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Totallympics Superstar
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    vinipereira got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Oh, that sad feeling when something great has come to an end  And what a perfect song to end it!
    Congrats @dcro on the amazing contest, one of the best in TISC history 
  2. Love
    vinipereira reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Pan America... You Did It!

    We are so proud that the historic, first ever non-European TISC victory was achieved in Croatia.
    Pan America... You finally did it! This is your moment. Take it.



  3. Like
    vinipereira reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Medal Presentation

    Medals will be presented by Neno Belan, one-time TISC participant and the highest placed Croatian artist to date.


    Artist: Shawn Mendes
    Song: If I Can't Have You
    Jury Members: @intoronto

    Artist: Zhao Fangjing
    Song: Grain in Ear
    Jury Members: @Vic Liu

    Artist: Clara Luciani
    Song: Ma Soeur
    Jury Members:
    @Benolympique @Bohemia
    Ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the national anthem of Canada.
    Mesdames et messieurs, veuillez vous lever pour l'hymne national du Canada.  

    (if the video doesn't work...)
  4. Thanks
    vinipereira got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Oh, that sad feeling when something great has come to an end  And what a perfect song to end it!
    Congrats @dcro on the amazing contest, one of the best in TISC history 
  5. Love
    vinipereira reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Grand Final Moments

    NAFTA everywhere."
    "Olympian1010's Family reacts to all songs from TISC 2020." "Czechoslovak Trophy Hooray ! " "But always expect plenty from the fennec." "I fear there’s no more points for the US." "Trying to get laid is not proper social distancing buddy."
    "He's a teenage kid." "Covid-19 left the chat." "Is Agger rigging the contest?" "Is there a record for most silver medals without a single gold?"
    "You had more 12s in this forum than you can count."
    "That moment when Spain 12 is stolen by Germany with a Spanish song."
    "I'm @intoronto." "Greece wants to join NAFTA, it seems."
    "Technically Iran always awards medal to Israel by letting team walk free to the next round."
    "How dare you!"  
  6. Sad
    vinipereira reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    The Goodbye

    We are back in Dubrovnik, the place where it all started just two nights ago...
    But now the time has come for friends to say goodbye...

    It's so long from Croatia... Thank you for being a part of it.
  7. Like
    vinipereira reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   

    Are you ready for a shock, shock, shock?
    Here at the Totallympics we support our own, and that of course includes our resident musician @Werloc.
    Released just last weekend, Nesustok is a song written and performed by Werloc and his band, the Original Copy.
    The band has six members: Audrius, Ieva, Ingrida, Akvilė, Eglė and Aušra.

  8. Like
    vinipereira got a reaction from Wanderer in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    I agree that everyone have their own style, but regarding Shawn Mendes, I might not vote for any of his songs, but I would probably give points for "In My Blood". So even if I dislike an artist's body of work I can still analyze a song and maybe be surprised by it
  9. Haha
    vinipereira got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    I've searched for a few minutes and found nothing for Brazil  This might prove a little more difficult than simply send a song.
  10. Like
    vinipereira reacted to tuniscof in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    that could happen in fantasy games thread for example for the people who can and want to play it. nothing to do with music or art
  11. Like
    vinipereira got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    I like your idea. And I think this doesn't need to have a "host", just a group of individuals willing to give their time to put on a good show. Honestly I would be more than happy to help with visuals and whatelse is necessary.
    I remember some years ago there was an idea of these "special editions", with some theme. If we go this route, I think a good theme for this edition would be music about something sport-related. Don't know if it's feasible for all nations here, but it would be a nice way to relate the contest with the Olympics that would have happened about the same time. Of course this is just an idea, this special contest could be anything else as long it's not a traditional "Annual" or "Open" edition.
  12. Sad
    vinipereira reacted to thiago_simoes in Artistic Gymnastics Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games   
    FIG quietly decided that results from Baku World Cup qualifications will serve as finals. This completely changes the Olympic qualification race, since Rebeca Andrade and Saeid Reza Keikha will not be able to qualify through the World Cup series anymore, but Petrounias still has a shot.
  13. Like
    vinipereira reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    And finally...
    Thanks everyone for joining the party over the last couple of days. It was so fun watching how the script would unfold in front of you. Congratulations to @intoronto for taking the historic first ever non-European win , and of course to @Vic Liu and @Benolympique @Bohemia for making the podium. I give special thanks to @OlympicIRL for continued support and to @vinipereira for bearing with me in the logo-making process.
    Special thanks also goes to @IoNuTzZ and @catgamer for giving us our only medals.
    Of course, I am also thanking you for all those lovely messages you have left, both here in the thread or in PM.
    Congrats to nations who made the Team podium as well, in particular my team mates @Wumo @Belle @Griff88
    See you tomorrow for the Closing Ceremony.
  14. Haha
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  16. Love
    vinipereira got a reaction from tuniscof in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   

    Olá amigos do Totallympics! Espero que todos estejam aproveitando esse dia feliz mesmo que em tempos difíceis. Chega a hora de relevar os votos do Brasil!
    Hello fellow Totallympians! I hope everyone is enjoying this happy day even in these hard times. Now it's time for Brazil's votes!
    CHINA 10
  17. Haha
  18. Wow!
    vinipereira reacted to hckošice in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Gratulácia víťazom
    To bolo hlasovanie slovenskej poroty,
    ďakujeme za pozornosť,
    a dobrú noc.
    Congrats to the winners !
    These were the votes of Slovakia.
    Thank you all.
    and Good Night
  19. Haha
    vinipereira got a reaction from rybak in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
  20. Haha
    vinipereira got a reaction from mrv86 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
  21. Haha
    vinipereira got a reaction from Vic Liu in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
  22. Haha
    vinipereira reacted to LDOG in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    lol I enter the thread for the first time in a month and I see that a Shawn Mendes song is going to win. 
    Are you all 17 year olds? 
  23. Love
    vinipereira reacted to hckošice in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   

    (Dobrý večer Rijeka,
    Dobrý večer Chorvátsko !
    Ahoj všetci.
    Je pre nás radosťou a cťou byť znova súčasťou tejto veľkolepej súťaže.
    a ako posledným nám dovoľte oznámiť hlasovanie slovenskej poroty)
    Good Evening Rijeka,
    Good Evening Croatia !
    Hello fellow Totallympians.
    It is a great honor and pride to be again part of this amazing contest,
    This time we are the last jury to reveal the votes, so without further, I´ll present the votes of the Slovak jury:
  24. Haha
    vinipereira reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    I feel bad for Shawn Mendes, all the boy has ever wanted starting from his Vine days was a TISC victory and he would be mighty upset at this huge amount of people cheering against him. 
  25. Haha
    vinipereira reacted to hckošice in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   

    (Dobrý večer Rijeka,
    Dobrý večer Chorvátsko !
    Ahoj všetci.
    Je pre nás radosťou a cťou byť znova súčasťou tejto veľkolepej súťaže.
    a ako posledným nám dovoľte oznámiť hlasovanie slovenskej poroty)
    Good Evening Rijeka,
    Good Evening Croatia !
    Hello fellow Totallympians.
    It is a great honor and pride to be again part of this amazing contest,
    This time we are the last jury to reveal the votes, so without further, I´ll present the votes of the Slovak jury:
    CROATIA 1  
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