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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Wumo in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Opening greeting:
    Greetings from the land of the anti-establishment. We're planning to speak more about this contest at Four Seasons in Philadelphia at the conclusion of the event, but we made sure it's done at the hotel and not next to a sex shop. For now, here are our votes

    Ireland 10 Canada 9 Czech Republic 8 Netherlands 7 Hungary 6 France 5 Croatia 4 Lithuania 3 Denmark 2 Germany 1
  2. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from rybak in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    These are legal votes  
  3. Wow!
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Egypt 11
    Ireland 10 Canada 9 Czech Republic 8 Netherlands 7 Hungary 6 France 5 Croatia 4 Lithuania 3 Denmark 2 Germany 1
  4. Love
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Hipooo in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Opening greeting:
    Greetings from the land of the anti-establishment. We're planning to speak more about this contest at Four Seasons in Philadelphia at the conclusion of the event, but we made sure it's done at the hotel and not next to a sex shop. For now, here are our votes

    Ireland 10 Canada 9 Czech Republic 8 Netherlands 7 Hungary 6 France 5 Croatia 4 Lithuania 3 Denmark 2 Germany 1
  5. Love
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Opening greeting:
    Greetings from the land of the anti-establishment. We're planning to speak more about this contest at Four Seasons in Philadelphia at the conclusion of the event, but we made sure it's done at the hotel and not next to a sex shop. For now, here are our votes

    Ireland 10 Canada 9 Czech Republic 8 Netherlands 7 Hungary 6 France 5 Croatia 4 Lithuania 3 Denmark 2 Germany 1
  6. Thanks
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Opening greeting:
    Greetings from the land of the anti-establishment. We're planning to speak more about this contest at Four Seasons in Philadelphia at the conclusion of the event, but we made sure it's done at the hotel and not next to a sex shop. For now, here are our votes

    Ireland 10 Canada 9 Czech Republic 8 Netherlands 7 Hungary 6 France 5 Croatia 4 Lithuania 3 Denmark 2 Germany 1
  7. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

  8. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from rybak in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Is it too early to do a hand recount?  
    BTW, good morning
  9. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Is it too early to do a hand recount?  
    BTW, good morning
  10. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Is it too early to do a hand recount?  
    BTW, good morning
  11. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from hckošice in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Is it too early to do a hand recount?  
    BTW, good morning
  12. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Is it too early to do a hand recount?  
    BTW, good morning
  13. Haha
  14. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    It's like all those years when I bashed my head into the wall that was @dezbee2008 
    You're sending the same songs I'm sending, so why am I giving points to the USA, but never getting points from the USA? 
    Luckily this was not the trend in the past few years.
  15. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
  16. Like
    dezbee2008 reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Behind the Start List
    Position Nation Establishment
    Notes 1   Israel Safe PE The Committee
    Charity Alert
    2   Denmark Tilt AE   3   Italy Safe PE The Committee 4   Slovenia Lean AE   5   Poland Safe AE   6   India Tilt PE   7   Spain Tile PE Charity Alert Coffee break 8   Moldova Safe AE   9   China Safe PE The Committee
    Charity Possible
    10   Bulgaria Lean AE Charity Possible 11   Brazil Tilt PE   12   Lithuania Safe PE   13   Ireland Lean AE   14   Slovakia Tilt PE   Lunch break 15   Great Britain Tilt AE   16   Tunisia Lean PE   17   Romania Tilt AE   18   Argentina Lean AE Charity Alert 19   Croatia Lean AE Charity Possible 20   Portugal Safe AE Chairty Alert 21   United States Safe AE Charity Alert Snack break 22   Netherlands Lean PE   23   Serbia Lean AE Charity Possible 24   New Zealand Lean AE Charity Possible 25   Germany Lean PE   26   Egypt Lean PE Charity Possible 27   Indonesia Safe AE Charity Possible 28   Canada Tilt PE   Dinner break 29   France Tilt PE   30   Czech Republic Tilt AE   31   Hungary Lean PE   32   Kazakhstan Lean PE   33   Greece Safe AE Charity Alert 34   Mexico Tilt PE   35   Malta Lean PE  
  17. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    A final act
    We have nearly reached the conclusion of the TOISC 2020 opening ceremony. This would normally mean Mariah Carey comes and performs Emotions, but as you're all aware, this year is a bit...odd. Travel restrictions make for significant challenges, and the government - oddly enough - doesn't necessarily see the Totallympics International Song Contest as essential travel, so the organization had to improvise a little.
  18. Like
    dezbee2008 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    dcro: "I Love a Song Which is Harmonious and Elegant, but Never too Flashy"

