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Blue Swede

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Posts posted by Blue Swede

  1. Point is though that Sanders is too far to the left to really be electable.He is like Jeremy Corbyn.Great enthusiasm amongst his supporters.Problem is that they are way too small in numbers and the vast majority is allienated from his politics.


    I predict that Sanders will be the democratic partys presidential candidate and I expect Donald Trump to beat him with some ease in November 2020.


    I am from Scandinavia,and I am national conservative.

  2. Well;I did find todays competition as exciting as any other distance..and then some.


    The distance biathlon competition ain´t broken.Only a fool would try to fix something like this.


    I don´t want any more sprints or any more mass starts.Actually,if one cannot follow a competition like distance biathlon then it´s the personal IQ that needs fixing me thinks.

  3. I´d simply put a time limit on world records.

    They stand for say 20 years(or some other remotely reasonable time limit)and then they get erased so the race for setting WRs can start again.


    A 20 year time limit would erase most of the dreadful so called world records.As a Swede I am particulary annoyed that the legendary Carolina Kluft never had a chance to set the official world record.


    Everyone knows what really went on in the 80´s and 90´s.It has continued into the 2000´s(I wont Farah name names Bolt)..but the most awful one´s is from the 80`s in particular.


    A time limit would erase Kratochvilova and Koch and others to the scrapyard of history,where they belong.

  4. As title says,what to do regarding names like Florence Griffith Joyner,Jackie Joyner Kersee,Jarmila Kratochvilova,Marita Koch and so on?


    Everyone that can put one and one together realises the non value in those so called World Records.


    Are mankind going to die out before those are erased?

  5. We will also have the Michael Bloomberg effect to consider when Super Tuesday comes.


    From what I understand,he is putting himself outthere via TV commercials in a very aggressive way and he is gaining support for each day it seems.


    He has unlimited funding and those things are important in american politics.

  6. Primaries?


    Well,from the Scandinavian perspective it looks like Trump is winning.


    I don´t see how any democratic party candidate can win in November.


    Sanders seems frail and too left in the US perspective.


    Buttigieg is openly gay,and I don´t think average Joe in Mason, Ohio is ready for that yet.


    Biden is in a terrible mess and looks weak.


    Waarren is out IMO,and Klobuchar isn´t capable to bring enough votes.


    Convent could be interesting since the democratic establishment don´t want the unelectable Sanders.

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