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  2. joke ofc I can not understand what is just happening here
  3. also the first ever womens nordic combined olympic winner , remember my words
  4. Great hopefully Arantxa will be in your team
  5. 16 Countries will compete in tomorrows Team Event here the start list per Country and the brackets
  6. SLOVAKIA ENTRY Mária Čírová - Unikát (unique) Ladies and Gentlemens, Dear Totallympics Friends, Dear TISC juries, contestants and fans, it´s the time to introduce the Slovak Entry for the Annual TISC 2017. This time Slovakia (once again after long and hard deliberation between the country all jury members) selected to represent our beautiful country from under the Majestic and wonderful Tatras in the best international music contest of this planet, which will be held this time in Great Britain Mária Čírová (read Chirova) and her song Unikát. Hope you´ll enjoy, Good Luck to all participating songs and countries and to GB for the organization --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyrics (SK) Pomaly padá dážď, čas uniká Snažím sa zachovať svoju tvár Lebo v sebe mám unikát Jediná vec, ktorá sa nedá stratiť Milióny ciest, pointa uniká Stačí len zachovať svoju tvár Lebo v sebe máš unikát Jediná vec, ktorá sa nedá stratiť Máme vášeň čo zrie Aj tak sa stále snažíme Otvoriť niekoľko dvier Nahliadnuť do našich tajných skrytých tém Aj keď strácame význam dnes Strácame flow Je to dôkladny príklad Prehliadka snov Túžby sú zrkadlom Odrazia tón Pomaly padá dážď, čas uniká Snažím sa zachovať svoju tvár Lebo v sebe mám unikát Jediná vec, ktorá sa nedá stratiť Milióny ciest, pointa uniká Stačí len zachovať svoju tvár Lebo v sebe máš unikát Jediná vec, ktorá sa nedá stratiť Máme vášeň čo zrie Aj tak sa stále snažíme Otvoriť niekoľko dvier Nahliadnuť do našich tajných skrytých tém Aj keď strácame význam dnes Strácame flow Je to dôkladny príklad Prehliadka snov Túžby sú zrkadlom Odrazia tón Pomaly padá dážď, čas uniká Snažím sa zachovať svoju tvár Lebo v sebe mám unikát Jediná vec, ktorá sa nedá stratiť Milióny ciest, pointa uniká Stačí len zachovať svoju tvár Lebo v sebe máš unikát Jediná vec, ktorá sa nedá nahradiť Stále mám to, čo srdce hľadá, úsmev dáva Nečakám, kým príde niečo náhodne Lebo v sebe máš túžbu, čo ťa vpred posunie Každý z nás je unikát Pomaly padá dážď, čas uniká Snažím sa zachovať svoju tvár Lebo v sebe mám unikát Jediná vec, ktorá sa nedá stratiť Milióny ciest, pointa uniká Stačí len zachovať svoju tvár Lebo v sebe máš unikát Jediná vec, ktorá sa nedá nahradiť ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (EN) Slowly falling rain, time escapes I am trying to maintain my face Because in me, I´am unique The only thing that we can not lose Millions of ways, the point escapes Let we just maintains our face Because in yourself, you are unique The only thing that you can not lose We have a passion which matures Even so, still we are trying Opening a few doors Insight looks into our secret hidden topics Even if we lose their importance today wasting flow It is a thorough example The show of dreams Desires are a mirror reflecting the tone Slowly falling rain, time escapes I am trying to maintain my face Because in me, I´am unique The only thing that we can not lose Millions of ways, the point escapes Let just we maintains our face Because in yourself, you are unique The only thing that you can not lose We have a passion which matures Even so, still we are trying Opening a few doors Insight looks into our secret hidden topics Even if we lose their importance today wasting flow It is a thorough example The show of dreams Desires are a mirror reflecting the tone Slowly falling rain, time escapes I am trying to maintain my face Because in me, I´am unique The only thing that we can not lose Millions of ways, the point escapes Let Just we maintains our face Because in yourself you are unique The only thing that can not be replaced I still have what the heart seeks smile gives Without waiting for something random to come Because in yourself, you have desire, what move you forward Each of us is unique Slowly falling rain, time escapes I am trying to maintain my face Because in me, I´am unique The only thing that we can not lose Millions of ways, the point escapes Let Just we maintain our face Because in yourself, you are unique The only thing that can not be replaced
