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On 4/28/2024 at 12:11 PM, Faramir said:

Ilieva and Tulen gets the last spots. Now, since France had no need to use any host quota, there are 8 universality places for tripartite nations- too many, considering that a few of them qualified on their own. So some of them will be reallocated.


"if the Tripartite Commission is not able to allocate Universality Place(s), such unallocated Place(s) will be attributed by the FIE to the next highest-ranked eligible athlete in the Individual Senior Adjusted Official Ranking (AOR) as of 1 April 2024, across all weapon and all FIE Zones, but strictly respecting the following:

- The maximum number of athletes in each individual event (37) and

- The NOC must not have any athlete already qualified in the corresponding individual event "


The first eligible fencers in order should be

13 LLAVADOR Carlos ESP 98 m foil
17 XIAO Ruien CAN 76,5 w epee
19 BASHTA Anna AZE 75 w sabre
20 ERBIL Nisanur TUR 71 w sabre
23 BAYARD Alexis SUI 68 m epee
23 TEODOSIU Iulian ROU 66 m sabre
25 DI TELLA Isabel ARG 58 w epee
28 PEREIRA Yulen ESP 55 m epee
**** EIFLER Larissa GER 58,5 w sabre

why is Eifler on ****?

She should be the highest female without a quota now, right? in front of Isabel di Tella

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On 5/29/2024 at 4:42 AM, Faramir said:

Teodosiu. No announcements from him or Romanian Fencing so far.

But the reallocation list should not follow through a woman?

We had so far 3 female reallocations, 2 male reallocations and 2 male universality quotas

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On 4/28/2024 at 3:13 PM, Makedonas said:


This article is almost three weeks old, but our fencing federation is requesting a wildcard or reallocation spot for Georgiadou and using Bach giving Kharlan a wildcard as an example...


Of course I doubt it will make a difference. We knew for the past few years that something like this would probably happen and that one of our two girls would miss out on the Olympics, maybe a change could've been made if they didn't wait until the end to complain about it.

Brazilian federation did the same thing, asking for a Tripartite reallocation quota for Alexandre CAMARGO after the lost 15-14 in the American Qualifier on a questionable decision.


The reply was quite sharp, saying the referee commission decided that  the decision was right (but the head of referee of the event is part of the referee commission lol) finishing basically with "Read the rules, you are not eligible for tripartite".

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On 4/28/2024 at 4:47 PM, phelps said:



I think :ISV (women's Epee), :MLI X2 (men's Epee and Foil), :KUW (men's Epee), :COD (women's Foil), :LBN (men's Foil), :ISL (men's Sabre) and :ESA (women's Sabre) will get all the 8 tripartite places, no room for the AOR guys

I think :LBA will get a quota here. They are constantly at World Cups, probably there is some special funding or something.

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14 hours ago, Triplecast said:

I just learned tonight of the big incidents from last year for the US men's epee team.

tbf it would probably not have made any difference... USA would still be behind Venezuela (by far)  and as Venezuela was not top4 they would not get the quota.

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16 hours ago, konig said:

Another canadian quota in incredible circunstances, i have a "Panamerican shooting tournament" deja vu.

I just rewatched the point and it was totally absurd.


Not speaking as a Brazilian, but as someone with a bit of knowledge on fencing.


Several mistakes here (Zhang's knee in front of the foot, very poorly executed flèche... and he not only falls during the touch, but his back feet also lands first, so he does not reverse correctly...) 


He could even get a 2nd yellow card for that which would give the point to Camargo.


I think it is impossible for Zhang to lose its quota, but hopefully FIE would acknowledge the referee mistake, the same way they did with Kharlan at WC last year and guarantee Camargo an extra quota.

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2 hours ago, Faramir said:

They can enter in the team event but from that moment the replaced athlete cannot fence anymore.

They are "Ap athletes" who are not counted as Olympians, a trick used by the IOC in many sports to mantain the facade of respecting the limit of 10500 total athletes. If I remember correctly they are not entitled to free accomodation in the Olympic village, probably NOCs pay for them or  something like that.

yeah and officially they were not supposed to be a part of the team, unless they were officially changed before... at list in Tokyo was like that! but some countries competed with 4 athletes, so i don't know much hahaha

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5 hours ago, Faramir said:

All these complaints but what if next time Italy/France etc. fails to qualify a team and the 2nd Italian/French fencer takes the spot from the 1st Greek or the above mentioned case for Rio 2016, a Swiss won the European QT, if the 2nd Italian, Navarria, had been allowed to take part there's a good chance she would have taken the spot. i bet that then that fencer would complain that the system hurts smaller fencing nations.