    When you think about TISC one of the first names that springs to mind is dcro. A dedicated follower and friend of the contest, he has worked tirelessly over the years to help promote and improve our TISC experience. He is always ready to offer sound advice, no doubt based on his love of statistics, casting an analytical view on proceedings.
    It's easy to forget that dcro was not always a presence in TISC. When he joined for the TISC Open in 2015, he not only ensured Croatia returned to the TISC family after the departure of Deuce, but he has since played an integral part in driving the contest forward, culminating in his hosting of the contest earlier this year (TISC Annual 2020), stepping in to rescue the contest in the most difficult of circumstances. It is to his credit then that this contest was a rip-roaring success and kept TISC as a beacon of hope in this, the saddest of years.
    His results are equally as steady, guiding his nation to a top 20 placing in 6 of his 10 editions to date, with a notable 11th place finish at the TISC Open 2017. A highlight however, was his success at the TISC Special this summer where he guided Gibraltar to a magnificent silver medal.
    He has listened carefully as he interviewed the runners and riders of TISC Open 2020 and now it's time for us to hear the thoughts of our resident statistician, dcro.....
    Q: How do you go about evaluating TISC entries? Do you use a specific system when picking out your Top 12?
    A: Most commonly, I start by working my way down the playlist. During this process, I immediately start creating provisional rankings in a simple notepad file. I guess it is not ideal to rank songs so early on, since it can be hard to remember them after a while. But then again, if I completely forget a song right after the first listening, chances are it will find itself somewhere near the bottom of the pile on any day. During this first listen, sometimes I add short comments next to each song. Some examples from the 2020 Annual read: "Original start. Solid vocals. Little unmemorable." and "Solid instruments. Entrance a little meh. Soft, but hollow?". Awful, I know.
    After the second listen, I usually cut the playlist down to 18-25 songs. Following the third listen, I usually have my Top 12 + reserves all lined up. After this, it's all about streamlining my selection: head-to-head listenings, listening in reverse order, and so on.
    Q: And what about the maximum 12 points? Can you recognize it immediately? Or do you take certain amount of time before deciding on it?
    A: Often I can recognize it immediately, but I guess also subconsciously? Usually my 12 ends up going to a song that I can't wait to hear again following the first listen - even though I usually can't remember everything about it!
    Generally, there is exactly one such song. And when it comes up again during the second listen, then all my hype turns out to be justified.
    There are exceptions however.
    Q: Do you have a favorite music genre? Is there any genre you would like to hear more of on the TISC stage?
    A: I am not exclusive to any genre, but I guess my favorites are pop-rock (often radio hits) and jazz. I enjoy instrumentals too, and also '50s rock. I think nobody entered pre-Beatless rock so far. Except that Meghan Trainor song, kind of, which was heavily inspired by '50s beat, and which earned my personal Top 3.
    Q: How important are lyrics to you?
    A: I prefer general sound over lyrics on any day. Sometimes I do get attached to them, but that is an exception. I have awarded big points to countless songs whose lyrics I never truly discovered. Examples include Arular, Tetap Dalam Jiwa, Tillfälligheter.
    Q: And finally... How can we get 12 points from dcro?
    A: Like I said, the general sound is what matters to me. I am always looking to reward songs with an engaging rhythm (in particular), nice harmony, catchy tune, quality vocals, decent use of instruments and so on. I will love a song which is harmonious and elegant, but never too flashy. I also greatly appreciate originality and inventivness.
