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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by ManuCHIL

  1. thank you! They are one of the most loved athletes right now, so I'm very happy for them and their fans
  2. He is not in any list right now as an olympian
  3. This sounds exciting!!! I hope it can be a consistent bid :D
  4. amazing winner!!! It's funny to picture all those conservatives that spent a lot of money on Israel and that territory obtained a lower place than last year xD
  5. Eurovision IS political and it must stay that way France is also another one expressing his views Another news, It seems that an israeli member made fun of joost's dad, ending with joost hitting this person.
  6. I have a friend there and things are getting heavier. A lot of drones, snipers, people fighting in the arena....
  7. that statement is so fake, that I wouldn't waste my time trying to clarify it. In spanish we say "no aclares, que oscurece" (don't explain, it gets darker) meanwhile, there are so many facts about what Israel is doing, probably you are brainwashed as in any country that it's in a war.
  8. and after all that you state...Israeli state was settle ... it just make it worse. you are bitter, you insult me ... Enjoy being the most hated country from the west world
  9. Ok, attack me a little bit more, but this is the eurovision topic, and I was talking about my wishes, and historical facts from the eurovision history, what are you doing?
  10. I would change Serbia with Australia, but in general an amazing show!! Now the darkest semifinal and moment in the history of eurovision (like the Bosnian jury calling from a bunker in the 90') I do hope that Israel won't qualify, they are not a peaceful country and they don't deserve to enjoy this type of shallow activities. Probably the EBU will use fake applause so the show will look very amateur, so sad
  11. F_ _ _ the stage is amazing!!
  12. thank you for all the points awarded to Chile :D!! Congratz to the big winner!!
  13. I LOVE all these 12 songs :D 12.Suiza 10.Italia 08.Noruega 07.Suecia 06.Lituania 05.Armenia 04.Irlanda 03.Grecia 02.España 01.Bélgica --------- 00.Croacia 00.Austria
  14. I don't think I would have time to post those votes ... so it's not necessary to give me a good schedule
  15. Switzerland: OH MY GOD I JUST LOVED IT The Netherlands: It's catchy but not as much as Finland Cyprus: A nice bop as usual from cyprus I'm so happy that there is NO bad song this year so far, really
  16. yeah, there is a huge problem with the juries that preselect the songs...there was another song leaked that was the second back up was as good as baby lasagna ... so the obvious question is, were there more good songs that wasn't selected??
  17. please, read the whole story...if you think that 23/24 governors are wrong and only "the chosen by god" president is's kind of weird.
  18. you are wrong...the right parties are throwing fits because the president has become delusional. The whole south (most of them right wing governors) will stop the oil and gas transport to the rest of the country until Milei change his manners.
  19. A new balkanization process has started in Argentina .. things are getting really complicated right now
  20. Today croatia will choose their song Baby lasanga it's the maximum favorite, but Dora it's a really special place, with a really special who knows jajaja
  21. I just voted. I only loved my top 1, my second place even though I didn't love it, it was veeeeery good, the contest needs more songs like that. I have to say it....there is A LOT of songs that sounds very similar, including my song, so I'm really worried jajaja :P
  22. I liked latvia, very professional Italy is amazing!! she can really perform the song
  23. I read that it's something related with his napolitan (?) origin ...can you elaborate? :P jejejeje Latvia: I hope it will be tick tock, dons, funkinbiz or ecto ( I love latvian music, this NF always provides me of a lot of songs Finland: Sara Siipola, but all of them are really good Italy: Angelina Mango is my biggest fav!!! I hope she can win even though I recognize that at least other 6 songs have the potential to fight for the eurovision trophy
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