from Russia, Magbegor from Australia and Carter from USA. Japan has interesting team, but there is no big star, unfortunately. Usually I was right about this
  18. USA is not U19 world champion! Congrats Russia. What a players are Musina and Vadeeva
  19. 21.45 for Bosnian Mesud Pezer few days before WC
  20. and guess what this is second best ever world aquatics championship for Russia. They were better only 2007 with also 25 medals, but had 11 golds. But here they had 6x4.places in swimming. So, this is maybe better. hm, what I said after second Russian medal in diving?
  21. Still I think that Russia made mistake with Prigoda.Yes, he won bronze on 100, but his time 59.02 is not that good.
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