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  1. Like
    Cobi reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Team Members R1
    Staverden Ghosts 57 94 94 95 62 Ermelo Riders 72 76 94 127 107 Harderwijk Dolphins 68 58 Did not advance Elburg Botters 96 66 75 Did not advance Veluwe Vipers 35 Did not advance Apeldoorn Gorillas 105 78 95 50 DNA Nunspeet Wolves
    113 89 87 65 96
  2. Like
    Cobi reacted to rybak in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    If someone is interested, here is my personal voting:
     Kazakhstan - 12
     Romania - 11
     Canada - 10
     China - 9
     Serbia - 8
     Spain - 7
     Tunisia - 6
     Malta - 5
     Czech Republic - 4
     New Zealand - 3
     Bulgaria - 2
     Ireland - 1
     Germany - 1st reserve
     Moldova - 2nd reserve
     India - 3rd reserve
  3. Thanks
    Cobi reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Congratulations to my Wolf Pack ( @Cobi, @Glen, @intoronto, @hckosice, @dezbee2008) on a sweet second place finish in the team contest. It’s a nice consolation for those of us who didn’t perform as well this year.
  4. Like
    Cobi reacted to Glen in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    I'm sure you won't be reading this message but go straight to the points. But if you do, glad you read it. these are the votes of the Maltese jury:

    Germany 10 India 9 Indonesia 8 Netherlands 7 Lithuania 6 Italy 5 China 4 Spain 3 Ireland 2 Argentina 1
  5. Like
    Cobi reacted to Bohemia in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Bonsoir/bonjour tout le monde, nous sommes très heureux d’être encore une fois présents pour la compétition la plus excitante de l’année ! Voici nos votes :
    Good evening/Hello everyone, we are very happy to be here again for the most exciting contest of the year ! Here are our votes :

    Lithuania 10 Romania 9 Bulgaria 8 China 7 Portugal 6 Netherlands 5 Ireland 4 Spain 3 New Zealand 2 Denmark 1  
  6. Like
    Cobi reacted to mrv86 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Same for Mexico
  7. Like
    Cobi got a reaction from mrv86 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    In Spain it's 2-3 lunch and 9-10 dinner. 
  8. Thanks
    Cobi got a reaction from NikolaB in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Greeting in national language:
    ¡Buenos días desde España! Todo listo para vivir un bonito y emocionante día en compañía de la familia de Totallympics.
    English translation:
    Good morning from Spain! Everything is ready to share a wonderful and exciting day with the Totallympics community.

    France 10 Canada 9 Portugal 8 Indonesia 7 Italy 6 Serbia 5 Malta 4 India 3 Croatia 2 Denmark 1
  9. Like
    Cobi got a reaction from Vic Liu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Third 1 point for Spain in 9 jurors + 1 Silver Medal 
    Thanks @Vic Liu!
  10. Like
    Cobi reacted to catgamer in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Hallo und Grüße aus Deutschland an alle Teilnehmer. Es fiel der Jury schwer eine Rangliste zu erstellen,  aber schließlich haben wir uns auf folgendes geeinigt:
    Hello and greetings from Germany to all of you. For the German jury it was an extremely tough choice to make, but finally it all settled to the following ranking which I hereby disclose:

    Canada 10 Malta 9 Italy 8 Moldova 7 Ireland 6 Spain 5 China 4 Denmark 3 Greece 2 New Zealand 1
  11. Like
    Cobi reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Добар дан свима, надамо се да вам све иде добро. Ево гласова српског жирија!
    Good afternoon everyone, we hope you're all doing well. Here are the votes of the Serbian jury!

    Slovenia 10 Poland 9 Greece 8 Spain 7 Netherlands 6 Israel 5 Ireland 4 Hungary 3 Moldova 2 Canada 1
  12. Sad
    Cobi got a reaction from mrv86 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Not this time 
  13. Like
    Cobi reacted to Gianlu33 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Here a bit of context, about podium in the last TISC

  14. Haha
    Cobi reacted to Dnl in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    And so we basically took the spanish gold
  15. Like
    Cobi got a reaction from OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Thanks @OlympicIRL!
  16. Haha
    Cobi reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Are you guys giving Spain 11 points on purpose or what?
  17. Wow!
    Cobi reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Spain 11
    United States 10 Lithuania 9 India 8 China 7 Great Britain 6 New Zealand 5 Slovenia 4 Brazil 3 Argentina 2 Malta 1
  18. Haha
    Cobi reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Spain's scores so far include,
  19. Like
    Cobi reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    大家下午好,希望您一切都好。 这是中国陪审团的票!
    Good afternoon everyone, we hope you're all doing well. Here are the votes of the Chinese jury!

    India 10 Indonesia 9 Kazakhstan 8 Poland 7 Lithuania 6 Ireland 5 Italy 4 Germany 3 Great Britain 2 Spain 1
  20. Wow!
    Cobi got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Ya conocía la canción de antes. Hace un par de años Enanitos Verdes hizo una colaboración con un grupo de rock español (Hombres G) versionando esta canción y la he escuchado bastantes veces. Estuvo muy muy cerca de llevarse los 12 puntos.
    I had already listened to that song. A couple of years ago, Enanitos Verdes made a collab with a Spanish rock band (Hombres G) singing Lamento Boliviano and I really liked it. It was very close to get my 12 points.
  21. Like
    Cobi reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    I'm positively surprised every nation in the first session posted their own votes
  22. Like
    Cobi reacted to konig in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Reporting the argentinian jury, here are the 7:00 A.M
  23. Thanks
    Cobi got a reaction from IoNuTzZ in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Romania 12
    Argentina 11
    France 10 Canada 9 Portugal 8 Indonesia 7 Italy 6 Serbia 5 Malta 4 India 3 Croatia 2 Denmark 1
  24. Sad
    Cobi reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Team Members R1
    Staverden Ghosts 57         Ermelo Riders 72         Harderwijk Dolphins 68         Elburg Botters 96         Veluwe Vipers 35 Did not advance Apeldoorn Gorillas 105         Nunspeet Wolves
    113         * last placed team at the conclusion of each round will be eliminated
  25. Like
    Cobi got a reaction from OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    They made the first cut but it was not enough to score. I think they finished as my 5th reserve after Ireland, Germany, UK and China.
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