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Totallympics Superstar
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Again poor recieving and digging by Brazil
  2. ES commentator said that she is here against the Talibans decision.
  3. Wow, great story Rain wont help her her (probably) sore ankle. She has few supporters along the road
  4. Great match Patrice vs Rahbari too.
  5. Ima 37 godina i nakon svega, svih priprema, dobijemo OVO. Ne znam... Toliko iskustva i ovako zabrlja svaki put. Osim Damira i djelimicno stafete... Utisak
  6. Shameful performance by Hungarians
  7. Szilagyi in huge trouble
  8. What a match between Szatmari and Apithy.
  9. Asian final in 48 kg for sure.
  10. Smetov could win 3rd medal in a row.
  11. 11. mjesto nije lose ali... Velimir je bio na preko 49, Acin oko 48.
  12. Looks like bronze for
  13. What a mistake for AUS
  14. Milica sada protiv Martinez, ako pobijedi repasaz. Svakako odlican rezultat! Damir
  15. Or state project. Always the same story with them.
  16. Dosta rezervisano. Veliki zaostatak ali ipak u skladu sa ocekivanjima. Za pocetak
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