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    United States of America
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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Winter Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Ice hockey
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  • Real Name
    Bob Golembeski
  • Living City
    Maricopa az
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    Transportation Supervisor

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  1. We will know much more on June 27. The state of Arizona is selling 110 acres of land just outside of the city limits of Phoenix on the 27th . Its not in any city so community issues don't exist. As of this moment the Coyotes are the only bidder. The NHL did not want to wait for the stadium build which will take a couple years. So we will see what occurs.
  2. There is much more to this story... Arizona Coyotes will be sold to NHL for 1 billion. Then NHL will sell to Salt Lake for 1.2 billion. IF the Coyotes complete their new stadium within the next 5 years they will be immediately granted a expansion franchise along with one other city.
  3. I am looking forward to Great Britain vs Japan both Round 3 winners playing each other. Should be a fun game
  4. Good that Belarus is out. Russia gets another year in the iffy Olympics. I suspect the replacement will be Hungary. They are the highest ranked.
  5. If you hear anything about the results from this meeting would you post it here ! In the USA they rarely give any info on the IIHF. Thanks in advance
  6. I think 2 other possible options are where only one team is needed 1) They could kick Belarus out of the Olympics because they have to make that decision now but leave Russia in the iffy position because the Olympics are not till 2026 ! Then make the final decision on Russia in the Olympics at a later date. 2) They could do what FIBA always does. Kick both out but add only one team. Then say the three winners plus the highest ranking non-winner advances to the Olympics. Basically saying Slovakia you have to play the 3 games but your in anyway.
  7. Do you still think we will find out about Belarus this coming week at the meetings ? I would guess if Belarus is out then I suspect Hungary would replace them ( might have been Poland but now that they lost again i assume Poland is out)
  8. Glad Unkraine made it. I must give credit to Estonia also. They came to play when really there was nothing at stake for them.
  9. Okay since you kind of called Japan. Let me ask you about the 2 games that matter tomorrow. Ukraine must win to advance. Any trouble winning over Estonia ? Your take on Romania vs Great Britain ?
  10. Japan putting up a fight. Great Britain rolling over Serbia. Romania will have a hard time tomorrow.
  11. Ukraine- Poland was the best game of the first two rounds... Ukraine still has to beat Estonia. If they lose Poland or even South Korea could advance. For me i was torn on this game. I am a American but my dad was from Poland and my mom from Ukraine
  12. Ukraine did it on shootouts ! They still have to beat Estonia to advance to finals. Never thought they had a chance after the 1st period.
  13. I must admit i thought Ukraine after the win over South Korea might just give Ukraine a long shot chance of a upset. After watching 1st period i doubt they have any chance. Out shot 16-4 Poland is outplaying them by a large margin. UKR lucky to get out of 1st period down only 1-0. Of course after i said that its now 1-1 late in 2nd period... Ukraine playing a lot better in the 2nd period.
  14. With South Korea win Ukraine clinches if they beat Poland in regulation. Will be tough but a great game to watch.
  15. Looks like Poland vs Ukraine tomorrow for the right to advance. Depending on how both games in the group go it could be clinched on Friday.
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