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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Any bets Caballero won't play again for ARG after this World Cup? Sampaoli will be grilled alive back home...
  2. Yeah, that's bullshit. Leckie was far more invloved in attack than Eriksen and the Arzani sub created more danger in front of goal than Eriksen all match IMO. Eriksen did what Ronaldo in the Morocco game. Score an early goal and do nothing after that.
  3. Eriksen was invisible in the 2nd half. If Australia showed more courage, they could have won this.
  4. 4 free kick goals have been scored so far: 1. Golovin vs KSA, 2. CR vs SPA, 3. Kolarov vs CRC and 4. Quintero vs JPN.
  5. Dzyuba is like 1.95m tall or something. I guess he's the better option vs the Egyptian CBs.
  6. Yeah, Piszczek's age is catching up with him for a while now. Injuries too. He's expected to retire from national team after this WC.
  7. Well great, we picked Cionek as Glik's replacement here. Cionek/Pazdan is the main weakness here, hopefully Mane doesn't explore that too often...
  8. Perkeman will be grilled for taking Cuadrado off in the first half. They had like zero quality in midfield since that happened. Colombia's defeat isn't the best of news for Poland unless this team is truly that bad here.
  9. What do Serbia and Costa Rica have in common with Ghana and Chile DNQ?
  10. Don't see it coming, Nigeria on paper looked only better than Saudi Arabia so far. I expect 0 pts for them. Getting all the action through Moses is predictable and easy to stop. The keeper can't put the ball into play at all and is a huge liability.
  11. Peru giving Eriksen acres of space.... and they get punished for it.
  12. Cueva buckled under pressure. He's supposedly the big star of the team but he couldn't handle the pressure.
  13. Another let down from Argentina (allthough I'm happy for Iceland here). Their issue remains that if Messi has a day off, the entire team has a day off. They're too reliant on him.
  14. Bahrain also does it, they buy East African runners all the time because it all comes down to money. Kenya & Ethiopia are poor, Qatar has the oil fields. Nobody's gonna tell the rich what they should do, Kenya & Ethiopia least of all. Of course in football they're gonna buy Brazilians and Argentinians most likely.
  15. Qatar has bought everything now, World Cup, World Athletics Champs, World Handball champs, their handball team had like two natives and rest just foreigners bought for cash. I wonder how many natives will play football in four years time? Qatar is one huge desert, you might as well play in on Sahara but Qatar has the money to bankroll their wishes. Besides, I'm from Poland that has never been described as a Western country
  16. Ref has to get the call from VAR referees first. If there's no call then he made no mistakes.
  17. Pepe's years of bullshit play deserved that schooling from Costa!!!
  18. The game was pretty entertaining, both teams knew they had to win with Spain/Portugal ahead. Silly defeat for Morrocco but that's the old sin for any African team. They just don't have tactical prowess to keep the game under full control. That was a needless foul that lead to the OG.
  19. Kara in Polish means penalty or punishment so you're right about that However pilka also means hand saw in Polish It's generally a term for any kind of a ball in first place. Hand saw: Football magazine: Dostoyevski's "Crime & Punishment"
  20. It's USRR Instead of Robbie Williams, they should have brought this guy for the opening ceremony:
  21. The weather in Morocco resembles the Brazilian weather more I'm Russia didn't want to go to Africa though Even though they have one of the warmest if not the warmest summers in Europe.
  22. I've never read so much bullshit in one post before...
  23. Uzbekistan pretty much blew the second straight qualies. They seem genuinely stronger than KSA.
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