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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. China AGAIN getting abnormally high scores. 70 something with a fall. Yeah, right.
  2. Vidis sta se desava. Svi junaci nikom ponikose. Propast totalna u svim sportovima pa se i za Novaka plasim.
  3. Draw is a draw, but they somehow managed to demonstrate that 28 is bigger than... well... 28.
  4. Yeah, i was referring exactly to Wiki page. Thanks!
  5. Did Italy changed some of their crew after 1/2f?
  6. To jeste lijep dogadjaj ali mozda bolje da je ostao kuci. Postenije bi bilo i prema njemu i prema nama. Covjek je izgubio od momka koji je daleko ispod njega po kvalitetu i renomeu. Ajde sto je izgubio, nego nacin kako se borio je sramotan. Bolje da je odustao ili tako nesto. Ako neces da se boris, odustani.
  7. Za ovakve nastupe treba imati obraz kao djon. Drugi na listi a bori se kao p.... Sramota! Bruka!
  8. Missed that topic. Yeah, i always liked those olympic fun facts.
  9. Both silver and bronze medalists from Tokyo out (Trippel, Bobonov).
  10. It would also be nice not to have 5 Chinese gold medals.
  11. Didnt watch Polish team for a while, but serves were hellish. Last two points were Leon's serves.
  12. Eldzan je evropski sampion, mislim da ce on biti u 1/4 f. Zgank radi toplo-hladno, a i veteran je. Ovaj Francuz je zanimljiv ali mislim da protiv Azerbejdzanca nema sanse.
  13. Huge surprise, only 2 sets for 1st seeded player.
  14. Trostav mu je mnogo losija disciplina, tako da je ovo zaista veliki rezultat!
  15. Exactly. If someone lands 100 clean punches while his opponent lands just 50, no judge could overrule that, no matter how badly he would like. Boxing cant be like artistic gymnastic where marks are indeed arbitrary. Its not an artistic impression but counting punches. Are they so stupid to realise that...
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