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  1. Thanks
    lunatik reacted to andresap93 in Your Own Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Daily Schedule

    I created this (it's not completed)
  2. Thanks
    lunatik reacted to esube in Your Own Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Daily Schedule   
    Attached is a daily schedule of Paris 2024 events.  I don't think this exists in this form anywhere else but I haven't been on the forum much in the past few months.   I posted a preliminary version about a year ago.  This version is updated to include opening round pairings in the major team sports and additional timings for medal events.  I find this useful to help guide my TV streaming each day.  I hope you find it useful too.  It was fun to put together.  
    Schedule 2024 Olympics3.4.docx
  3. Love
    lunatik got a reaction from dcro in Summer Olympic Games 2016 Ceremonies   
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    lunatik got a reaction from Benolympique in Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympic Games 2016 News   
    Gold - €112.400
    Silver - €80.300
    Bronze - €64.300
    Members of - pairs 10% less, fours 20% less, teams 30% less.
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