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Provisional Standing after Day 1


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 ady48 :ROU 48 48                            
2 Herberth :BRA 47 47                            
2 Gianlu33 :ITA 47 47                            
4 FC Mezhgorye :RUS 46 46                            
5 MCMXC :GBR 45 45                            
5 Henry_Leon :ITA 45 45                            
5 tuniscof :TUN 45 45                            
5 rybak :POL 45 45                            
5 africaboy :ROU 45 45                            
10 titicow :BRA 44 44                            
10 Wanderer :NZL 44 44                            
10 Maйкл :RUS 44 44                            
13 LDOG :ARG 43 43                            
13 thepharaoh :EGY 43 43                            
15 stefanbg :BUL 42 42                            
15 heywoodu :NED 42 42                            
17 bestmen :ALG 40 40                            
18 Federer91 :BUL 39 39                            
19 James :GBR 37 37                            
20 vlad :ROU 36 36                            



01: 1st Round, January 15th

02: 1st Round, January 16th

03: 2nd Round, January 17th

04: 2nd Round, January 18th

05: 3rd Round, January 19th

06: 3rd Round, January 20th

07: 4th Round, January 21st

08: 4th Round, January 22nd

09: Quarterfinals ,January 23rd

10: Quarterfinals, January 24th

11: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 1,  Men's  Doubles Semifinals, January 25th

12: Mixed Doubles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 2, Women's Doubles Final, January 26th

13: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, January 27th

14: Men's Singles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, January 28th



Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

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Provisional Standing after Day 2


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 ady48 :ROU 96 48 48                          
2 africaboy :ROU 94 45 49                          
3 Henry_Leon :ITA 93 45 48                          
4 rybak :POL 92 45 47                          
4 FC Mezhgorye :RUS 92 46 46                          
6 bestmen :ALG 91 40 51                          
6 Wanderer :NZL 91 44 47                          
8 titicow :BRA 89 44 45                          
8 thepharaoh :EGY 89 43 46                          
10 LDOG :ARG 88 43 45                          
10 stefanbg :BUL 88 42 46                          
10 MCMXC :GBR 88 45 43                          
10 Maйкл :RUS 88 44 44                          
14 tuniscof :TUN 87 45 42                          
14 heywoodu :NED 87 42 45                          
16 Herberth :BRA 86 47 39                          
16 Federer91 :BUL 86 39 47                          
16 Gianlu33 :ITA 86 47 39                          
19 James :GBR 84 37 47                          
20 vlad :ROU 81 36 45                          
21 OlympicsFan :GER 50 - 50                          



01: 1st Round, January 15th

02: 1st Round, January 16th

03: 2nd Round, January 17th

04: 2nd Round, January 18th

05: 3rd Round, January 19th

06: 3rd Round, January 20th

07: 4th Round, January 21st

08: 4th Round, January 22nd

09: Quarterfinals ,January 23rd

10: Quarterfinals, January 24th

11: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 1,  Men's  Doubles Semifinals, January 25th

12: Mixed Doubles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 2, Women's Doubles Final, January 26th

13: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, January 27th

14: Men's Singles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, January 28th



Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me

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Provisional Standing after Day 3


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 ady48 :ROU 130 48 48 34                        
2 tuniscof :TUN 127 45 42 40                        
3 rybak :POL 124 45 47 32                        
3 africaboy :ROU 124 45 49 30                        
5 Federer91 :BUL 122 39 47 36                        
6 bestmen :ALG 121 40 51 30                        
6 thepharaoh :EGY 121 43 46 32                        
6 Henry_Leon :ITA 121 45 48 28                        
6 Wanderer :NZL 121 44 47 30                        
10 FC Mezhgorye :RUS 120 46 46 28                        
10 Maйкл :RUS 120 44 44 32                        
12 MCMXC :GBR 118 45 43 30                        
13 Herberth :BRA 116 47 39 30                        
14 titicow :BRA 115 44 45 26                        
15 LDOG :ARG 114 43 45 26                        
15 James :GBR 114 37 47 30                        
15 Gianlu33 :ITA 114 47 39 28                        
18 heywoodu :NED 113 42 45 26                        
18 vlad :ROU 113 36 45 32                        
20 stefanbg :BUL 112 42 46 24                        
21 OlympicsFan :GER 94 - 50 44                        



01: 1st Round, January 15th

02: 1st Round, January 16th

03: 2nd Round, January 17th

04: 2nd Round, January 18th

05: 3rd Round, January 19th

06: 3rd Round, January 20th

07: 4th Round, January 21st

08: 4th Round, January 22nd

09: Quarterfinals ,January 23rd

10: Quarterfinals, January 24th

11: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 1,  Men's  Doubles Semifinals, January 25th

12: Mixed Doubles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 2, Women's Doubles Final, January 26th

13: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, January 27th

14: Men's Singles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, January 28th



Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me

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Provisional Standing after Day 4


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 ady48 :ROU 170 48 48 34 40                      
2 thepharaoh :EGY 165 43 46 32 44                      
3 Federer91 :BUL 164 39 47 36 42                      
3 rybak :POL 164 45 47 32 40                      
3 africaboy :ROU 164 45 49 30 40                      
3 Maйкл :RUS 164 44 44 32 44                      
7 bestmen :ALG 159 40 51 30 38                      
7 Wanderer :NZL 159 44 47 30 38                      
9 Henry_Leon :ITA 157 45 48 28 36                      
9 tuniscof :TUN 157 45 42 40 30                      
11 FC Mezhgorye :RUS 156 46 46 28 36                      
12 LDOG :ARG 152 43 45 26 38                      
12 MCMXC :GBR 152 45 43 30 34                      
14 Herberth :BRA 150 47 39 30 34                      
14 James :GBR 150 37 47 30 36                      
14 Gianlu33 :ITA 150 47 39 28 36                      
17 titicow :BRA 149 44 45 26 34                      
17 vlad :ROU 149 36 45 32 36                      
19 stefanbg :BUL 146 42 46 24 34                      
20 heywoodu :NED 145 42 45 26 32                      
21 OlympicsFan :GER 134 - 50 44 40                      



