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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. but in the official site the countdown show right now it looks for 20:15 local time
  2. Thanks for the info. I´ll add him into the list but with a star behind his name as reminer that it´s still unofficial
  3. let´s hope 28 will bring your team a lot of luck during the next weeks
  4. Tour de France 2016 Various Cities (FRA) - 02.07.2016 - 24.07.2016 Jerseys Winners Yellow Jersey Christopher FROOME 89:04:48 2. Romain BARDET +4:05 3. Nairo QUINTANA +4:21 Green Jersey Peter SAGAN 470 2. Marcel KITTEL 228 3. Michael MATTHEWS 199 Polka Dot Jersey Rafal MAJKA 209 2. Thomas DE GENDT 130 3. Jarlinson PANTANO 121 White Jersey Adam YATES 89:09:30 2. Louis MEINTJES +2:16 3. Emanuel BUCHMANN +42:58 Team Competition Team MOVISTAR 267:20:45 2. Team SKY +8:14 3. BMC Racing Team +48:11 Combativity Competition Peter SAGAN
  5. Tour de France 2016 Various Cities (FRA) - 02.07.2016 - 24.07.2016 Final Result Christopher FROOME 89:04:48 Romain BARDET +4:05 Nairo QUINTANA +4:21 4. Adam YATES +4:42 5. Richie PORTE +5:17 6. Alejandro VALVERDE +6:16 7. Joaquin RODRIGUEZ OLIVER +6:58 8. Louis MEINTJES +6:58 9. Daniel MARTIN +7:04 10. Roman KREUZIGER +7:11
  6. Tour de France 2016 Various Cities (FRA) - 02.07.2016 - 24.07.2016 Stage 21 Chantilly - Paris (Champs Elysees) Stage Result Andre GREIPEL 2:43:08 Peter SAGAN +0 Alexander KRISTOFF +0 4. Edvald BOASSON HAGEN +0 5. Michael MATTHEWS +0 6. Jasper STUYVEN +0 7. Ramunas NAVARDAUSKAS +0 8. Christophe LAPORTE +0 9. Sam BENNETT +0 10. Reinardt JANSE VAN RENSBURG +0
  7. +242 points looool this is not normal, this is just a humiliation what will ASO invent for the next year ?
  8. So 5th green in a row Peter you are the boss ! and now go for the MTB training..Rio is calling
  9. this was certainly the worst coverage of the sprint finish I´ve ever seen
  10. yes, new record. 174 after Tony Martin abandons today
  11. found it. here a article. shortly: everything is fine we have 25 rooms for our team and all are ok. there any problem and we are very happy with our location because we are only 30 metres of the Dining room and 100-150 metres of the transport junction from where the athletes will travel to the different venues. The news about Czechs living with us is unofficial, but apparently correct.
  12. lol, but still better than Sochi and two toilets in the same "cabin"
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