Fencers and NFs knew that similar cases of top fencers missing the Games have happened and could have happened again, but noone in the last years made a reasonable proposal to change the qualification system- the only one that gained some support by other smaller countries was Sweden with their idiotic proposal of limiting team competition to 4 teams and individual competition to 1 fencer per NOC (and even the IOC said that proposal was shitty). In that case, a lot more of cases like the one of Georgiadou would happen. A small curiosity: the FIE Interim President and head of the working group in charge of proposing changes to the Olympic qualification system is Greek.

yeah... the main issue now for fencing, I guess, is to allow officially 4 fencers per team as they had during the rotation system - glad it's over, obviously.


Based on Tokyo results, the 4th athlete CAN in fact join the team, but somehow they are not treated officially as Olympians as I understand (I'm not entirely sure on that!).

We could obviously envision one competition with 48 athletes on the draw, but not sure how that's realistic. 




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5 minutes ago, Faramir said:

No way. It's clearly stated that unused tripartite quotas go to the highest ranked eligible fencers.

clearly stated does not mean much hahaha but yeah, i think anyway they would be given WC so it would be an extra.

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On 3/26/2024 at 9:21 AM, Faramir said:

First part of the qualification is over, now we'll have:


1) Zonal Qualification tournaments in April - this will bring the total to 34 athletes per individual event;

2) since France won't need to use any host quota place, 8 Universality Places decided by the Tripartite Commission. That's a lot of places, especially considering that the few decent fencers from eligible countries could be qualified on their own by then;

3) reallocation of unused Universality Places:

"if the Tripartite Commission is not able to allocate Universality Place(s), such unallocated Place(s) will be attributed by the FIE to the next highest-ranked eligible athlete in the Individual Senior Adjusted Official Ranking (AOR) as of 1 April 2024, across all weapon and all FIE Zones, but strictly respecting the following:
- The maximum number of athletes in each individual event (37) and

- The NOC must not have any athlete already qualified in the corresponding individual event "


The following would be the first fencers in line for such reallocations - of course some of them will likely qualify first through their Zonal QT


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I think some AIN athletes could  benefit from that. I can see they giving out 4 tripartite and 4 AIN quotas or something like that.

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18 minutes ago, Jur said:

I'm sad for her but the post is giving sore loser. And she knew about the qualification process years in advanced, nothing is new.

and i don't get how a country with 2 of the 5 best athletes in the world can't get a reasonable team. 

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11 hours ago, Makedonas said:


So many famous fencers commenting on this post, it's nice to see how they support each other! Poor Despina :cry:

Sad for her, but I don't get the whole idea of "let's change the system because of one specific case".


The Olympics is also about have more nations represented. Having said that, I would like to see a bigger fencing draw, like 48? And then we could have a rule of "if you are in top10 you can have 2 individual athletes qualified", like in Badminton for instance or tennis doubles

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Fencing FIE World Cup 2023 - 2024
2 hours ago, phelps said:

world and continental champs scores are mandatory, they can't be discarded


they look at the discarded result and at the best single placing among the qualifying tournaments, but right now I don't remember in which order :mumble:

Thank you so much. I edited the post. 


I've looked at the scenario for the pan-am quota at lenght here (in portuguese) and the scenario for other quotas in Americas.


For now: 






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Fencing FIE World Cup 2023 - 2024
On 11/11/2023 at 5:32 PM, avlar said:

FIE discussed the reform this autumn. But decided:


It is notable that Katsiadakis was the head of the working group established to reform qualification process. The members had to submit new proposals until the 15th of September. But noone (including Katsiadakis) sent. It looks like all of them were to busy to find a way to allow Pozdnyakovs daughter to compete as AIN.




I miss the days in which Americas had 2 quotas. I guess it would be more fair to each continent have 1 individual quota and the 2 best continents have a 2nd quota?

