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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. We was so close to an all-PanAm final
  2. 100km to go, and Alaphilippe is already out from the peloton.
  3. Sagan ends here his WCh history. And he finished as he stated (DNF 2010 - DNF 2023)
  4. Evenpoel broke away from the first group, Belgium had crazy strategy.
  5. At last some Italian joy in this (awful) morning, Laura qualify for the final
  6. Vedere la formazione dell'Italia ai mondiali, fa salire una tristezza non da poco È triste che il nostro ciclismo si sia ridotto a raschiare il fondo, ormai è solo la cartolina sbiadita di ciò che era.
  7. For the first time since Canberra 1977, South Korea doesn't win a medal on the women's side.
  8. According to PCS, 58 different NOCs compete in the men's event, and that's a new record. Past record was 51 in 2013.
  9. C'mon, at last today the have the cycling men's eve.. ah no wait, we touch a record low here too.
  10. Almeida already with problems and the race hasn't start yet. It's strange that the jury doesn't stop the race.
  11. I guess a non-European country. In the past days I had read something about Japan
  12. Vatican city in the lead On the italian TV, they say that he will try to catch the getaway
  13. Lead semifinals are running The men's one seems quite interesting in the last section.
  14. Quite disappointing qualification for Predomo, hi doesn't even broke the NR.
  15. Italy wasted a big chances, and end with a "wooden medal" Olympic quota to Japan.
  16. South Korea shoot with a medium arrow of 9.58. Deserve final+olympic quota.
  17. South Korea is just from another planet, 59. Fuuck
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