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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Erigert

  1. I'd like to but at the moment I don't think I have enough free time on my hands
  2. Not yet although around half of the territory is filled with snowy mountains during winter. But hey at least we got our first medal in Winter sports, thanks Italy
  3. Very happy with debut, thanks to everyone for voting Albanian entry! Congrats also to for winning and for giving a fight and make this edition exciting until the last voting. Last but not least, thank you @Cinnamon Bun for your efforts!
  4. I knew it! I knew it! Moldova in my heart from now on!
  5. Come on Moldova! Give Albania the 12 points!
  6. Race for 3rd and 1st decided from the last voting! Are all editions of TAISC and TOISC decided at the last voting?
  7. Oh thats nice! Thank you very much Lithuania!
  8. I'd be interested who did it compete against haha
  9. Is it possible to have the updated table? I think the Czechs have a good margin ahead of the Swedes if my maths are correct
  10. Just tell me which song you like so I can enter it next year to win the competition But yeah, tbh I also like more other songs of her but choose maybe the most famous.
  11. Yeah, I had to risk with the most succesful Albanian artist in my TOISC debut, although the song as you said might be boring for some when listening now.
  12. Thank you India for the 11 points! Very much appreciated!
  13. France asked and it got served... Albania France 12 Czech Republic 11 Italy 10 Spain 9 Guatemala 8 Sweden 7 India 6 Netherlands 5 Hungary 4 Malta 3 Portugal 2 China 1 And that completes the results of the votes from the Albanian National Jury. Have a great day!
  14. 11 points go to..... Czech Republic 11 Italy 10 Spain 9 Guatemala 8 Sweden 7 India 6 Netherlands 5 Hungary 4 Malta 3 Portugal 2 China 1
  15. Përshëndetje nga Shqipëria! On behalf of the Albanian delegation I would like to thank our hosts for organizing another fun TISC Grand Final Day and we wish good luck to all the participants. Without further ado, these are the results of the votes of the Albanian National Jury.... Albania Post 1: Italy 10 Spain 9 Guatemala 8 Sweden 7 India 6 Netherlands 5 Hungary 4 Malta 3 Portugal 2 China 1
  16. Now because I waited for @heywoodu I expect 12 points to Albania from the Netherlands
  17. Its looking more and more a race between Sweden and Czech Republic!
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