01: 1st Round, January 15th

02: 1st Round, January 16th

03: 2nd Round, January 17th

04: 2nd Round, January 18th

05: 3rd Round, January 19th

06: 3rd Round, January 20th

07: 4th Round, January 21st

08: 4th Round, January 22nd

09: Quarterfinals ,January 23rd

10: Quarterfinals, January 24th

11: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 1,  Men's  Doubles Semifinals, January 25th

12: Mixed Doubles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 2, Women's Doubles Final, January 26th

13: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, January 27th

14: Men's Singles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, January 28th



Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me

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Provisional Standing after Day 5


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 ady48 :ROU 198 48 48 34 40 28                    
2 Federer91 :BUL 196 39 47 36 42 32                    
2 Maйкл :RUS 196 44 44 32 44 32                    
4 africaboy :ROU 192 45 49 30 40 28                    
5 thepharaoh :EGY 189 43 46 32 44 24                    
6 rybak :POL 188 45 47 32 40 24                    
7 tuniscof :TUN 185 45 42 40 30 28                    
8 Wanderer :NZL 183 44 47 30 38 24                    
9 Henry_Leon :ITA 181 45 48 28 36 24                    
10 bestmen :ALG 179 40 51 30 38 20                    
11 James :GBR 178 37 47 30 36 28                    
12 vlad :ROU 177 36 45 32 36 28                    
13 LDOG :ARG 176 43 45 26 38 24                    
13 MCMXC :GBR 176 45 43 30 34 24                    
15 Herberth :BRA 174 47 39 30 34 24                    
15 stefanbg :BUL 174 42 46 24 34 28                    
15 Gianlu33 :ITA 174 47 39 28 36 24                    
18 titicow :BRA 173 44 45 26 34 24                    
19 heywoodu :NED 169 42 45 26 32 24                    
20 FC Mezhgorye :RUS 168 46 46 28 36 12                    
21 OlympicsFan :GER 166 - 50 44 40 32                    



01: 1st Round, January 15th

02: 1st Round, January 16th

03: 2nd Round, January 17th

04: 2nd Round, January 18th

05: 3rd Round, January 19th

06: 3rd Round, January 20th

07: 4th Round, January 21st

08: 4th Round, January 22nd

09: Quarterfinals ,January 23rd

10: Quarterfinals, January 24th

11: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 1,  Men's  Doubles Semifinals, January 25th

12: Mixed Doubles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 2, Women's Doubles Final, January 26th

13: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, January 27th

14: Men's Singles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, January 28th



Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me

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Provisional Standing after Day 6


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 ady48 :ROU 230 48 48 34 40 28 32                  
2 africaboy :ROU 228 45 49 30 40 28 36                  
2 Maйкл :RUS 228 44 44 32 44 32 32                  
4 Federer91 :BUL 224 39 47 36 42 32 28                  
5 thepharaoh :EGY 221 43 46 32 44 24 32                  
6 Wanderer :NZL 219 44 47 30 38 24 36                  
7 LDOG :ARG 216 43 45 26 38 24 40                  
8 rybak :POL 212 45 47 32 40 24 24                  
9 James :GBR 210 37 47 30 36 28 32                  
10 Henry_Leon :ITA 209 45 48 28 36 24 28                  
10 tuniscof :TUN 209 45 42 40 30 28 24                  
12 MCMXC :GBR 208 45 43 30 34 24 32                  
13 bestmen :ALG 207 40 51 30 38 20 28                  
14 Gianlu33 :ITA 206 47 39 28 36 24 32                  
15 vlad :ROU 205 36 45 32 36 28 28                  
16 Herberth :BRA 202 47 39 30 34 24 28                  
16 stefanbg :BUL 202 42 46 24 34 28 28                  
18 titicow :BRA 201 44 45 26 34 24 28                  
19 OlympicsFan :GER 198 - 50 44 40 32 32                  
20 heywoodu :NED 197 42 45 26 32 24 28                  
21 FC Mezhgorye :RUS 192 46 46 28 36 12 24                  



01: 1st Round, January 15th

02: 1st Round, January 16th

03: 2nd Round, January 17th

04: 2nd Round, January 18th

05: 3rd Round, January 19th

06: 3rd Round, January 20th

07: 4th Round, January 21st

08: 4th Round, January 22nd

09: Quarterfinals ,January 23rd

10: Quarterfinals, January 24th

11: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 1,  Men's  Doubles Semifinals, January 25th

12: Mixed Doubles Semifinals, Men's Singles Semifinal 2, Women's Doubles Final, January 26th

13: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, January 27th

14: Men's Singles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, January 28th



Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me

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Men's Singles Quarterfinals Part 1

Australian Eastern Daylight Time (GMT +11)

Date and Venue Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2
January 23rd 2018, h. 11:00, Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne [3] Grigor Dimitrov :BUL     :GBR Kyle Edmund
January 23rd 2018, h. 19:00, Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne [1] Rafael Nadal :ESP     :CRO Marin Cilic [6]




Women's Singles Quarterfinals Part 1

Australian Eastern Daylight Time (GMT +11)

Date and Venue Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2
January 23rd 2018, h. 11:00, Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne Elise Mertens :BEL     :UKR Elina Svitolina [4]
January 23rd 2018, h. 13:00, Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne Carla Suarez Navarro :ESP     :DEN Caroline Wozniacki [2]


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