  7. Okay so let make a brief recap of Day 1, Russia already leading the tally with 8 medals 3 of them golds (girls alpine skiing Giant slalom and both snowboards parallel Giant slaloms) in total already 6 countries won medals in the first 5 events of this years winter EYOF, among them Czech Republic with Nikola Bubáková in Alpine Skiing Giant Slalom. and also 1st ever medal for TURKEY !!!! in girls snowboard parallel GS. All results can be found in our results database From Slovak view a great start with a provisional 5th place of Silvia Hugec in girls figure skating after the short program. Bravo Silvia ! Our other todays results weren´t so great though, 24th Zuzana Jakubčová and 25th Andrea Šafáriková in Alpine Skiing Giant Slalom, 22nd Lucia Michaličková and 34th Zuzana Šefčíková in cross country skiing 5km classical Girls 29th Dominik Číž and 39th Kristian Klouda in Cross-Country Skiing 7.5km Classical Boys and current 12th Simon Fukas in boys Figure Skating after the Short Program. Tomorrow our athletes will compete in Alpine Skiing Boys Giant Slalom, Cross-Country Skiing Boys 10km and Girls 7.5km pursuit races , in boys 7.5km and girls 5km Biathlon sprints, in the Girls Ski Jumping event and our hockey team will face Belarus in the only match of the preliminary group B, it ´s extremely important to win this game to avoid Russia in the semifinals, as this is ofc our only chance for a medal in this EYOF Good Luck !
  8. yes in the first list we wrote Velez-Zuzulová, Vlhová and both Žampa Brothers. but Adam is still questionable, not sure he´ll be even able to stand on skis tomorrow, so we´ll see
  9. FIS ALPINE SKIING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Men's Alpine Combined Final Results AERNI Luca 2:26.331:41.86+44.47 HIRSCHER Marcel 2:26.341:41.55+44.79 CAVIEZEL Mauro 2:26.391:40.30+46.09 Swiss strike again: Aerni golden in combined The Swiss had another amazing day at the 2017 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships after Luca Aerni earned the alpine combined gold medal. His teammate Mauro Caviezel took home the bronze medal, bringing the medal tally for the host nation to six in as many races. Aerni, who was named as the last Swiss racer for the alpine combined team just last night, finished in 30th place in the downhill run, making him the first starter for the slalom run. He clocked the fastest time of the day in the slalom, although did not know if his run would hold off the top names like Marcel Hirscher and Alexis Pinturault and had to sit through the entire field waiting in the leader box. But one-by-one his competition came down and could not best the young Swiss ace. Hirscher missed the mark by the smallest of all possible margins, 0.01 seconds, taking home the silver medal. Swiss teammate Mauro Caviezel, meanwhile, also came very close, ending just 0.06 seconds off the golden pace for the bronze. “I was really nervous the last 45 minutes waiting for everyone to finish," said Aerni. "I could only watch and hope as the others came down. I knew my slalom run was good, but with the combined you never know what will happen. It was definitely a long wait until I realized I had the gold medal." Romed Baumann (AUT) held the lead after the downhill run, 0.12 ahead of Frenchman Adrien Theaux. Most of the traditional slalom skiers sat more than a second off the pace after the downhill run. The best speed racers were Dominik Paris and Aleksander Aamodt Kilde, who tied for fourth place 0.40 seconds behind. The three medalists were also the three racers with