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Everything posted by Майкл

  1. This was the worst men's 10000m race in years, wasn't it?
  2. This is not only sad, but disgraceful. 1. They disrespect local athletes buying the foreign ones - no matter how harsh it sounds, they do sell themselves, which is kinda gross, if you ask me, not to mention the quality of the local competitors decreases. 2. They disrespect other European countries who give their best to produce great local athletes. If this farce continues we won't have countries competing for the medals, but (most likely) the richest clubs.
  3. Will Benabbad win the gold again this time?
  4. We know that he didn't cheat intentionally, it was an honest mistake. Hopefully the odds will be in his favour in Rio, he deserved it.
  5. In other news, Gagana underperformed in the finals... Again...
  6. Well, as a tennis fan I can say he was inside his lane, but it seems athletics refrees disagree.
  7. But, as far as I could see, he didn't step outside his lane... Oh, well, he was unlucky once again.
  8. Well done Ivana! Absolute European champion, as she holds indoor and outdoor titles at the continental champs!
  9. Her tactics had some flaws this time as well, but she's getting better with each big event she runs at.
  10. Ona je prijateljica sa Bobanom i Zoranom, zar ne? Bilo bi dobro da krene s Jelenom kao podrška Zorani i Jeleni. Sa druge strane, njena izjave pokazuje da je kivna na Savez, a ne na kolege, što je u neku ruku dobro.
  11. Mene brine njena izjava... Deluje mi kao da joj je neko iz Saveza obećao da će ići... Nadam se da me osećaj vara i da toga nije bila. Na kraju krajeva, čućemo nakon Igara. Video sam da je samo par medija objavilo osvajanje bronze (odnosno, tri bronze), tužno, ali neki i dalje misle da je dizanje tegova isto što i powerlifiting i slične gluposti.
  12. Neka se ponudi da bude trener i savetnik, pa može u Rio, što da ne
  13. Roehler flopped. Expectedly. Amazing result for Sirmaiss!
  14. Alina will defeat her in Rio, don't worry.
  15. No one peaks at the Ech in an olympic year, lol.
  16. IDEMOOOOOOO! Too bad he didn't win silver, but the bronze is just fine as well!
  17. Their Federation did a great shopping job.
  18. He absolutely deserved it! I think he'll have enough time to recover for the final race.
  19. Dudas Fighting despite being injured.
  20. Kako ne? Treba održati tih -30 A sa ovakvom formom i -50 bi bio uspeh
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