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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. Well, speaking for myself, I'm not too genre oriented (even if sometimes it may seem like it) I try to take the best from each song, and to evaluate whether it is rather unique or has an "X factor" to it, that separates it from the rest of its field. So, it's not that rare for me that she chose two very different songs, if she thought they were pretty amazing on their own.
  2. Not weird, just this isn't as predictable as Eurovision. That's why it is more exciting.
  3. Well, in Mexico they drench pizza in ketchup and hot sauce... plus in some cases, Worcestershire sauce I admitted I used to do it as a kid; now I only used ketchup and hot sauce if the sauce is flavorless.
  4. Well, then don't come to Mexico... they use chorizo, fried beans, peppers and canned tuna as pizza toppings.
  5. Hard, but not impossible... 22 points and still 7 juries to vote (apart from you)
  6. If Slovenia didn't gave points to USA or Ireland this edition could be the most interesting one so far
  7. Time to use the old reliable "I wonder when I'm going to get another point. It's been a long time since a jury give me one!"
  8. Not this time, unfortunately... I couldn't resist k.d.'s performance
  9. Mexico Canada 12 Argentina 11 New Zealand 10 United States 9 Ireland 8 Croatia 7 Brazil 6 Colombia 5 Spain 4 Netherlands 3 Poland 2 Italy 1 Este ha sido mi voto. Agradezco a cada uno por permitirme conocer la música de su país, así como a nuestro gran anfitrión. ¡Hasta la próxima! ------------------------------------------------------------ This has been my vote. I thank each of you for letting me know your country’s music, as well as our great host. Until next time!
  10. Argentina 11 New Zealand 10 United States 9 Ireland 8 Croatia 7 Brazil 6 Colombia 5 Spain 4 Netherlands 3 Poland 2 Italy 1
  11. Mexico ¡Saludos a todos! Es un placer compartir con ustedes otra edición de este concurso. Sin más preámbulo, aquí están los votos del jurado mexicano: ------------------------------------------------------------ Greetings everyone! It is a pleasure to share with you another edition of this contest. Without further preamble, here are the votes of the Mexican jury: New Zealand 10 United States 9 Ireland 8 Croatia 7 Brazil 6 Colombia 5 Spain 4 Netherlands 3 Poland 2 Italy 1
  12. No worries there... I'm aware the strength of the song relies on the instrumental component, since there are not many rockers who are great vocalists; most of them are poor and others just don't know how to use their voces properly.
  13. You're relevant to each edition of the contest, since you're the pro musician in the forum. If it is not too much to ask, I'd like to know your opinion of the Mexican song!
  14. Before I post my vote, I want to say it was for me to pick 12 songs... my list changed many times, so I'm glad I took some notes ala @Werloc, since it helped me with the final ranking. I want to thank every user/country jury that gave points to my song, and I'll acknowledge properly later on.
  15. Good job @amen09 Glad to know some more about Tunisia's cities & landscape, as well as their traditional music.
  16. Oh I know, then I would not interfere if it would made difficult the contest. If I can, I'll get up early and then go to sleep again.
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