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Totallympics Medallist
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    Dnl reacted to Vektor in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    One week until the deadline.

    Debuting countries (1):  
    Returning countries (1):  (O2013)
    Countries who participated at O2019 and have not yet confirmed the participation (14):              
  2. Like
  3. Like
    Dnl reacted to OlympicIRL in [OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic   
    Courtesy of worldometer, here is the current state of play in the Covid-19 medals table....
    Total Cases New
    Cases Total
    Deaths New
    Deaths Total
    Recovered Serious,
    Critical China 76,940 +652 2,443 +98 23,163 11,477 Diamond Princess 691 +57 3 +1 17 27 S. Korea 602 +166 6 +4 18 7 Japan 146 +12 1   22 6 Italy 134 +55 2   2 26 Singapore 89       49 5 Hong Kong 74 +4 2   12 6 Iran 43 +14 8 +2     Thailand 35       21 2 USA 35       6   Taiwan 28 +2 1   2 1 Australia 22 +1     11   Malaysia 22       17   Germany 16       14   Vietnam 16       15   U.A.E. 13       3 2 France 12   1   10   Macao 10       6   Canada 9       3   U.K. 9       8   Philippines 3   1   2   India 3       3   Russia 2       2   Spain 2       2   Belgium 1       1   Cambodia 1       1   Egypt 1       1   Finland 1       1   Israel 1           Lebanon 1           Nepal 1       1   Sri Lanka 1       1   Sweden 1           Iraq 1           Highlighted in green = all cases have recovered from the infection. Highlighted in grey = all cases have had an outcome (there are no active cases).  
  4. Haha
    Dnl reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    We do what we always do here in this forum. We harrass them into participation through tags and private messages 

  5. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from Wumo in Athletics Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games   
    well this was a special competition for  since 5 diffrent athleats broke the NR and achived the Q for this olympics but since the will be only 3 athleats per country the best 3 times will go but still 5 time to broke a NR...
  6. Like
    Dnl reacted to EselTheDonkey in Athletics Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games   
    Hendrik Pfeiffer 2:10:18 
    Anja Scherl 2:28:25 
  7. Like
    Dnl reacted to Vektor in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    Interestingly enough we are still missing 9 countries who registered for this contest before the restart. 
  8. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    I'm more than happy to upload my 100th post as first Israeli entry to TAISC 2020 in croatia!!!! 
    אליעד - מסע | Eliad - Journey
    Eliad is a singer and actor who had a famous acting roles when he was a child, but in the last few years he became one of Israel's favorite singers, and grew up...
    so without further ado it is my pleasure to introduce you to this song
    thank you and i hope you will enjoy! (the lyrics are down below and once again enjoy!!)

  9. Like
    Dnl reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020   
    So here we go again.

    We have decided to start from scratch. Therefore, we would kindly like to ask users who have previously registered for the cancelled Algerian edition to join us again. For those who have already submitted a song - you can post the same song here again or you can choose a different one. It's all up to you.
    @konig @KingOfTheRhinos @Function CR Lee @Manulete @Wumo @Agger @Bohemia @Benolympique @Janakis @Vektor @Ashton @Griff88 @OlympicIRL @Dnl @Gianlu33 @Henry_Leon @Pablita @SteveParker @Dunadan @Glen @mrv86 @Khadidja Aisha @heywoodu @Wanderer @Wanderer @Skijumpingmaster @rybak @kungshamra71 @IoNuTzZ @DaniSRB @hckosice @Cobi @Belle @amen09 @Illya @dezbee2008 @NaBUru38
    And, of course, this is an open invitation for everyone else as well.
    Entry deadline is set for March 1st at 23:55 (GMT+1).
  10. Haha
    Dnl got a reaction from zob79 in Basketball 2020 Discussion Thread   
    You can call it half time action! i thought that cheerleaders supposed to cheer up not beating down...
  11. Sad
    Dnl reacted to JoshMartini007 in Summer Olympic Games 2020 Unqualified Nations   
    Due to no longer having a quota in equestrian, Sri Lanka has been added back on to the list
  12. Wow!
    Dnl reacted to Fly_like_a_don in Sport Events Cancelled due to Coronavirus Outbreak   
    Looks like China could face a ban from Tokyo Olympics 
  13. Like
    Dnl reacted to Wumo in [PREDICTION CONTESTS] Discussion Thread   
    Provisional Standing after Day 3 available here
    @africaboy, @Pablita, @dcro, @PakoNatxo, @ady48, @Henry_Leon, @Monzanator, @Gianlu33, @toulousain, @ritesh, @Dolby, @SteveParker  @George_D, @Federer91, @anuj, @Herberth10, @Speedy, @tuniscof, @heywoodu, @Wanderer, @hckosice
    @Giovanni Gianni Cattaneo, @Ufilov, @Agger, @rybak, @IoNuTzZ, @vlad, @szy123, @Vojthas, @Dnl
    You can now make or edit your predictions for the Bobsleigh & Skeleton WCHs. 
    I would also like to remind those who haven't seen it yet. There is a poll for the selection of the prediction contest for March:
  14. Haha
    Dnl reacted to heywoodu in Football 2020 Discussion Thread   
    It's excellent news for the more neutral fan though  
    Now it's a matter of waiting for the likes of PSG and Barcelona to be out as well  
  15. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Congratulations @dcro can’t wait for Israel debut in Rijeka and of course learn about Croatia and Rijeka 
  16. Like
    Dnl reacted to Vektor in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    For the "history books", this is currently the status of the national selection/registration before the new host reopens the selection.

