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Posts posted by Andry84

  1. 23 minutes ago, Faramir said:

    Eccoli che escono, aspetto i classici "I sorteggi non contano, tanto bisogna affrontare tutti" e facciamo tombola :lol:

    Ma escono chi? Siete sempre a piangere qualsiasi cosa accada, in queste 24 ore si sono lette tante di quelle cavolate da mettere i brividi, ma siamo sempre a dire che siamo forti e poi abbiamo paura di quel paracarro di Zidani (che manco ci dovrebbe arrivare ai quarti in un torneo di pugilato normale) oppure ci si dispera di un derby nella spada femminile , eventualmente ai quarti (perchè ai quarti bisogna arrivarci). Se mi parli di Abbes , Di Pirelli, di Alessio, del doppio maschile, di Polling (fino ad un certo punto perchè i precedenti vincenti con Matic ci sono , più che altro è il primo turno che è bruttissimo) ci sta dire che abbiano preso malissimo, per il resto sono sorteggi normali, 4 o 5 judoka hanno pescato anche molto bene, avere un paio di possibili derby nella scherma prima delle semifinali era probabile che accadesse.

    Poi si dice che la Francia abbia pescato bene ovunque, ma dove? Andiamo a vedere i sorteggi o accoppiamenti di Khyar , Boukli ,Gaba, Mkheidze, Cysique, Zidani, Traorè, Mosselly, Bennama, mica avranno pescato bene questi???

  2. 42 minutes ago, Gianlu33 said:

    Ho letto in giro più volte questa cosa, per me è una polemica assurda. Ma come poteva Nespoli, non sapendo come avrebbero tirato gli altri e non sapendo ovviamente la situazione in diretta, poter "manipolare" uno dei tre tabelloni?

    Esatto,  non c'era  la minima possibilità  di farlo e di saperlo, tirano in 64 tutti assieme,  tutti sono concentrati  sul loro  bersaglio, figuriamoci  se all'ultima  freccia qualcuno è  in grado  di fare una cosa simile  in pochi  secondi,  e se poi  qualcuno di altre squadre  tirasse un 3????? Folle anche  solo pensare  una cosa del genere.


    Aggiungo  anche  che durante le volee  non tutti  tirano nello stesso  istante,  magari  qualcuno finisce quando  un altro  ha ancora 1 freccia da scagliare

  3. 4 minutes ago, phelps said:

    OK, let`s see what a trial court thinks about it


    in any case, all those who read the rules without taking into consideration the "consecutio temporum" should go back to school (or in jail, if they do it intentionally :bones:)

    Your are right, but " not yet qualified" Is related at the time of the reallocation not at the time the tournament was held also because everybody Is not qualified when every qualification tournament was held. But i also think that Is written badly and Cas could change the decision because the only logical reallocation Is the one that sees the first under the line in the moment  the tournament was held take the spot and then the others ( if there are others) like a waterfall.

  4. 2 minutes ago, phelps said:

    I don't really think so


    Bayramov got his original quota at the continetal tournament...that's the quota place to be reallocated if he gets the WC place (which is obvious, since he is the 1st in line that didn't get a WC quota)


    p.s. however I won't be surprised if :ITA don't get that OQP, it's obvious that UWW cheaters now have our Country in the target for any possible form of disrespect

    I only hope that our NOC would fight until the end, going also to the Swiss Civil Court if necessary

    Your interpretation Is the only logical one and the fairest because when the WCh were held Bayramov was not qualified, but the rules of reallocation are different, stupid , but different, i really fear the quota Is going tò China.

  5. 5 minutes ago, copravolley said:

    Ok, so Bellandi has a chance for silver if she beats the French in 1/2. However, she is not a favorite for gold. It's hard for a person who has never won gold at a major event to be the favorite and has a terrible record against his two main rivals. 

    Being the favourite doesnt count anything ( if you arent Tsunoda or Abe) , Fabio Basile , Giulia Quintavalle , Maria Centracchio werent neither among the top 10 favourites and how did It finish???

  6. 42 minutes ago, copravolley said:

    Ok, but if Rodini with Corsio won bronze at the European Championships, what was the point of returning to Rodini- Cesarini who were not prepared even to fight for qualifications? It was sad to watch today.

    DO  you really think that italian trainers are stupid..... If they came here with Rodini and Cesarini Is simply because in the test they did in these weeks It was the fastest combination, in european with Crosio and Rodini they were 15 metres behind Greece and without France it was clear they didnt have any chance to qualify the boat , sometimes we have to accept that the rivals are Simply Better, and in this case it was clear that the girls wouldnt had qualified the boat 

  7. And now, italian users, please stop complain about everything , the athletes, the trainers are great in almost every sport, we have the strongest Olympic team ever considering all the disciplines without any doubts, we have qualified both 8 for the First time in history, today the only Little regrets is for Mumolo but iam sure he gave everything he had, one of the lightweight girls is always  ill and she cant train properly like a professional rower must train in last 2 years

  8. 16 minutes ago, copravolley said:

    Unfortunately we are having a very hard time with these qualifications.- team sports in particular :( I hope that we will move forward significantly with rowing at the beginning of next week.

    I cant see hard times for Italy tò qualify for Olympics, softball and karate are not in he program anymore and It Will cost US a good Number of people, for the rest we Will add shortly 2 volleyball teams, many pass in athletics by ranking, at least 11 people in judo, probably 1 or 2 more in climbing, 2 in skateboard , 1 or 2 in breaking, 1 or 2 in table tennis, 2 or 3 in shooting, 4 in MTB, i Hope not less than 13 in rowing, chance also of 1 more in triathlon and modern pentathlon, probably 10 tennis players, some more swimmers ,we will go with many, many people, probably also too much

  9. 1 hour ago, Gianlu33 said:

    Come mai la Francia viene considerata come host quota e non più qualificata via ranking? :mumble:

    Per fare 3 pass doveva farli per ranking altrimenti  ha diritto  a 2 pass per sesso,  59 e 71 femminile  che sono anche  quelle in cui aveva fatto  pass per ranking. Comunque  non so chi abbia  aggiornato  Wikipedia  ma bisogna  aspettare  la scelta  della belga o l'eventuale  squalifica  della Konotop

  10. 1 hour ago, copravolley said:

    Burgo, however, is very far from promotion. Unfortunately, our team only competes in c-1 and c-2 competition after skipping sprints in k-1. Craciun to win a QO in c-1. I wonder who I'm putting up now? Craciun or Tacchini?

    I expected more from Burgo , a finish place between 2 and 4, instead very well in canoe, Craciun with unexpected pass and he Will compete in C1 while Tacchini Will focus on C2, and very good news by Olympia Della Giustina

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