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  1. What's new in this club
  2. final list updated according to Chinese official delegation list
  3. Athletics updated and team size finalized if no more last minute reallocation
  4. Archery team is confirmed.
  5. 标黄的是什么意思? 尚未确定嘛? 另外,激流回旋那里不是陈雨乐,是李诗婷
  6. Athletics updated according to WA final Race to Paris ranking, but unconfirmed by NOC yet
  7. shooting updated
  8. Wrestling updated
  9. Volleyball updated 2034.06.29
  10. Tennis and Cycling updated 2024.06.28
  11. Rowing and Canoeing list updated
  12. China Confirmed the athletes in women‘s waterpolo team,women‘s hockey team and women‘s rugby-seven team.
  13. Women‘s 3*3 basketball team、women's archery team/individual also have chance to get a medal.
  14. (forward from my post on other thread) China Prediction 1. Diving - 7 golds 12 medals - usually losing 1 gold just not sure which one yet 2. Table Tennis - 5 golds 7 medals - facing many challenges on men's single but still unlikely to drop the gold 3. Weightlifting - 5 golds 6 medals - men's 73kg Shi Zhiyong is not the favorite while other weights should be safe 4. Swimming - 4 golds 10 medals - chances from men's 100/200 breast, 200 IM, 100 free, women's 100 fly, 100 breast, men and mixed medley relay for golds 5. Shooting - 4 golds 10 medals - many chances for pistols and rifles events and some of them will get golds 6. Artistic Gymnastics - 4 golds 8 medals - almost sure men's rings and PB + one of women's BB/UB + one of men's AA/team 7. Badminton - 3 golds 6 medals - bigger chances for mixed double and women's double + maybe one of men's single/women's single/men's double 8. Boxing - 1 gold 3 medals - some random women's weights or men's 80kg may get one gold 9. Sprint Canoeing - 1 gold 3 medals - big chance for WC2 get gold and medal chances for WC1 and MC2 10. Trampoline - 1 gold 3 medals - equal chances for men‘s and women's to get gold but also high chance to make error 11. Artistic Swimming - 1 gold 2 medals - big chance for both golds but also high probability to make some error on some random routine 12. Taekwondo - 1 gold 2 medals - bigger chances for women's 57kg and also some slim chances for other weights 13. Athletics - 5 medals - medal chances for women's shot put/discus/hammer throw/race walking, men's long jump/triple jump but none of these are favorites 14. Wrestling - 3 medals - some medal chances for all participating women's weights and men's freestyle 57/125, greco 60/130 15. Sport Climbing - 2 medals - medals chances for men's and women's speed sport climbing but very unpredictable 16. BMX freestyle - 2 medals - big medal chances for women's