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Fencing FIE World Cup 2023 - 2024
On 11/12/2023 at 5:47 PM, phelps said:

the women's Team Sabre has probably the most complicated situation of them all, since it's the only weapon where the repechage is required


the Pan-American spot, in fact, right now wouldn't be awarded, as no team from that Continent is in the Top 16 of the WR (and Today's good result by :HKG put further distance between the only real candidate :MEX and their dream of making it to the Games)


because of that, :ITA would be the (undeserved) lucky Nation...they're basically out of contention for either a direct qualification and for the European spot, but Panamerican teams' faults made them this great gift


however, more European teams (:AZE:ESP and raising :BUL above all) could still catch the declining Italians


the current top 5 Nations in the OQR can already consider themselves safe in Paris

getting back to this to ask: what the heck is :CAN doing throwing away their chances at getting a pan-am quota?

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Fencing FIE World Cup 2023 - 2024

Does anyone know what would happen in a tie?

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Fencing FIE World Cup 2023 - 2024
Posted (edited)
On 12/10/2023 at 9:43 AM, phelps said:

interesting situation...


:FRA have overtaken :CHN in the top 4 of the OQR, which means that :POL earn the current status of best European team outside the direct qualifying places, meanwhile :CHN still have the Asian spot, but :HKG are pushing a few points behind and even :KOR are not completely out of contention, despite Today's bad result.


the current top 3 of the OQR (:JPN:ITA:USA) and the continental spots for Africa (:EGY) and Americas (:CAN) look safe.


Actually, only maths leave the door open for them to be upset, but it's almost impossible that anything's gonna happen to them.


The only truly open fights are those concerning the last direct OQR spot and the Asian rumble.


:POL instead can only hope that both :ITA and :FRA keep going and end up in the top 4 of the OQR, that's the only way for them to qualify.

I don't think Canada is safe.

:BRA has 122 and will necessarily drop 8 points, going to 114. It could also replace an 8pt.

:CANhas 149 will drop 20pt, going to 129pt and could only replace 18pt.
:CHI has 92pt but will not drop or replace anything.


So let's say for the sake of argument that Brazil and Canada will do 12th and 13th on the two next world Cups (as they did in Japan), but Chile would be 16th in both.

Brazil would gain 22+22 (44), dropping 8pt from Cairo and replacing 8 from Acapulco. It would gain 28pt and go to 150pt.

On another scenario, let's say Brazil finishes in 16th in the following World Cups. It would gain 18+18-8-8, going to 142pt.

Canada would gain 21+21 (42), dropping 20pt from Cairo and replacing 18 from Istanbul. It would gain 4pt and go to 153pt.

Chile would gain 18+18, going to 128pt.


So Chile is almost out of the race and they would probaly need 4 top16 finishes (including in Istanbul last month) to be in the competition. But it could be a strong team for Los Angeles.


It's hard to imagine Brazil going better than 12th, but if it finished around 12-14 on the next two World Cups, it could gain the American quota IF Canada is knocked out on first round in one of the two events (as they almost did in Japan)

Edited by Mateus Nagime
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And now Greece appears to have found a 3rd good athlete, let's see if they could jump on the team rankings.

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2 hours ago, Vektor said:

This situation with Greece should inspire the people in charge to make new qualification rules for fencing. It makes no sense whatsoever that we won't have one of the top fencers in the world in Paris just because Greece doesn't have a good enough third fencer. It's cruel, this isn't judo or wrestling where every NOC only gets one place. 

I don't think a rule should be changed because of an exception.


Having said that I could see a place for a country with 1 individual quota on the rankings trying a 2nd quota on the OQT.


Olympic Games always try to have more countries involved and not necessarily having the best from the best.


And as a Brazilian I still hate FIE for just giving 1 quota for the Americas and 2 for Asia hahaha perhaps could be 6 quotas overall from 4 continents. or 2 from each continent.

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2 hours ago, owenp_23 said:

There is video proof as well. Look in the top right corner of the video at 4:01:45.



Thank you so much!! Yeah, Épée.

tristan szapary face here is priceless, poor teammates!


usa dq epee pan.jpg

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23 hours ago, owenp_23 said:

Pan American Championships (Lima :PER) Day 4 Results


Women Team Epee

1. :USA United States

2. :CAN Canada

3. :BRA Brazil


Men Team Foil

1. :USA United States

2. :CAN Canada

3. :CHI Chile



All related?


If I'm not mistaken, they are brothers expect for Leopoldo who is their cousin.


By the way anyone have any idea on what happened to the US Foil team today? they were DSQ on semi and lost all points and rankings!

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