the best slalom times. Hirscher was 28th after the downhill and Caviezel was 14th. It was the first medal for both of the Swiss skiers, who also both have never earned a podium place in the World Cup. It was Hirscher’s fifth career World Championship medal, as he now has three silvers and two golds. Tomorrow is Nations Team Event, which begins at 12:00 CET. It is sure to be of great interest to the public with the event newly added to the Olympic programme for the 2018 PyeongChang Games. Full Results Here Luca Aerni Alpine Combined World Champion 2017 (2nd Run) Marcel Hirscher 2nd Run Race Replay 1st Run 2nd Run
  10. Well, keep in mind they played at home, the first match in a "olympic" tournament, something you dream for since you are a kid and then you just realize that you are some galaxy weaker than the teams fighting for glory and players who will likely gain their life thanks this sport, but you´ll probably remains only a amateur player in a country when your sport is just unknown and will never have any chance to move up from the lowest divisions for example..this all can be very demoralizing, but if they play only in their division and lose or win matches by only let say 3-4 goals difference, eventually win medals in their divisions they will all remains happy and enjoy their further improvemenet of hockey, but now they know they will never be so good as they dream for... I still remember that slaughter of Bulgaria in the womens olympic qualifiers, just because some officials thought it will be a great idea to offer the same chances for teams from different categories in a normal olympic qualifying tournament, we all know what happened, after 3 huge debacles with Latvia, Italy and Croatia came the 82-0 from our girls (which still aren´t nothing so extremely special) I remember this just destroyed the womens hocey in Bulgaria, they needed few more years to try a restart with some new girls I mean it´s just still not the time yet to mix high and low divisions teams to play together in ice hockey, this sport has still too much important differences between different divisions, ofc it´s better than some decades before but still too big differences
  11. sorry to say that but in this sport you just can´t allow to play teams from such different level to play each other, this is just boring in term of level and atractivity of the game and what is more important absolutely demoralizing for the eventual future of this sport in these "small" nations...I´m always for the participation of small and exotic countries in sport, but it just can not work in some sports as ice hockey.. It´s certainly was a huge moment for Turkish boys to play this tournament and for example to play against the currently best hockey youngs players from Russia, but where is the sense of that ? just demoralizing and I can see that many of the Turkey players from todays match will not continue the hockey later...
  12. Can´t believe the coach still didn´t changed the goalie, the guy must be mentally so damn down right now, and they let him to stay in the net
  13. This 29th Goal of Aleksandr Chernyi was a absolute pure briliant jewel
  14. ofc they will last period will be disastrous for Turkey, already now they are too much tired, It´s really a while I haven´t see so slow skating, And really Russia is clearly not trying their best this is just some 50% of what they can if they want..maybe even less
  15. wow it´s already a whole 2 minutes that Russia didn´t scored yet
  16. Klaudia Nemcová 26th in the GS qualification, thats what I call heartbreaking
  17. and btw Adam said it after 5 skiers finished the slalom that Aerni will win it today , no way that anyone beat this lucky guy today
  18. Adam Žampa just said he is totally broken and Every part of his body hurts him, he just can not even to sit or walk he will not start in the slalom part, but will try to help somehow in the team event. Yes ladies and gentlemens This is a true warrior !!!
