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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Have you ever heard of split rounds in biathlon?
  2. Ski jumping is way bigger in Poland than USA. Reports are 2020 could have been the last year of FIS Cup events. Climbing the hill by foot shouldn't take place in XXI century. Without the elevator Iron Mountain has no chance of hosting World Cup events anytime soon. Someone who preaches change should embrace that. If you want "insane stunts" rather than World Cup that's your choice. I bet incidents of people breaking legs or necks won't make the global news though.
  3. Yep, Steamboat Springs is dead and Iron Mountain hasn't done any improvements since 1996. It's a miracle it hasn't ended like Harrachov yet.
  4. You're fighting another political war. I'm OUT. Go insult someone else. You have insulted me enough already with the "Poles are racist pricks" comments so I should have known better. Now you're calling me a crying litte bitch. Geez, just how evil are you? You've ruined the thread about the best winter sport there is.
  5. TV stations only think about themselves though and their precision time window. If you're so focused on what other think do you realize what's the real reason the 50k time trial was canned and hell, even 10km time trial looks like too long? They got rid of the skiathlon too. Sprints are great for TV. Three minutes of racing and five minutes or TV commercials. No wonder TV loves this format so much.
  6. I have seen the change already. 10k mass start in cross country. And Johaug still wins. The more things change the more they stay the same
  7. Iron Mountain doesn't even have an elevator along the ski jumping hill and you have to climb the hill by foot. Time stood still there since 1996. But they actually hosted the FIS Cup last weekend. Over in Thunder Bay they have demolished the 1995 World Champs ski jumping hill complex already. It's tough to come there if there is no facility to begin with
  8. I don't watch half-pipe, slopestyle or big air. That's boring for me. I don't know how the scores are made and why one 360 elevation is better than the other 360 twist or whatever. It's just outdoor gymnastics on skis. Very boring. But it doesn't last over 30 minutes so the millenials love it
  9. Wrong. Even 50k time trial doesn't last 6 hours. Like I've said, your generation is all about the short attention span BS. You have nothing to offer beyond that. If any sporting event lasts more than 30 minutes you are bitching about everything.
  10. Since when getting rid of tradition is automatically an improvement? You will be old one day too and then you will be the one dismissed as pointless IMO
  11. Biathlon is a complete niche sport in USA. You used to be right up there in nordic combined too and it's like Steamboat Spring has fallen off the Earth or something now. The rise of freestyle skiing has killed all the traditional winter skiing sports in USA IMO.
  12. That's the whole idea. The big countries want to create a special environement where only they can dominate. Big nations, big TV markets, big money. Nobody wants someone from Kazakhstan as biathlon's top performer
  13. Your generation's ideas are usually short-attention span nonsense tbh. Break dance as Olympic sport takes the cake so far
  14. I'm sorry but nobody convinces me a 10k mass start is exciting and time trials are boring. Time trials are getting removed due to TV demands. They want a short, sweet event with a fixed time zone. It has nothing to do with "fans being confused". TV doesn't want a three hour time window for a 50km time trial so they forced the mass start BS where you can turn away to show sth else at any stage. After all, you might as well show the start and the last 5-10 kms since it's all that matters. Nothing what happens between 1-45 kms really matters. You know the Norwegians will split the pack to 20-30 top athletes literally 5kms into the race anyway.
  15. That's pure blasphemy. Your age is showing. You were born in the mass start era so you don't know what excitement time trial brings. You'd probably hate the 1998 WOG individual where Pieralberto Carrara shot 20/20 with Bib #3 and it took Halvard Hanevold with Bib #68 IIRC to surpass him. Biathlon is heading towards cross country skiing where the fastest skiers will win all the time regardless of missed shots. Slower skiers will have no chance to be rewarded for a perfect shooting. Even now Lisa Teresa Hauser has no chance of a podium finish even if she hits 20/20. Nadezhda Skardino was probably the last of Olympic medallists who was rewarded for her shooting skills while being a mediocre skier.
  16. This is the same BS excuse they used to get rid of time trial races in cross country. Now even 10km is a damn mass start there. Totally pathetic. It's 21st century, you got big TV screens in the stadium where you can follow the live results PLUS everyone has a damn smartphone these days where you can follow the live results. IBU's live timing page is a work of art where you can check everything instantly. Don't sell me "people are confused" crap because it's a complete nonsense. It's not 1979 anymore.
  17. Speaking of video games featuring biathlon I played this one on my Amiga over 25 years ago Biathlon was only available in full Olympics mode IIRC and the other events were mixed in between the shootings, alpine skiing downhill, ski jumping, bobsleigh and short track. CPU results were fixed (there were three levels though) and I remember Norway and Spain always finished 1-2 in biathlon unless you chose one of these countries yourself. I believe you could choose max. 4 human players.
  18. I feel like super sprints will enter the WC frame sometime in this decade and maybe 60 athletes mass starts but that would obviously require some range developments. Pursuits are the cheap fruit, they could be removed IMO. Individual has been downgraded to just three events per season so the next step is to remove it completely which would be horrible on all accounts.
  19. Sadly the super sprints and stadium crap are upon us in biathlon. They got rid of the 50km in cross country and they will probably get rid of the individual which is a crying shame. Biathlon is losing importance when it comes to shooting, now individual is just about the only event where shooting 20/20 actually matters. I won't even say a word about this being "too complicated". It's obviously a total BS.
  20. NASCAR was still on Eurosport back then (and F1 too). Then the Pay-Per-View TV took over My first memory of NASCAR on TV was Rusty Wallace flying in the air at Talladega in 1993:
  21. Totally forgot about that! Now they have to do something with the ski jumping hill complex, right? Or will they hold the ski jumping in Szczyrk?
  22. Darlington is easily the best NASCAR track outside of Daytona/Talladega. World 600 obviously happens on the same day as Indy 500. Daytona, Talladega, Darlington and Charlotte were the Big 4 tracks of NASCAR back in the Winston Cup days. I'm old enough to remember they were still racing for the Grand Slam 1 million dollars in the 90s. Now all that extra money goes for the All-Star weekend.
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