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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Love
    Dnl got a reaction from Grassmarket in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    It’s really off topic, but today is the anniversary for me , joined to you wonderful people exactly one year ago 
    so thank you guys for everything and for many years to come 
  2. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from EupenM in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    It’s really off topic, but today is the anniversary for me , joined to you wonderful people exactly one year ago 
    so thank you guys for everything and for many years to come 
  3. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from Vic Liu in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    It’s really off topic, but today is the anniversary for me , joined to you wonderful people exactly one year ago 
    so thank you guys for everything and for many years to come 
  4. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from Olympian1010 in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    It’s really off topic, but today is the anniversary for me , joined to you wonderful people exactly one year ago 
    so thank you guys for everything and for many years to come 
  5. Sad
    Dnl reacted to Federer91 in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    Today is a sad day here, as our prolific mountain climber Atanas Skatov died, while attempting to climb the deadliest mountain in the world K2.   
    Up until last month it was the only mountain never concurred in the winter, when 9 Nepalese climbers finally did it. Atanas had a target to concur it already from last year. It would have been his 11th Eight-thousander, as he had 4 left, before accomplishing the Himalayan Crown, which no Bulgarian has ever done.
    He had already climbed - Everest (8848 m), Kangchenjunga (8586 m), Lhotse (8516 m), Makalu (8485 m), Cho Oyu (8201 m), 
                             Dhaulagiri (8167 m), Manaslu (8163 m), Annapurna (8091 m), Gasherbrum I (8080 m), Gasherbrum II (8034 m).
    The 4 that were left were K2 (8611 m), Nanga Parbat (8126 m), Broad Peak (8051 m) and Shishapangma (8027 m)
    While returning to a base camp at around 7400 m, after an unsuccessful attempt, he fell, while exchanging ropes. It is reported that had fallen 2000 m in the abyss, as that is where his body was found...
    It is just 2.5 years, after the death of our other prolific climber Boyan Petrov. He too was going for the Himalayan Crown. He too concurred 10 peaks and found his death on the 11th, just like Atanas. 
    In 2018 Boyan Petrov attempted Shishapangma in a solo mission and without a satellite phone. He disappears soon after, which leads to one of the most largest rescue missions ever. In addition to the men on the trail, the Chinese use helicopters for 2 weeks, but the mission encounters many problems with bad weather.  His body was never found to this day..   
  6. Love
    Dnl got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    He is busy searching what He can do different then Trump, then in doing anything else...
  7. Like
    Dnl reacted to AmericanHero40 in Israel National Thread   
    do you have facebook? i can send you to an israeli road to tokyo group, they are very up do date
  8. Like
    Dnl reacted to Sindo in Israel National Thread   
    Or you can bring those fans on here 
  9. Wow!
    Dnl got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    Israel and Kosovo are officially established diplomatic relations 

  10. Sad
    Dnl got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    I may bias but biden got no clue about what is going on here, and he goes on to make big descion just like that ,speaking to a palastinian guy i know, he said this is a sign for a bad years to come, here is some facts, more then 95% of the aid is going on weapon and missle purchese, palestinan who need medical care are going to israel to get the health care most of the time for *free* , this is a video from a month ago when Hamas had a drill of rocket lanching and soldiers kidnapping, well it's funny when me and my Arab-Israeli, and Palestinain freinds agree that much but it's happend now...
  11. Like
    Dnl reacted to AmericanHero40 in Israel National Thread   
    to be honest, i'm not so sure, i really stopped following in the past 6 months between million things i have going on right now and the fact that i'm not sure if the olympics are even going to happen. Judo, Maybe sailing? maybe fencing? Misha Zilberman in badminton. We qualified the main ones , maybe we'll be able to get one or 2 more in track and swimming (hanna knyazeva minenko?)
  12. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from rafalgorka in Israel National Thread   
    @Maxim Fastovsky do you got any clue who is “still to come” in this Olympic Games?
  13. Haha
    Dnl reacted to Federer91 in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    So when is Uncle Joe going to wave the flag of democracy in Myanmar? 
  14. Like
    Dnl reacted to Vojthas in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Host Country Press Conference   
  15. Love
    Dnl reacted to Cobi in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Congratulations @Vojthas and @rybak! You are very creative and I am sure it is going to be one of the best editions ever.
    @Olympian1010and @Dnl would have been great hosts too so I hope you could have a chance in the near future.
  16. Love
    Dnl reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Congratulations to @Vojthas and @rybak for winning the right to bring TISC Annual 2021 to Poland for the very first time
    Commiserations to @Olympian1010 and @Dnl on missing out this time. Thank you both for showing interest in hosting our contest and we hope you will keep pursuing the dream of becoming a future host. It took Poland a few attempts, so never give up
    See you all soon for the 16th edition of the Totallympics International Song Contest
  17. Love
    Dnl reacted to rybak in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Thank you. We will try do our the best to make this contest as best as we can.
    I hope that next time Israel will win the draw or Israel will be winner of this upcoming contest  
  18. Love
    Dnl got a reaction from rybak in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Congratulations ? @rybak @Vojthas  looking forward for you guys to get this done on the best way 
  19. Like
    Dnl reacted to rybak in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    POLAND wins the draw!!! 
  20. Love
    Dnl reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    TISC Annual 2021 - Draw For Hosting Rights
    The deadline to receive bids for the Totallympics Annual Contest 2021 has now passed and we are delighted to announce our 3 candidates to become the next TISC host....
    List of bids / candidates to host TISC Annual 2021:
    United States @Olympian1010 Poland @Vojthas @rybak Israel @Dnl  

    The draw will take place tomorrow, Saturday 30th January at 18:00 GMT.
    The link for the live draw is available here:
    Good luck to all the candidates
  21. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from konig in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    I'm officially declare that I as the rep' of Israel here, will apply as a candidate if possible
  22. Love
    Dnl reacted to Olympian1010 in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    Our friends over at Olympedia have done some research on this.
    Here’s a list of those killed in concentration camps:

    Here’s a list of those who survived:
  23. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from Vic Liu in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    Today is the International Holocaust day (today in 1945 Auschwitz camp was liberated) and I think it is a good to platform to remember the victims of one’s of the most dark time in human history for us Olympic fans and sport fans there are medal winners among those who were brutally Murdered , may they rest in Peace and may we never witness anything like this ever again
    Remembered and never forgotten 
  24. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from hckošice in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    Today is the International Holocaust day (today in 1945 Auschwitz camp was liberated) and I think it is a good to platform to remember the victims of one’s of the most dark time in human history for us Olympic fans and sport fans there are medal winners among those who were brutally Murdered , may they rest in Peace and may we never witness anything like this ever again
    Remembered and never forgotten 
  25. Like
    Dnl got a reaction from Olympian1010 in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    Today is the International Holocaust day (today in 1945 Auschwitz camp was liberated) and I think it is a good to platform to remember the victims of one’s of the most dark time in human history for us Olympic fans and sport fans there are medal winners among those who were brutally Murdered , may they rest in Peace and may we never witness anything like this ever again
    Remembered and never forgotten 
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