BMX freestyle but not favorite to win the gold 17. Breaking - 1 medal - big medal chance for women also some probability to win the gold 18. Track Cycling - 1 medal - medal chance for women's team sprint 19. Fencing - 1 medal - some chance for women's team/individual epee and very slim chance for women's individual foil 20. Rowing - 1 medal - medal chance for W4x also some gold probability 21. Rhythmic Gymnastics -1 medal - medal chance for group AA 22. Sailing - 1 medal - slim medal chances for men and women's windsurfing and kite but very unpredictable 23. Basketball - 1 medal - medal chance for women's team Some other slim medal chances: Women's golf, Women's tennis single/double, Judo Women's 78/78+, Women's volleyball, Women's skateboarding street Total 37 golds 91 medals
  15. 欢迎大家讨论关于金牌点,奖牌点,奖牌榜相关事项
  16. 记录中国实时奥运资格人数(7月13日官方名单公布) 总数(不含P卡):388 总数(含P卡):405 射箭:6 王岩、李中原、考文超、李佳蔓、安崎轩、杨晓蕾 花样游泳:8 冯雨、常昊、王赐月、张雅怡、王柳懿、王芊懿、肖雁宁、向玢璇 田径:54 谢震业、王嘉男、徐卓一、巩立姣、宋佳媛、冯彬、赵杰、王峥、林雨薇、吴艳妮、莫家蝶、何杰、杨绍辉、吴向东、张德顺、夏雨雨、白丽、马振霞、杨家玉、刘虹、切阳什姐、张俊、李炎东、王朝朝、贺相红、葛曼棋、李玲、牛春格、熊诗麒、曾蕊、孙悦、姜至超、李江燕、吕会会、戴倩倩、刘俊茜、秦伟搏、谢智宇、王振、黄博凯、钟涛,姚捷、张溟鲲、石雨豪、朱亚明、方耀庆、粟文、王琦、李玉婷、许双双、陈佳鹏、吴智强、严海滨、邓智舰 羽毛球:16 石宇奇、李诗沣、陈雨菲、何冰娇、梁伟铿、王昶、刘雨辰、欧煊屹、陈清晨、贾一凡、刘圣书、谭宁、郑思维、黄雅琼、冯彦哲、黄东萍 五人篮球:12 韩旭、黄思静、李梦、李缘、李月汝、罗欣棫、孙梦然、王思雨、武桐桐、杨力维、杨舒予、张茹 三人篮球:8 万济圆、王丽丽、张芷婷、陈明伶、朱渊博、张宁、赵嘉仁、陆文博 沙滩排球:2 薛晨、夏欣怡 拳击:8 吴愉、常园、许紫春、杨文璐、杨柳、李倩、托合塔尔别克·唐拉提汗、韩雪振 霹雳舞:3 刘清漪、曾莹莹、亓祥宇 皮划艇激流回旋:3 全鑫、黄娟、李诗婷 皮划艇静水:15 卜廷凯、王从康、张冬、董毅、刘浩、季博文、李冬崟、殷梦蝶、王楠、孙悦雯、俞诗梦、陈雨乐、徐诗晓、孙梦雅、林文君 小轮车:2 孙佳琪、邓雅文 山地自行车:2 伍志帆、米久江 公路自行车:2 唐欣、吕先景 场地自行车:7 鲍珊菊、郭裕芳、苑丽颖、刘佳丽、郭帅、周瑜、刘琦 跳水:10 王宗源、谢思埸、杨昊、曹缘、龙道一、练俊杰、陈艺文、昌雅妮、陈芋汐、全红婵 马术:2 华天、孙华东 击剑:12 陈情缘、黄芊芊、王雨婷、莫梓维、陈海威、许杰、孙一文、余思涵、唐君瑶、王子杰、杨恒郁、沈晨鹏 曲棍球:16 李红、陈阳、谷丙凤、马宁、张影、范云霞、钟嘉琪、但文、何江欣、叶娇、欧紫霞、陈怡、杨榴、邹妹容、谭金僮、徐纹娱 高尔夫:4 袁也淳、窦泽成、殷若宁、林希妤 体操:10 邹敬园、张博恒、刘洋、肖若腾、孙炜、邱祺缘、周雅琴、欧钰珊、张怡涵、罗欢 艺术体操:6 王子露、郭崎琪、郝婷、黄张嘉洋、王澜静、丁欣怡 蹦床:4 严浪宇、王梓赛、胡译乘、朱雪莹 柔道:6 郭宗英、朱叶青、蔡琪、唐婧、马振昭、徐仕妍 马拉松游泳:1 辛鑫 现代五项:3 李澍寰、罗帅、张明煜 赛艇:14 崔晓桐、陈云霞、张 灵、张书贤、邹佳琪、鲁诗雨、刘晓鑫、吕 扬、王子凤、沈双美、邱秀萍、徐星叶、刘治宇、阿迪里江·苏里坦 七人制橄榄球:12 谷瑶瑶、刘潇倩、闫美玲、陈可怡、马晓丹、胡宇、窦欣蓉、周燕、阮洪婷、杨飞飞、孙悦、王笑 帆船帆板:13 黄敬业、闫铮、黄齐滨、陈静乐、顾敏、温在鼎、刘添、胡晓宇、单梦缘、徐臧军、吕怡筱、麦汇聪、陈琳琳 射击:21 刘宇坤、杜林澍、盛李豪、李越宏、王鑫杰、张博文、谢瑜、张琼月、韩佳予、黄雨婷、赵楠、梁小丫、姜冉馨、李雪、江依婷、魏萌、武翠翠、张鑫秋、齐迎、于海成、吕健林 滑板:4 崔宸曦、曾文蕙、朱沅铃、郑好好 竞技攀岩:7 龙金宝、伍鹏、邓丽娟、周娅菲、潘愚非、张悦彤、骆知鹭 冲浪:1 杨思琪 游泳:31 张雨霏、叶诗文、李冰洁、杨浚瑄、唐钱婷、余依婷、彭旭玮、吴卿风、柳雅欣、杨畅、万乐天、汪雪儿、高唯中、陈露颖、汤慕涵、程玉洁、葛楚彤、孔雅琪、汪顺、徐嘉余、覃海洋、潘展乐、董志豪、季新杰、王浩宇、张展硕、王长浩、孙佳俊、费立纬、陈俊儿、牛广盛 乒乓球:6 王楚钦、樊振东、马龙、孙颖莎、陈梦、王曼昱 跆拳道:6 梁育帅、宋兆祥、郭清、骆宗诗、宋洁、周泽琪 网球:7 王欣瑜、王曦雨、张帅、郑钦文、郑赛赛、袁悦、张之臻 铁人三项:1 林鑫瑜 室内排球:12 袁心玥、朱婷、刁琳宇、高意、龚翔宇、王媛媛、张常宁、李盈莹、郑益昕、丁霞、王梦洁、吴梦洁 水球:13 闫菁、王翾、沈轶能、王欢、陈笑、钟淇云、严思雅、张婧、董文鑫、鹿译文、熊敦瀚、邓泽文、农三凤 举重:6 李发彬、石智勇、刘焕华、侯志慧、罗诗芳、李雯雯 摔跤:12 曹利国、钱海涛、孟令哲、邹万豪、陆锋、哈比拉·阿吾萨衣满、邓志伟、庞倩玉、洪可新、周凤、王娟、冯紫琪

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