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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by konig

  2. For the music festival of music y take (repeat the message ) and
  3. We dont have news disqualifications, thanks to all
  4. Like i think, is the big candidate for not sending the votes before the deadline
  5. You are rigth, it was Manulete, in that case Chile will have that sad record
  6. If Pabloffo dont vote finally, he will have the sad record of two disqualification in the contest, one for dont vote and another for dont present the song.
  7. Like another person who was a tourist before me, i really apreciate your opinion, what another citys did you visit?
  8. Thanks Dan!!, many options to do in your island, i didnt considerer seriusly North Ireland but it can be an option, Ireland is expensive too......i dont want to know about the prices in Iceland and i dont have considerer the irish rains.....we will probably have problems with this if we go in summer.
  9. Good information!!, i dont have many idea about the prices of the things in Europe, i presume it will be beer in many parts of the trip.
  10. Thanks Agger, i never hear about Aarhus before this post, now i know where i cand find you too , in fact from here i dont remember to hear from another danish city except the capital. your confirm me that the scandinavian countrys are more expensive, i hear about that of people who go to Europe BUT dont go to the scandinavians i have some doubts before this. After this, Cracow can be in the list, i dont think before in another Poland city after Warsaw.
  11. Muito obrigado Kamil
  12. Yes, the history is very interesting for me, thanks for the information, i see Eindhoven is not recomend
  13. And from Netherlands?, specially outside Amsterdam, i dont know ay person to go to another part of netherlands except the capital........
  14. Is clearly the most interesting city to visit from the arabian world for me, recently, the argentinians dont need visa to go to UAE, thing that make more atractive to visit, my girldfriend dont want to visit any arabian country but thats another problem.......
  15. The antipathy of the people of Paris is legendary, being honest, how react the normal french if somebody speak in english and not in french?, its only a problem in Paris or in the rest of the France too?, only a few hours there....what you say and your sister is normal, im not from a big city too and Buenos Aires generate me similar feelings, good to visit but terrible to live. i can say mostly of the argentinians who i know they visit your country, the half part only visit Paris and talk about Paris like "France".
  16. Like french, what is your opinion about Paris?, my father told to me that is an overestimate city by him......but he visited your country in 1975, 42 years is too much P.D: is good to read something about tourism outside Paris and the south of France.
  17. I edit, you are rigth.
  18. WOW, very complete Gianlu, thanks , i want to return to the far east of the world (not only Japan) but my girlfriend wants to go to Europe...and like a democratic couple we are, its her turn . Italy and Spain are very sure visit for the most part of us are descendants from both countrys, Venice is a "duty" because is what she wants more (i really dont), Florence is hardly recomended for some friends, it will be interesting to visit some city from the south of Italy, i really dont know that you are from the south, if we go to there, i will inform you previausly if we go to there . For the rest of Europe your "city of your dreams" is one of my priorities, i want to visit too Dublin, Berlin, Prague and Wien of thats list for sure, dont discarding the rest of course.
  19. Thats the big problem: 100 euro are $ 2200 argentinian pesos now, with 300 euros you have the minimum retirement and with 400 the minimum salary......its too expensive for us Europe now and with a sure future devaluation, it will be more expensive.
  20. Do you know Paris and which another cities of France?, i know there are beaituful beachs in the south of France.
  21. There is a chance to visit Europe the next year, dear europeans: which cities or places of your countrys recomend most to visit?, of course if somebody wants, we can drink a beer, i dont say to visit in your homes (in Argentina that is very common but i know is not in the most part of the world)
  22. In my country pass exactly the contrary: an opinion of a famous people, including artist of course, is very relevant for common people.
  23. You are rigth Dan, is a taste thing but the conclusion is like Werloc says indirectly: is more a song for people who are in the musical ambient than common people like us.
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