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    Quota Places are allocated to the





    Quotas Allocated

    through Rankings



    073952bqbhnqi7fssgs7zn.png Freestyle 6 12
    073952bqbhnqi7fssgs7zn.png Racing 16 24

    Quotas Allocated

    through Rankings



    073952bqbhnqi7fssgs7zn.png Freestyle 6 12
    073952bqbhnqi7fssgs7zn.png Racing 16 24


    BMX Freestyle Rankings by Nation open on BMX Freestyle Rankings by Nation close on
    January 1st, 2023 December 5th, 2023
    BMX Freestyle Olympic Qualifier Series Rankings open on BMX Freestyle Olympic Qualifier Series Rankings close on
    June 4th, 2024 June 23rd, 2024
    BMX Racing Rankings open on BMX Racing Rankings close on
    August 1st, 2022 June 2nd, 2024
    Qualification Pathway

    BMX Freestyle


    Quota places are allocated to the athlete(s) by name.


    Six (6) quota places per gender will be allocated via the Olympic Qualifier Series Final Ranking (OQSFR).


    A maximum of 24 athletes per gender (48 total) will participate in the Olympic Qualifier Series for BMX Freestyle Park.


    In order to be entered in the OQS, riders must have at least 10 points in the UCI Individual BMX Freestyle Park Ranking for their gender as of 5th December 2023.


    For each gender, the UCI BMX Freestyle Park Ranking by Nation published as of 5th December 2023 shall be used to determine the number of quota places for each nation that are eligible to participate in the OQS.


    Quota will be allocated to the national federation of the country concerned, which shall choose the athletes who will participate in accordance with the deadlines found below.


    Quota Allocation Method:
    Nations ranked 1st to 3rd place: 3 quota places each (Total 9)
    Nations ranked 4th to 6th place: 2 quota places each (Total 6)
    Nations 7th to 11th place: 1 quota place each (Total 5)

    Sub-Total: 20 quota places

    Reserved Quota Place for 2024 Olympic Games Host: 1 (France)
    Reserved Quota Places for the OQS Event Host Nations: 3 (OQS host nations to be announced in 2023)
    Total: 24 quota places


    In case one or more continents are not represented after the above is done, the places allocated to the lowest ranked National Federations (NFs) whose continent remains represented will be removed and offered to the highest ranked NF from each continent not yet represented. In case such NFs refuse quota, the next highest ranked NFs of such continents, will be offered the quota, in order, until it is accepted for all continents, or until all nations for such continents figuring in the ranking have been asked. In case a continent is not represented following this, then the remaining quota places will be allocated in order from the highest ranked nation not yet qualified until the lowest not yet qualified.


    In case any of the Host Nations (2024 Olympic Games Host, or OQS Event Host Nations, whichever the case may be) has qualified following the initial allocation of Quota described above in Sections A and B, then the host nation quota places in question will be reallocated to the next highest ranked NFs not yet qualified.

    Following Host Nations quota reallocation, in case any unallocated quota remains, the remaining quota will be offered to the next highest ranked nations not yet qualified until all quota is used, or the ranking is exhausted.

    If quota remains after the ranking is exhausted, then the unused quota will be offered (1 place each), in order, to the highest ranked nations already qualified until it is used.

    Following this, the maximum quota per nation could theoretically be 4 per gender.


    Note: in case three (3) athletes representing the same NOC participate in the Olympic Qualifier Series, only the two (2) highest ranked athletes (from the OQSFR) shall obtain a quota place in accordance with the maximum number of athletes per NOC. In this case, the quota place in question will be attributed to the next highest placed athlete (from the OQSFR) following this 3rd ranked athlete.



    BMX Racing


    Quota places are allocated per NOC(s) as per the table below, for each gender:


    UCI BMX Racing Olympic Qualification Ranking Athletes qualified per NOC Total number of athletes
    NOCs ranked 1 to 2 3 6
    NOCs ranked 3 to 5 2 6
    NOCs ranked 6 to 10 1 5
      Total: 17


    For each men and women, the UCI BMX Racing Olympic Qualification Ranking is calculated by summing the UCI points of the three (3) highest ranked athletes (without making distinction between Elite and Under 23) from each NOC, taking into consideration each of the athletes' results in the events listed below. The points are calculated for the period from 01 August 2022 to 02 June 2024 (the BMX Racing Qualification Period).


    The UCI BMX Racing Olympic Qualification Ranking will be calculated using the following events:


    UCI BMX Racing World Championships: results in 2023 and 2024;

    • UCI BMX Racing World Cup events: best 14 results within the Qualification Period;
    • Continental BMX Racing Championships: 1 result in the Qualification Period; in case 2 or more Continental Championships events are held in this period in a continent, only the (1) result closest in time to the end of the BMX Racing Olympic Qualification Period is used for that continent;
    • International Competition (HC): best 3 results within the BMX Racing Olympic Qualification Period;
    • International Competition (C1): best 7 results within the BMX Racing Olympic Qualification Period;
    • National BMX Racing Championships: 1 results, CN in 2023.


    Tied NOCs will have their relative positions determined using the UCI BMX Individual rankings of their athletes on 04 June 2024 in the following order:

    • The highest placed athlete in the UCI BMX Racing Elite Individual ranking,
    • The highest placed athlete in the UCI BMX Racing Under 23 Individual ranking,
    • The highest placed athlete in the UCI BMX Racing Junior individual ranking.


    Minimum Allocation per Continent (Europe and Oceania)

    For Europe and Oceania, in case the continent does not have at least one (1) NOC represented, the last available quota place(s) through the UCI BMX Racing Olympic Qualification Ranking will be allocated, with a maximum of one (1) quota place per NOC, to the highest ranked NOC of that continent. Any such allocation will result in a corresponding reduction (max. 1 per NOC) of places in the reverse order of the UCI BMX Racing Olympic Qualification Ranking and provided that such reduction would not result in the continent of the NOC concerned losing its only quota.

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