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  1. I know that @Federer91. I may be the newest member of this community, but I've been following Totallympics and reading everyone's posts as a visitor for about three-four years now.😂
  2. Why is @heywoodu NOT here to greet and welcome me?😶
  3. Happy for all Greek medals as well as for Italy and Russia (two countries I kinda root for in every Summer Olympics for reasons I myself do not know🤷‍♂️😂). And congrats to all medal winners regardless of ethnic background on their achievements.💪
  4. Thnx a million! I pretty much like all winter sports (the same goes for summer Olympic sports), but I do have a slight preference for the more traditional ones, like skiing (alpine & cross country), speed skating, nordic combined and biathlon. Since Greece isn't going to win any medals in China, I'll be rooting for Norway as usual.😂😇
  5. Hi there! New kid on the block hailing from the birthplace of the Olympics. Huge 🇧🇻 fan when it comes to winter sports. Looking forward to Beijing 2022 and to sharing news and views with everyone.😇😊
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