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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. According to the Italian federation, Chamizo will be at the Olympics.
  2. Just for fun, NOCs with an open streak of consecutive Summer Olympic days with at last one medal: Japan — 22 days Italy — 20 days China — 16 days United States — 15 days Great Britain — 15 days Netherlands — 12 days Ukraine — 6 days Hungary — 6 days Canada — 5 days Kenya — 3 days Cuba — 3 days Belgium — 2 days France — 2 days Bulgaria — 2 days Norway — 2 days Brazil — 2 days 1 day streak:
  3. I totally missed that Good luck to him for his recovery!
  4. Sadly Italy will be on the same boat with Israel. Not a nice news.
  5. Ufficializzato il pass olimpico di Savita Russo nel judo -63kg. Dal sito del CONI: "Lo svedese Marcus Nyman (-90 kg), vincendo gli ultimi due Open, ha superato il punteggio della connazionale Ida Eriksson (-70 kg), che ha perso la propria quota facendo diventare la nostra atleta la prima delle escluse. Poi è sopraggiunta una squalifica per doping, che ha automaticamente decretato il passaggio della quota continentale nelle mani di Savita"
  6. Today we should know if Germany will refuse the women's quota
  7. Cesare Butini ha annunciato che la delegazione del nuoto sarà composta da 34-36 atleti, tra cui il giovanissimo D'Ambrosio
  8. Anyone knows if Germany will decline the women's quota?
  9. C'mon, this isn't an Harry Potter's film
  10. Sul sito della federazione internazionale attualmente compare come qualificata mediante quota continentale.
  11. In seguito alla non eleggibilità dell'austriaca, Savita Russo si qualifica alle olimpiadi nel judo
  12. Probably both. The declined, but she could be reject by IOC. Sabalenka supports the Lukashenko's regime.
  13. Apparently Italy was invited but (obviously) decided to boycott. Right choice I would say.
  14. This European champions have the feeling of a fascinating eastern europe champions
  15. Frist international century in the Italian history! Btw, they are foreign with an italian heritage.
  16. That would be a great milestone. I just notice that Ireland still have a chance via ranking, but seems quite lockey for IRL-NED-SCO at next world championship, with Italy - again - as frist non qualified.
  17. When it comes to Italy, I'm superstitious. We are waiting for this afternoon's match
  18. England qualified to Super8, that means that Scotland will be relegated to European qualification in 2026. If England would not qualify, both team could have automatic qualification for 2026. Actually, Ireland, Scotland will be at the regional qualification, plus the today winner of Italy v Romania
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