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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. but all the peoples cheering him along the course, what a moment for him it must be, hopefully it will help him and he will start to learn to ski
  2. poor guy this is really painfull to watch..but I admire him to even try this, poor poor brave guy
  3. Solano on track, looks the director will show all his lap..gonna for a good quarter hour
  4. Polands one still working|51494|501562|601696|396|18|en
  5. qualifications
  6. from 17:30 local time (16:30 Paris time ) there will be 5 quarterfinals, 2 semifinals races in womens and mens categories before the grand finals
  7. okay let just forget this race and move for something else..gonna just searching for some good hockey match... ofc I´m happy for Bruna, but dear lord it´s just impossible to invent a worst, more painful and more drastic end for us so lets go hockey
  8. yes Šimon is supposed to be a decent talent and we are already counting on him for the next years in our mens A team..he is really good skier and very fast but as all his teammates desperate shooter
  9. same here. not happy with it, but well, only very rarely the things works for us (look the C2 Canoe slalom removal proposals) so at least once they invented something favorable also for us unbelievable medal chance with Zuzana and Erik
  10. and no medal for perfect shooting but the guy was too slow
  11. you can follow it here, there always a ton of pictures added..but you have to wait the next day
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