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    End of the Year Interviews: Part 6

    6th part of the End of the Year series bring thoughts of four more TISC participants.

    We are reaching the end of 2017. Generally speaking, which is in your opinion the most important happening, evolution or trend in the World in 2017?

    Trump administration drama and Brexit.

    What was your favorite TISC moment of 2017?

    Argentina did not expect 12 points from Indonesia.

    Do you have a favorite TISC contest?

    TISC Annual 2016, first Indonesian participation.

    Annual or Open?

    Isyana Sarasvati was the debut entry in TISC from Indonesia, finishing 6th at TISC Annual 2016

    Favorite entry that represented your nation?

    Isyana Sarasvati – Tetap dalam Jiwa

    Wishes for 2018?

    Hoping for a better world.

    We are reaching the end of 2017. Generally speaking, which is in your opinion the most important happening, evolution or trend in the World in 2017?

    It is hard to tell, probably lack of verbal communication due to technology improvement, but this problem is not global one, only in Western society, and not just in this year.

    What was your favorite TISC moment of 2017?

    I was impressed over quite remarkable number of countries still competing, showing their countries culture and of course once again we had tight finish till the end in our Open Contest.

    Do you have a favorite TISC contest?

    Most memorable is probably the one with Bulgarian jury giving points one by one, since it was first time that tight. Other than that, probably TISC Annual 2014 had most songs, that are still close to my heart (or ear).
    Double Olympic Champion, Tina Maze, also tried her hand at TISC, placing a creditable 10th at TISC Open 2017

    Annual or Open?

    I take both equally, in Open contest members pick more worldwide hits than in Annual, in my opinion. Hard to choose.

    Favourite entry that represented your nation?

    As a person definitely my last one, Tina Maze, as a song, Anja Kotar – “Tightrope”, because she is not so well known artist in our country, but she has very beautiful voice, she competed in TISC Annual 2016.

    Wishes for 2018?

    This may sound kind of cheesy, but a lot of health and peace. But especially may we (forum members) be friends for a very long time and cherish our and other musical heritage.

    We are reaching the end of 2017. Generally speaking, which is in your opinion the most important happening, evolution or trend in the World in 2017?

    It’s hard for me not to mention politics here. In many ways it was becoming a new world after BREXIT and Trump.

    The fact that the Trumpish ideas didn’t make too much impact on elections this year is very important. Most countries answered the calls and fought against it.

    Denmark is thought to be the premier influence behind the scenes at the secretive TISC committee

    What was your favorite TISC moment of 2017?

    Another succesful year of “rigging” the results as the president of the committee. Though it was disappointing to lose Lithuania and Canada who have both been faithful members and almost missing Italy as well.

    Do you have a favorite TISC contest?

    It’s a close one between the two in 2015. Either the one that I hosted (annual) or the fantastic contest in Ireland (Open). And then it’s of course hard to forget our 3rd place back in the 2014 annual contest. But I think Ireland 2015 will take the prize.

    Annual or Open?

    Though it’s very hard to pick the songs for it, I would say open. Though we do see some good songs in the annual, it’s more interesting to see the cultural history in older songs.

    Mew represented Denmark at TISC Open in 2014

    Favourite entry that represented your nation?

    I think I will go with Mew’s Snow Brigade. Mew has so much good songs and it was hard to pick one of theirs. Sadly it gave us one of our worst results.

    Wishes for 2018?

    A good and peaceful year and great Winter Olympics without any trouble. And maybe with Denmark’s only second Winter Olympics Medal.
    Also some growth to the Totallympics community and great sporting events. For my own personal life, a good finish to my time at the University and after that hopefully a good job. And finally an election here in Denmark!

    We are reaching the end of 2017. Generally speaking, which is in your opinion the most important happening, evolution or trend in the World in 2017?

    If we’re thinking about something positive, I guess people fighting back against a growing culture of hate is the most important trend of 2017. Overall, though, I think this was a pretty bad year across the board, so let’s hope for something better in 2018.

    What was your favorite TISC moment of 2017?

    Bruno Martini, Alok and Zeeba brought back silver for Brazil at the TISC Annual 2017 with the hit “Hear Me Now”

    It was pretty exciting to reveal the final votes from the Open contest, but probably my favorite moment was the second position achieved by Brazil in the Annual contest – and, of course, learning that we would have the opportunity to host the next edition.

    Do you have a favorite TISC contest?

    Probably the first ever contest. It was such a great idea to held this event in the Totallympics forum, mainly because most members not only like music, but also any competition among nations – which, of course, comes from our love for sports.

    Annual or Open?

    Talking strictly about “fun”, Open wins, but I prefer the Annual contests only because all songs are released in the same period of time, making it more even.

    Favourite entry that represented your nation?
    Móveis Colonais de Acaju represented Brazil at the first ever TISC Annual edition back in 2014

    It has to be “Sede de Chuva” (Móveis Coloniais de Acaju), which we thought would do much better in the Annual contest in 2014 (I think?).

    Wishes for 2018?

    Talking about Totallympics-related things only, I wish the best for all members. Also, may we have a great contest in Brazil!

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