    Debuting countries (1):  
    Returning countries (3):  (A2017),  (O2013),  (O2017)
    Countries who participated at O2019 and have not yet confirmed the participation (10):           
  17. Like
    Dnl reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Ladies and Gentlemen, we are going to Croatia for TISC Annual 2020.
    Congrats @dcro . Commiserations @Olympian1010
  18. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from Ros in Summer Olympic Games 2020 Official Day by Day Schedule   
    let's just hope that we will enjoy this games in tokyo without any problems what so ever...
  19. Like
    Dnl reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Ok so both candidates who entered the race to host this contest initially have said they are still interested. Therefore in my mind it is clear one of those users should host.
    So do we conduct a repeat of the random draw again like we had before except without bestmen this time of course. @dcro and @Olympian1010 do you agree to that format? You both have a designated amount of tickets like before? I think it’s fair to re-run the initial race.
  20. Like
    Dnl reacted to dcro in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Hey, so yeah, I would be willing to take over the reins. Of course, it's not ideal, and I would definitely need a little time to reset if given the opportunity. Nobody wanted this to happen and I don't think anybody dreams of taking over in such circumstance. However, I also think nobody wants this edition to be cancelled, and thankfully there is still enough time before the forum's attention fully switches to Tokyo.
    Also, if nothing else came out of all those failed bids, at least I got to play around with the whole concept of hosting.
  21. Love
    Dnl reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    @konig @KingOfTheRhinos @Function CR Lee @Manulete @Wumo @Agger @Bohemia @Benolympique @Janakis @Vektor @Ashton @Griff88 @OlympicIRL @Gianlu33 @Henry_Leon @Pablita @SteveParker @Dunadan @Glen @mrv86 @Khadidja Aisha @heywoodu @Wanderer @Skijumpingmaster @rybak @kungshamra71 @IoNuTzZ @DaniSRB @hckosice @Cobi @Belle @amen09 @Illya @dezbee2008 @NaBUru38 @dcro @Werloc @vinipereira @Olympian1010 @justony @Dnl
    As most of you know by now, TISC Annual 2020 has hit a major bump in the road. The host had to be removed from his duties after refusing the participation of another user. As such, I have locked the TISC Annual 2020 thread until we figure out where to go from here.
    First thing to say is that the contest will certainly go ahead.
    Secondly, I hope to have the contest back up and running sooner rather than later as we already have many nations with entries submitted. But the contest won't be rushed either for the sake of it. So we will allow a chance for any users who did not want to participate in the contest previously to now come onboard and take their place in the contest. Hopefully all of those who boycotted the event can now get behind the contest once again.
    The most important thing then is to decide what to do about hosting. @dcro and @Olympian1010 previously submitted bids for the contest. I don't know how interested any of you would be on taking up the mantle in such short notice. I also understand that hosts want time to prepare content to welcome us to their country so I would never want to make it feel like a host has to take a second hand experience of hosting. But I do feel it's the legitimate decision to at least give them a say on whether they want to take this over or not.
    I am also open to suggestions regarding the hosting and in general about how to get this ball rolling again. I will volunteer myself for hosting duties also if it is needed.
    Thanks for your understanding and I really would appreciate your guidance here.
  22. Like
    Dnl reacted to dezbee2008 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020 - Cancelled Edition   
    So, I left after a few days and this drama showed up
    I'm sorry @bestmen feels that way, but rules are rules, and he cannot keep changing goal posts in order to keep Israel from competing in the contest
    @Dnl You are welcomed to take part in this contest. I'm looking forward to hearing your entry when the time comes
    And to @Olympian1010 I got your DM on Twitter and I'm sorry I didn't process it right away as I am battling a cold (which is NOT the Coronoavirus, okay, I'm fine)
  23. Thanks
    Dnl reacted to heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic   
    Not entirely. It has been named 2019-nCoV since late December/early January (although media keeps calling it 'the coronavirus', but there's tons of coronavirusses, SARS is one as well). 
    The virus is still named 2019-nCoV, what's new is that the WHO has given a name to the disease now and that is Covid-19.
    Covid --> Coronavirus disease
    Still a rather mediocre name.
  24. Like
    Dnl reacted to heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic   
    I'm sure the intent is good but come on, China has billions and billions and billions of dollars and euros and anything you want  But at least the intent is good  
  25. Like
    Dnl reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020 - Cancelled Edition   
    Hi everyone,
    This is a sad day for TISC. We have rules in place and some rules you never ever want to enforce and hope that you won't need and hope they are just there for guidance. Sadly today I will be enforcing rule 7(f).
    I had been in contact with @Sindo in recent days as I felt things were taking a turn for the worst. When bestmen refused to acknowledge Israel's entry, I had to add that to the first post myself and I told Sindo that my red line is if bestmen removes Israel from the list once more or goes on another rant then he would have to be stripped of hosting duties.
    On top of that, I have no choice but to disqualify him from TISC entirely. To deny another user the right to participate is a totally unacceptable move and it means that we cannot consider him to be a fair judge of other users and songs.
    As for the future of this contest, TISC Annual 2020 will go ahead, no doubt about that. I won't make any decisions yet about how soon or hosting, I need some time to think it over as do we all.
    Apologies to everyone.
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