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  • Cycling - Road



    Quota Places are allocated to the





    Quotas Allocated

    through Rankings



    073952b6oz74zu7xv05i6v.png Road Race 80 90
    073952b6oz74zu7xv05i6v.png Individual Time Trial 25 35

    Quotas Allocated

    through Rankings



    073952b6oz74zu7xv05i6v.png Road Race 80 90
    073952b6oz74zu7xv05i6v.png Individual Time Trial 25 35


    Rankings open on Rankings close on
    October 17th, 2022 October 17th, 2023
    Qualification Pathway

    Quota places are allocated to the NOC(s).


    Men's/Women's Road Race


    The UCI Road World Ranking by Nations on 17 October 2023 is based on the results from Elite and Under 23 events on the UCI international road calendar over the preceding 52 weeks.


    Quota places are allocated to NOCs as per the UCI Road World Ranking by Nations of 17 October 2023.

    For each gender:


    UCI Road World Ranking by Nations Athletes qualified per NOC Total number of athletes
    NOCs ranked 1 to 5 4 20
    NOCs ranked 6 to 10 3 15
    NOCs ranked 11 to 20 2 20
    NOCs ranked 21 to 45 1 25
      Total: 80


    Minimum Allocation per Continent (Europe and Oceania)

    For Europe and Oceania, in case the continent does not have at least one (1) NOC represented, the last available quota place(s) through the UCI Road World Ranking by Nations as of 17 October 2023 will be allocated, with a maximum of one (1) quota place per NOC, to the highest ranked NOC of that continent. Any such allocation will result in a corresponding reduction (max. 1 per NOC) of places in the reverse order of the UCI Road World Ranking by Nations and provided that such reduction would not result in the continent of the NOC concerned losing its only quota.


    Men's/Women's Individual Time Trial


    A maximum of one (1) quota place per NOC, respecting the minimum allocation per continent, will be allocated as per the UCI Road World Ranking by Nations on 17 October 2023.

    For each gender:


    UCI Road World Ranking by Nations Athletes qualified per NOC Total number of athletes
    NOCs ranked 1 to 25 1 25
      Total: 25


    Minimum Allocation per Continent

    In case a continent would not have at least two (2) NOCs qualified (through the UCI Road World Ranking by Nations or the 2023 UCI Road World Championships Elite Individual Time Trial), a maximum of one (1) place per NOC will be allocated to the highest ranked NOC of that continent on the UCI World Ranking by nations and not yet qualified, among those having qualified a quota place for the Road Race event of the concerned gender. Any such allocations will result in a corresponding reduction (max. 1 per NOC) of places allocated to NOCs through the UCI World Ranking by nations, in the reverse order of the latter and provided that such reduction would not result in the continent of the NOC concerned losing its only quota.

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