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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Jur

  1. Yup, that's weird. If they are on, a lot of couples had to withdrew before. Like Seguel-Guarachi, a couple, a couple......
  2. My bad, I though a country can only had 2 athletes in doubles. But is 6 in total so it doesn't mather cause doesn't have 4 singles.
  3. So WA changed some things around according to this: is now on men's 800. in women's 1500, in womens 400 hurdles, and in men's 1500, in 110 hurdles. doesn't have a female listed anymore, and is still in 100m. I don't know if any other changes where made.
  4. How can qualify Marcelo Demoliner, Marcelo Melo and Bruno Soares just for the doubles tournament? Doesn't make sense at all with the qualifying process
  5. WA doesn't make sense at all. I just found the case of D'Jamila TAVARES (a not-so-good 3000stp athlete) given an universiality quota in 800m when the country has a much better long jumper in Agate DE SOUSA that also is a 11.81 sprinter (much better than most of the girls that got universiality quotas)...... MAKE IT MAKE SENSE....
  6. There's a weird thing with Martinez, he's still fighting to be selected and could end up in the games still.
  7. We are such clowns....... I dont trust our cycling federation for anything, so I'm going to be nervous until I saw the riders at the starting line lmao Thanks!
  8. Sorry I'm lost. I'm not understanding. So today was the last day to confirm the quotas? But not necesarilly name them? And in that case, when's the deadline to name the athletes?
  9. So, at least they had to name the five today. Then you can do small changes but today at least they had to name the vast mayority of the team. Well, I just hope we didn't loose the quotas....
  10. Yes I was looking at the qualification process just now..... And we didn't name our team lmao. Do we lose our quotas? or the deadline changed? Cause I don't trust our federation, it's not the first time they mess up with things like this (we lost chance to qualify in Track in Rio due to a similar mistake...)
  11. Does anyone know when the last day to name the Olympic squad is? Spain hasnt decided the team jet and apparently they are waiting at least a week more to decide. But I dont know when's the last day is for naming athletes...
  12. And I don't know why not give invitations to the marathon. They gave just 1 to a athlete who probably is going to end like at least 25 minutes behind everyone. Invite 3/4 more athletes, so they can form a small "pack" in the back of the race and run with each other and no just one, cause then it's going to be too obvious. And is the easiest to allocate athletes cause always is going to be an athlete with the olympic standard that struggles and goes over 3 hours for the women, and 2:30 for the men. for the men all have decent marathon runners. And for the women. It creates a decent secondary field that is not going to "humilliate" themselves in the track.
  13. I dont get why just put those athletes in their events. You're going over the limit want it or not, at least gave the best athlete of each country a try. I read thta the athlete their federation propose where all marathonians and WA rejected their quota and asked them to invite their best 100 athlete instead.
  14. Well if the athlete gets stolen cause of the US withdrawals I'm gonna be mad.
  15. For example Spain has a men qualified in 400. so he can name 2 other men and 2 women?
  16. I dont understand the 4x400 mixed relay entry. How many athletes can you enter? Does someone know?
  17. MEN'S 800 YASSINE HETHAT - 1:44.25 MARK ENGLISH - 1:44.71 And 2 more standars (now 4 athletes with the standar, one has to be left out...)
  18. in the same competition: Ana Lucia JOSE TIMA - 14.49 (+0,9)
  19. Women's Triple Jump Nubia Soares - 14.68 (+0.5)
  20. Well, from the theee girls with the exact standar and the +2.0 wind she's the only one in qualyfing ranking place. It's not heartbreaking, is just convinient she's the one that gets the wind adjusted
  21. they just now changed the wind to +2.1, poor girl.
  22. And now: Women's 100 metres Lorene Barzolo - 11.15 (+2.0) They should just try to fake it a little better. Three exact olympic standars in a row with the best wind posible, lol
  23. Women's Long Jump Fátima Diame - 6,82 (+2.0) Evelise Veiga - 6.82 (+2.0) Well... hahaha
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