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Chemical death

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  • Date of Birth
  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Atheletics badminton tennis
  • Favourite Athletes
    Neeraj Chopra
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  1. What's the result of women's 20 km walk???...has anyone from 🇮🇳🇮🇳 qualified in this event today??(Priyanka goswami had already qualified previously)...I hope the remaining two slots will be filled also..🤗🤗
  2. any update on today's Greco-Roman Roman ???
  3. Ok ok..sorry for this..actually I am not getting access to the results of this I got it
  4. Who has already won a quota in M1x??....and what's the update of LMX1??
  5. Where to watch the live stream??...please let me know it
  6. Can I see it live??..please let me know
  7. Can you plz send the link of the source from where are you getting the results?
  8. Any update about the results?? ..where can I find those ?
  9. All the best to our country
  10. So.. what's the latest news??
  11. As Uruguay and Mexico qualified via Continental qualification so rest of them will compete for 7 or 5 quotas ?? [Will these two quotas count..?]
  12. 🇮🇳 can earn two more quotas from this championship.The shooters have to focus on the upcoming Shotgun championship where India had struggled to obtain quotas in the past year
  13. All the 7 olympic quotas will be allocated today??
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