  19. lol Russia at some 40-50% effort still without any minor problem even thr peoples in the stands suddenly stoped their "Turkiye !! Turkiye !!" after they get it after just some seconds of play
  20. Marino and Toutant shine out at slopestyle World Cup Quebec Julia Marino (USA) and Sebastien Toutant (CAN) have claimed victory in the penultimate slopestyle World Cup event of the 2016-17 season which was staged as part of the 2017 Jamboree presented by Vidéotron Mobile in the Stoneham Mountain Resort, Canada. And whilst riders had to face some flat light and therefore quite challenging conditions, the top-8 female and best 16 male qualifiers still delivered a great show in the two run best one count final in front of the stellar crowd which braved the cold weather whilst hoping for another top result of the Canadian roster. The hosting nation's riders had been doing well in the Saturday night big air finals with Mark McMorris and Max Parrot securing a 1-2 double for the maple leaves – so hopes were high for a repetition. And Team Canada did their home country proud with Sebastien Toutant (84.81) and Mark McMorris (84.60) claiming another 1-2 punch in a super tight showdown. In a technical final which could have gone either way, it was Seb Toots who impressed the judges just a little bit more with his second run to take his career's third. The local favourite from Quebec landed a cab double cork 1260 tail to frontside double cork 1080 mute and backside 1440 mute on the three-kicker jump line before stomping a tailslide to 270 out on the creative hip feature whist finishing things of with a 270 on 270 out and a cab 270 in the rail section at the bottom of the course. However, he had to go through some hard times until he finally was able to stomp the run he had in mind and climb the top spot of the podium. “Not making the cut in yesterday's big air was for sure a bummer with all my friends and family here. And then I fell on the first jump in my first run, I couldn't believe it,” he recalled. “I had a ton of pressure in my second run for sure but I tried to stay focused. I knew I had that run which I landed a couple of times in practise. I'm super happy that I put it down. Taking a win in Quebec in front of my home crowd is awesome,” stated Toutant who did not compete in his backyard since 2011 when he won the big air event in Quebec City. Beaten by only 0.21, McMorris, who had looked like taking home a back-to-back win, was left standing as second knowing that the decision about the victory had not been in his hands. The winner of the first ever FIS Super Series had thrown down a switch backside 1260 stalefish as well as a backside triple cork 1440 mute and frontside double cork 1080 mute to tail before stomping a tailslide 270 off, frontside boardslide to boardslide 270 out and a cab 270. “You know, you can only land your run. I think it could have gone either way, just like yesterday. But I'm happy that I earned another good result. And hey, two Canadians on the podium, it could be worse,” he commented also knowing that “it was hard with the flat light but the level of riding was pretty technical today.” Another proof for the superb level in the men's final was spinning wonder Markus Kleveland. After putting down a solid run consisting of a cab 1260 melon to frontside double cork 1080 mute, backside 1440, boardslide prezel 270 out, cab 270 and a switch boardslide 270 out, the Norwegian Viking walked away with a 84.16 and a third rank finish saying: “To compete with those guys it's a high level of riding. You have to push yourself to the max. It's been really fun.” US ladies atop And while the men put down some killer runs, the girls didn't want to be left behind with two US ladies taking a double win for the stars and stripes. Coming off strong of her last nights second rank finish in the big air competition, Julia Marino claimed her career's second, her first in slopestyle though, thanks to her first run with which she set the bar too high for the rest of the field. Marino was given a 76.43 for her frontside 540 indy to cab double underflip mute, backside 720 mute as well as a frontside nose bluntslide, frontside boardslide and a final 50-50 to frontside 360 therefore relegating Olympic champion Jamie Anderson to the runner-up position (72.78). “I had a really fun time today although we had some flat light. But as the conditions were consistent it was good. However, it definitely wasn't easy. All the girls put down their hardest runs. But its cool, we push each other,” Marino said. However, earning another 800 points for her second rank finish, Anderson took over the World Cup lead – despite the fact of being forced to deal with spare gear. “I'm super happy to put one down after a super tough week here. I lost my bags which just showed up yesterday. So it was all new gear with which I wasn't comfortable with.” Nevertheless, the US superstar who has had some ups and downs this season, was still able to throw down: cab 720 tail, switch backside 540 indy, frontside 720 mute, tailtap 270 off, frontside gap to boardslide and a frontside lipslide. The women's podium was rounded out by Brooke Voigt (CAN; 67.43) who jumped on the podium for the third time in her career making the final day of the twelfth edition of the Jamboree one Canadian fans will never forget. The snowboard freestyle World Cup tour will continue next weekend with the Olympic halfpipe test event staged in the Bokwang Phoenix Park Resort, South Korea from February 17 to 19, 2017. Full Results Men and Women
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