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Everything posted by cjsavory

  1. Ahmedabad would be brutally hot in July/August, as would a couple of the other cities rumoured to be bidding (Seoul, Cairo, Doha). To be honest, Istanbul wouldn't be all that pleasant either. Going to be interesting to see how much they start to take things like that into account when selecting host cities - don't really want another 2022 World Cup situation, where you end up having to move the Games much later in the year. Of course with my British hat on, I'm looking at 2036 host selection through the lens of which option would best facilitate another London (or Manchester/Birmingham) bid in the 2040s! London 2048 obviously makes the most sense, but if they take the Games back to Asia in 2036, then maybe South America in 2040, it could happen in 2044...
  2. Thank you! I plan to stand in my garden this evening, and solemnly wave a comically large flag back and forth to mark my victory.
  3. You're now Tom Pidcock standing next to his punctured tyre, needing a final lap miracle...
  4. Athletics: Any Brits in the top twenty? NO Ceremonies: Who is/are the flagbearer(s)? KJT and Toby Roberts Cycling Track: Any golds? YES Modern Pentathlon: Gold? NO Weightlifting: Does Campbell get a medal? YES
  5. Yep! It's sort of the anti-London. 29 Golds from 65 medals in 2012 was a ridiculous ratio, even accounting for the fact it was a home Games. To drop down to 14-15 from what looks like it'll end up being 65+ total medals is not far off equally ridiculous in the other direction. Them's the breaks sometimes, I guess!
  6. I'd say 64-66 for total medals, not 60-62. Already on 58, plus the guaranteed Gold/Silver from Cunningham. Then you've got the 4x400s, the MP women, Finucane/Capewell, Carlin, Men's Madison, Women's Omnium, Artistic Swimming, Muir... Hard not to see another 4-5 medals out of that lot.
  7. Yes, at this point I think it's more likely we win two more Golds than zero. McGowan still in with a shot at Bronze too!
  8. Or that she didn't quite stick that second hand on Boulder 4 - she was so close to it!
  9. Surprised by how strong Kothari was after that disastrous second dive. With even an average score for that one, he'd have qualified 2nd or 3rd.
  10. Artistic Swimming: Do we get a medal? YES Athletics: Do we get a 1500M medal? NO Cycling Track: Do we win a Madison medal? YES Diving: Do any Brits come top 5? NO Golf: Do any Brits have an par-or-better day? YES Modern Pentathlon: Does Choong come top 5? NO Sport Climbing: Does McNeice come top 5? NO Taekwondo: Does CUNNINGHAM win a medal? YES
  11. Will any of those be Gold? I'd guess the best chances are Finucane, Men's Madison, Kate French, and one of the Taekwondo fighters. Realistically...maybe 1-2 of those?
  12. On total medals, I think we can pretty much count on 3 more from the Cycling (between Finucane/Caldwell, Men's Keirin, Men's Madison, Women's Omnium), plus the two Athletics relays. That's 62. Think it's fair to project that between the two Modern Pentathlon women, two Taekwondo fighters, Muir, and Artistic Swimming, we might get another two. That's 64. Anything beyond that (Emily Campbell, McNeice, Noah Williams, Burgin, or additional medals from the cyclists/pentathletes/Taekwondo fighters) would be a nice bonus, and take us past Tokyo.
  13. Just caught up on Joe Choong's results today - even if he'd had a perfect ride, in addition to his 1st-place swim and 1st-place laser run, he'd still only have come 3= in his SF. Really is SO annoying about the Fencing RR yesterday.
  14. Two PBs in the seven events for KJT, plus her best High Jump for over five years, and I think her second best ever Javelin. Ironically, if she 'lost' it anywhere, it was on events where she's normally super-solid - Hurdles, 200m and Long Jump, where she probably barely hit par, in terms of points scored. Honestly don't think she lost anything though - that's a superb Silver.
  15. Pretty exciting flurry of medals right there! Madison and W4x100 *could've* got Gold, but ultimately did brilliant work to secure Silver, and that's fine by me. The margins are so fine here - literally hundredths of a second - and in both cases 2nd feels like a perfectly good result.
  16. Massive run from Anning - broke the British record by over a tenth of a second on a wet track! Can't ask for any more than that.
  17. AMAZING!!! That might be a top 3 moment of the Games for me so far - I literally yelped when Anraku came off! Just a superb climb from Toby Roberts.
  18. If Thiam doesn't improve with her 3rd throw (BIG if), the gap will be 7.2 seconds. Gap between their PBs is 6.2 seconds. So not quite over, but a big, big ask.
  19. 44.64! Unless she falls over in the 800m, that should be enough for a medal.
  20. Anna Hall having a horrific LJ was very helpful. She's a better 800m runner than KJT, but their Javelins are similar, so she shouldn't now be a factor. Noor Vidts also probably not a big threat to Kat, unless something weird happens. Anouk Vetter too far back. Right now, I'm not really sure where the threat to KJT getting a medal is going to come from (obvious answer: from herself).
  21. 6.40 isn't big exactly, but it's pretty much on par with what she's been jumping in recent years, and keeps her in very good position for Silver or Bronze, assuming she doesn't screw up the Javelin. Could've done with putting 30-50 points into Thiam to retain a realistic shot at Gold, but that was always going to be tough - Thiam's actually been a slightly better long-jumper than KJT in recent years.
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