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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. thats definitely for me the biggest disappointment of those games so far..I mean cmon we are already in the olympic week...what are they waiting for ? you can say what you want about Sochi, but at least their site was ready already a month before the start of the games ..
  2. I didn´t see this comming. no worries, everything is better than this but well, back to topic, whats new about the official Rio site ?
  3. can you imagine how confusing this will be ? haha I feel money btw we have extremely similar slang it looks, in slovak slang for money is LÓVE can´t find anything in english to present it as a source, here one shitty "rap" song with a title that probably no need to translate to you already appologizing, not my music taste at all
  4. No problem, don´t need to be embarassed, it´s probably not so much known outside of europe
  5. It´s their traditional motto. They always use it, I FEEL sLOVEnia
  6. The slovak cycling "squad" Peter Sagan, Juraj Sagan, Erik Baška and Michael Kolář and the Pole Maciej Bodnar as well will officially race for the German team Bora-Hansgrohe since next year. Peter signed for 3 years and he had only one condition, If you want me, all 4 riders must come with me Apparently Peter became the highest paid cyclist in the world with 6 millions Euro per year. Yes we are speaking here about a slovak athlete ofc it´s nothing in comparison of 17 millions for CR7 or 14 millions for Ice Hockey NHL star Shea Webber but still impressive for a cyclist from a small country in central europe
  7. Cibulková oficiallly out because of heel injury. Our Tennis Federation president already contacted ITF for a invitational quota for Kristína Kučová to replace her in singles and doubles with Anna Karolína Schmiedlová. sources in SVK and about "Kika" Kučová all in all this week our eventual chances in tennis strongly dropped down from some let say 40% with our best players Kližan and Cibulková to total 0% but well what can we do..I´ll cheer for our players and celebrate each eventual unexpected win
  8. Congrats I watched the match, it was live in our TV. despite we had 2 hours half time break Poor girls started the second half at 22:00 (the match began at 19:00) Unfortunately we had very strong storms this week, another one during the preliminary phase forced to stop the match SVK - NOR and the game even had to remain abandoned after 49 minutes...
  9. UEFA Women´s Under 19 European Championship 2016 Slovakia Day 5 Final France - Spain 2-1
  10. according to this yes, but not confirmed yet
  11. as far as I know nothing..but I´ll recheck it later today
  12. nie, pokiaľ viem, je to vôbec prvý krát očakávam že sa naši športovci veľmi nevyspia pri všetkých vašich medailových oslavách ale tak snaď ich pozvete na nejaký ten Plzeň alebo Gambáč
  13. aha, no tak uvidíme. čt si určite poradí a pozvú niekoho kompetentného No ano, ale možno bude viac streamov voľnodostupných napr. na youtube ako tomu bolo pre Vancouver a Londýn, tak to môže byť ešte lepšie, ktovie..ale ako vravíš je to ešte ďaleko. Inak čo povieš nato, že sme milion kilometrov od domova a aj tak stále bývame spolu v rovnakom baráku v olympijskej dedine
  14. Added them, just Mvumvure if I understood correctly isn´t sure. so I added a star behind his name
  15. Table Tennis detailed schedule
  16. ach tak to je škoda ! Nevraveli kto ju nahradí ? Inak podarilo sa mi nájsť celkom slušný stream ČT 4, takže sa hrozne teším, stv 1 a 2 v telke 8 ďaľších streamov na stv webe plus stream čt 4. tak môžem povedať že už som pokojnejší a som pripravený na olympiádu
  17. why there two bronze in each table tennis event ? and hmm where is canoe slalom ? cmon how can anyone forget about the top sport of the olympics?
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