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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. first game done. not bad result at all for our team, I expected much worst result I´m really confident we can win some point(s) in this group
  2. nah it´s still better to have at least 1 team mate in this kind of race, especially if our team will have again the technical car number 27 like in London if you have a problem with your bike you must wait a eternity to have finally your team mechanical support car comming to help you...that´s what I´m affraid.
  3. still incredible that he will be alone in Rio
  4. lol the wheelie just the slovak athlete of the century !!!
  5. lol this poker face...but the legs must be in explosing mode
  6. Cancellara literally flying over the cobbles
  7. top 10 is impossible. but anyway atleast her olympic ticket is pretty real, that´s the most important
  8. not very clever act of Peter to continue working in this chase group, this is too early
  9. South Korea just defeated Great Britain 1-0
  10. re-watched the womens event in our TV, and I have to say that it was after a very long time one extremely thrilling and exciting competition. great great competition. really liked it. Radionova despite ended only 6th had a fantastic free program. in fact all top 6 athletes presented an amazing program (maybe excluding Gracie Gold) but Medvedeva absolutely deserved her win. from SVK view this champs is one of the most succedfull, both our entries improved their personal bests ranking in the competition. especially Nicole Rajičová finished 13th in womens event, which is very fine, but I just noticed that she ended as the 4th best european here, behind the 3 russians !!! also our ice dance pair Testa/Csolley improved their pb rank by 1 place, the new pb is now 14th place. I´m really satisfied and it looks well fr us to have 2 entries in Pyeongchang 2018 in figure skating, the last time it happened in Salt Lake 2002
  11. Finally already missed some of action. Van Avermaet just watched the action on replay, must say that I never seen such crash of almost the whole team like the BMC did it here but really sad abut the consequences I wonder if Maya is still a podium girl in this race?
  12. Updated with Athletics untill April 1st, 2016. Next Athletics Update on April 9th, 2016
  13. most likely it will be the game for promotion between you and GB. the crucial will be to defeat all other opponents, especially both koreans teams, which will not be so easy too. Good luck
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