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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to DaniSRB in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Congrats @Agger for the victory 
    Thank you  @Glen,  @OlympicIRL,  @Dolby,  @thepharoah,  @Janakis,  @Werloc,  @Pabloffo,  @Enrique,  @africaboy,  @Bohemia @Benolympique,  @Griff88,  @Agger,  @rybak,  @Henry_Leon @Gianlu33 @Pablita @SteveParker,  @justony,  @Memo,  @bestmen,  @titicow @vinipereira,  @FC Mezhgorye for the points!
    Congrats to @dezbee2008 for the fantastic running the show and my collegue @OlympicIRL for the silver in music'thlon :D
  2. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to Gianlu33 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Thanks a lot @dezbee2008 and congrats Denmark for the win!  
  3. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to uk12points in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Congratulations to @Agger and @wumo26 for an amazing victory and congratulations to @dezbee2008 and @Olympian1010 for successfully organising another incredible contest. 
    Pretty pleased with my voting, Denmark 9 points, USA 12, Ireland 11 
    Big thanks to everyone who voted for the British song, so close to a medal but the Anglo-Irish TISC battle will roll on after such a close result!
    Finally @OlympicIRL and @dcro have done it once again, coming up with exciting and (simple!!!) team challenges and little extras that add so much to the contest and keeps us on our toes! All eyes on Italy 2019 now!
  4. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to mrv86 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Thanks to @bestmen @Memo & @vinipereira for giving points to the Mexican song.
    Special congratulations to @dezbee2008. Thank you so much for all the time and commitment in making this edition wonderful and entertaining. 
    Congratulations  @Agger for your victory. A great song that surely deserved the top prize  Also congratulations to USA and Ireland joining the podium and adding another medal to their TISC record.
  5. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to Henry_Leon in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Congratulations @Agger  for the win!! 
    Good job done @dezbee2008   @Olympian1010  and for the second place,
    Congrats. also at   @OlympicIRL for bronze medal (and for manage another great contest)
    As always  Italian jury voted for all Top-3 songs and all three have totalized same points (voted by 3 of 4 members, and ranked with the tie-break rules 2nd, 3rd and 4th)
    Personally speaking, I'm sad that  song don't have pts from Italy, (voted only by two members, and out for 1pts)   @stefanbg
  6. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to vinipereira in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Girl, I can relate to that so much. I did the closing ceremony on Sunday but I was like DEAD inside from the sleep deprivation. Organizing a TISC edition is no joke, so congrats
  7. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from thepharoah in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    I'm gonna need about a day or so to rest, so closing ceremony will most likely be on Monday since it is a holiday weekend here.
  8. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from vinipereira in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    To be honest, as I was putting the votes together, I knew we were gonna medal, and honestly, I would have loved to have a non-Europe winner, but with silver, this is the highest finish achieved, and I owe it all to @Olympian1010
  9. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Finnator123 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Here it is, folks. The final scoreboard in all it's glory. @Agger (and @wumo26) for first, me and @Olympian1010 for second, and @OlympicIRL for third...
     FINAL     Argentina   72       Denmark   202       Netherlands   69       United States   182       Chile   61       Ireland   127       Slovakia   60       Great Britain   113       Italy   56       Bulgaria   109       Canada   55       Brazil   109       Slovenia   53       Algeria   107       Turkey   52       New Zealand   105       Mexico   52       Portugal   104       Colombia   51       Poland   103       Russia   49       Serbia   101       Egypt   43       France   99       Croatia   37       Lithuania   94       Tunisia   37       Austria   84       Indonesia   29       Malta   81       Greece   28       Romania   81       India   27       Finland   80       Spain   18    
  10. Thanks
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Finnator123 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Jury Spokesperson: intoronto

    Hello from up north in Canada. We have had a great time and want to thank our American hosts for the warm welcome we received. You will be glad to know we have our votes ready to give to you all without further ado.
      Finland 10  
      Bulgaria 9   Brazil 8   Greece 7   Great Britain 6   New Zealand 5   Lithuania 4   Malta 3   Croatia 2   Algeria 1  
  11. Thanks
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Finnator123 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Jury Spokesperson: kungshamra71

    Hello from Portugal. I know you are all looking forward to hearing our votes so we won't keep you except to thank you all for an enjoyable contest. And here now are our votes.
      Poland 10  
      Denmark 9   Malta 8   Romania 7   Finland 6   Slovenia 5   Lithuania 4   India 3   United States 2   Greece 1  
  12. Thanks
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Finnator123 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Jury Spokesperson: justony

    Lep pozdrav iz vedno s soncem obsijane Slovenije, hvala za čudovito prireditev, zdaj pa k glasovom.
    Greetings from always sunny Slovenia, thank you for a wonderful contest, now let us get to votes.
      Denmark 10  
      Bulgaria 9   Portugal 8   Great Britain 7   Finland 6   United States 5   Lithuania 4   Poland 3   Algeria 2   Turkey 1  
  13. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Well, now we know to never again vote for Denmark because of thier betrayal.
    Thank You for working so hard to host this contest, and I can’t wait to go one place higher next year.
  14. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Wumo in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    And finally this is not true anymore!

  15. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to Wanderer in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    This is the first time ever that I didn't award points to Denmark. I knew something is rotten there. Guess what, they won 
    Congratulation Denmark, happy fkr Agger. 
    Thank you all who voted for NZ. Will check the thread over these days.
    Thank you Dez for being a wonderful host. Also to new USA mwmber, Olympian1010.
    Sad that Russia finished so low. Amazing and powerful song although it doesn't mean much to the people who haven't lived in the eastern block. Glad that Tsoi made appearance here
  16. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to rybak in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Congrats @dezbee2008 and @Olympian1010 for organizing this contest, well done  
    Also @OlympicIRL, supervaisor who helps as always and @vinipereira for logo
    I'm looking forward for Annual contest as I already have selected song for this contest  also I already 3 candidates for next Open contest 
  17. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to stefanbg in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Signing off. Thank you for the flawless contest @dezbee2008
  18. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    And if it does happen, I will be burned at the stake
  19. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Kudos to @dezbee2008 for waking up at 5 AM and keeping everything in place for a nice contest. Also thanks to everyone who joined the thread today, at least for one bit.
    Congratulations to medalist @Agger @wumo26 @dezbee2008 @Olympian1010 @OlympicIRL once again, and also everyone who scored various team medals. have won their first ever TISC medals, so special congrats to them.
    Also, once again, thanks to everyone who awarded us points. A total of 37 for 30th place. At least it's not the worst ever result.
  20. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Great, we just won next year's open and the 2020 annual. Thanks a lot 
  21. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    I almost forgot, but of course a big 'well done' to @dezbee2008 (and @OlympicIRL) for all the work for another awesome contest  And congratulations to @dezbee2008 and @Olympian1010 for your second place  
  22. Thanks
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Glen in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
      Malta 11
      Romania 10   New Zealand 9   Algeria 8   Turkey 7   United States 6   Serbia 5   Ireland 4   Tunisia 3   Denmark 2   Austria 1  
  23. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    But first you need to win another silver..... you won 2 bronze, and now you have 1 silver.... you need another silver and then you can go for a double gold. Symmetry is very important
  24. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    in all 4 competitions

  25. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    I'm gonna need about a day or so to rest, so closing ceremony will most likely be on Monday since it is a holiday weekend here.
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