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Everything posted by intoronto

  1. Not them listing the actual home address of an athlete (wont list due to privacy)
  2. Never really understood African country's desires to always build soccer stadiums with an athletics track, its like Canada and 2 sided stand stadiums.
  3. I have so much FOMO with these games, I really wanted to go but they only wanted Koreans
  4. You'd be surprised at the popularity of hockey. Primarily because of the NHL. If there wasn't a league as such, it would probably be at the bottom with water polo
  5. The women are always super close. With a good coach. It's sad they haven't gotten their chance yet.
  6. I think it's because field hockey appears to be somewhat unpredictable and worldwide vs the current water polo qe
  7. Possibly Julia Tunks can be added in athletics, I have faith she will qualify through the standard or WR.
  8. Looks like we would have our fave. Also have heard Panansports asked Canada to consider it (in particular Toronto) but it's not happening
  9. @Topicmaster1010 Thought it would just be easier to comment on your predictions Archery: This depends on if Kristine Esebua can compete for Canada. Her omission from the Pan Am Games implies she is not a citizen yet. This article also implies that. I think she will be able to in the end, and should be a favourite for one of the quota spots. +1 Athletics: Gabriela Debues-Stafford should be back for this season (and qualify, hopefully injury is fully recovered). AFAIK Liz Gleadle is still aiming for 2024. So +2 here. Judo: Julien Frascadore should qualify through the rankings, he burst onto the scene last year. Can see him moving up in the rankings +1 Wrestling: I would add Amar Dhesi in the continental quotas. +1
  10. Hockey schedule is finalized but curling has yet to release anything yet (which is surprising, considering they are usually on top of things)
  11. Personally I think it was adding Breaking to Paris 2024, but this is also another bad decision
  12. just thrashed so much for the gap improving in women's hockey
  13. Kelsey Mitchell did not compete at nationals and declined selection to the first Nations Cup
  14. Paraguay seems very keen here. A country with the 10th of the GDP of Colombia seems like a disaster waiting to happen, especially since the 2025 junior pan ams are going there. It's either going to be them or Lima (they seem very keen and host a lot of events) or Santiago b2b.
  15. Now official:
  16. lol I actually don't think I voted for anyone Thank you to those who voted for me, and most of all thank you to @vinipereirafor running an amazing thread!
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