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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Wow!
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    I came here to post my biannual thanks for this contest (a community, actually) and the first thing I see is a bestmen 2.0 from India with a lot of salt
    I mean, a lot of songs I like usually do average and I've gotten lucky with a few actually winning the contest, but English or not, if it's good, it's good, If it's shit, well...
    But first of all, I send my congrats to @Wumo and @Agger for hosting the contest. It was well-run, despite a few headaches (I know, I've been in your shoes before) and Wumo, I'm impressed you went from newbie to host in 12 months. I remember when you first came here wanting to watch it live, so I'm glad we made you feel welcomed
    @Olympian1010 and I worked hard to get our entry a good placing, so we're very glad it got 5th place, which is better than what we had earlier this year. I was worried about this a bit considering that we also sent fun to the contest last year, but I'm glad it turned out well.
    Congrats to @heywoodu for the victory on top of that Eurovision win. I'm not sure how you will juggle hosting both contest next year, should you go down that route, but I wish you good luck. Also, I didn't vote for you (but @Olympian1010 did), so that should've been an indication that you would win
    @KingOfTheRhinos, congrats on getting silver. @Olympian1010 liked the song more than I do (I gave you 3 points, sorry), but what a worthy runner-up. I was actually pulling for you to win
    @Belle Congrats on getting 3rd place. Yours was one of the few songs I knew about beforehand (the others were entries from France and Romania @Bohemia @Benolympique @IoNuTzZ)
    Thanks to the following for the points to our entry:
    12 --  @Finnator123 (I knew I would count on you since we have nearly the same tastes)
    11 --  @Ionoutz24  @OlympicIRL
    10 --  @kungshamra71
    9 --  @Glen
    8 --  @Werloc  @vinipereira @titicow  @Fly_like_a_don  @KingOfTheRhinos
    7 --  @heywoodu  @SteveParker @Henry_Leon @Gianlu33 @Pablita  @Cobi  @thepharoah  @Bohemia @Benolympique
    6 -- RIP
    5 -- RIP
    4 -- RIP
    3 --  @Skijumpingmaster
    2 --  @intoronto
    1 --  @amen09 @tuniscof  @justony
    Finally, here are my personal votes
    12  Chile
    11  Slovakia
    10  France
    9  Canada
    8  Sweden
    7  Mexico
    6  Moldova
    5  Ireland
    4  Finland
    3  Australia
    2  Lithuania
    1  Kazakhstan
    R1  Bulgaria
    R2  Italy
    R3  Spain
    R4  Algeria
    One more thing: #TISCinALG
  2. Love
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    By the way, major applause for @Wumo. Might have made a mistake that kind of spoiled the total final result, but overall I think he did a great job and deserved a round of applause  
  3. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    @dezbee2008 and I are going to win so hard this spring.
  4. Thanks
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Congrats @heywoodu 
    This is where I say something clever, but I got nothing, except 5th place (both individually and in the team event)
  5. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to KingOfTheRhinos in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Shot myself in the foot lol
  6. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from hckošice in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
  7. Haha
  8. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Wumo in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
  9. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
  10. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Everyone is talking Netherlands this, Australia that, Sweden... yadda yadda yadda
    I welcome our overlords Spain that are the true winners of this competition and all 12 points are belong to us (them)
  11. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    So Poland got mad that Greece "only" gave them 6 points... and all the while they awarded a grand sum of zero in return
  12. Haha
  13. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    US Virgin Islands *runs*
  14. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Good description of this voting round.

  15. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Boy, I sure hope Australia doesn't get the 11 or 12 here, because if they do, they'd need to give big points to the Netherlands!
  16. Wow!
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from hckošice in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Well, would you look at that? All I had to do was say "USA 12" once and I got it
    But then again, I kinda predicted it since, again, @Finnator123 and I pretty much have the same tastes
  17. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Well, we're saved... for now lol
  18. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
  19. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from hckošice in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    If you say it enough times, it might come true...
  20. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    If you say it enough times, it might come true...
  21. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Can someone please explain why the United States started identifying themselves as Colombia?
  22. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    @OlympicIRL never liked winners. He just liked winning.
  23. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Funnily enough, all winners come from the European Union.
    I doubt Great Britain will win ever again.
  24. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Yeah, you should definitely thank @dezbee2008 more than me. I’m pretty sure I tossed Slovakia in the bin right away 
  25. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    In that stance, I guess both of us are what we call 'woke'. We have done some shady shit over there, so I'm not surprised
    Also, the song was hella catchy
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