    If dcro's musical preferences still feel like a jigsaw puzzle - maybe this will help. Our resident Croatian juror has outlined the following entries as favorites during the most recent editions...
    See you all soon for the Opening Ceremony of TISC Open 2020
  19. Love
    dezbee2008 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Saturday arrives, you are ready for another TISC extravaganza, the banter is plenty, the drinks are flowing, but there is a spectre of that most terrifying demon haunting us. No, no, no, silly @heywoodu, I am not talking about olives. I am not even referring to those Antarctic fiends that we love to hate. No this is a nightmare that is much more terrifying... the dreaded "nul points".
    Not until we receive those first comforting points can we truly breathe a sigh of relief and settle into the contest.
    So what happens if you find yourself in that lonely position on Saturday where you are alone at the foot of the table with a duck egg for company? Juries come and juries go but no points have fallen in your basket. Well, fear no more, I have the very post for you to banish those demons so bookmark this post and share with your friends at their time of need. Indeed, if things go badly on Saturday then yes, please please send me this link
    Reasons to be cheerful 1, 2, 3:
    No nation has ever officially finished with nul points at TISC. Every single one of the 508 songs which officially participated in the contest has scored points from a national jury. We have yet to leave anyone behind. Lebanon looks away The song which was the last to score points in the contest has NEVER finished in last place in the final rankings! Songs which were the last to score points can and have gone on to achieve great feats such as receiving 12 pointers and even finishing in the top 10 in the overall ranking. Romania's 8th place finish at TISC Open 2019 is testament to that.  
    If that isn't enough to keep your head up then let's look specifically at this edition, TISC Open 2020 for more reasons to be hopeful.
    TISC is littered with superheroes, ready to save those nations who look doomed to a fate of nul points. Let's take a look at the list of "Lois and Clark"s of years gone by.....
      Jury # Superhero Damsel(s) in Distress  TISC Open 2013 19 Poland Slovakia  TISC Annual 2014 10 Montenegro BUL  GUY IND MAR  TISC Open 2014 21 Azerbaijan Bulgaria  TISC Annual 2015 16 Netherlands Czech Republic  TISC Open 2015 24 Romania Azerbaijan  TISC Annual 2016 14 Spain Kazakhstan  TISC Open 2016 6 Czech Republic Italy  Poland  TISC Annual 2017 12 Moldova India  Russia  TISC Open 2017 17 Slovakia Algeria  TISC Annual 2018 15 Algeria Azerbaijan  TISC Open 2018 13 Egypt Tunisia  TISC Annual 2019 17 Argentina India  TISC Open 2019 7 Malta Moldova Romania Tunisia  TISC Annual 2020 11 Tunisia Kazakhstan  TISC Open 2020 ? ? ?  
    So the first 2 sessions have concluded, 14 juries have cast their votes but your song is still out in the cold on zero points? Well as we learned earlier, in as many as half of the contests to date, at least 1 song has been waiting longer than 14 juries to receive their very first points. So no reason to panic just yet.
    But naturally, your demons are growing by now, you are convinced you will be the exception to the rule? Well the middle order is packed full of proven superheroes to help pick you up and get you on your feet:
    Slovakia (Jury #14)
    Tunisia (Jury #16)
    Romania (Jury #17)
    Argentina (Jury #18)
    Netherlands (Jury #22)
    Not to mention the votes of (Jury #21) which is usually a bonanza for the lower-ranked songs.
    If after this batch of heroes have been dispatched and you are still in peril, then remember, Azerbaijan did not receive their first score until the 24th jury at TISC Open 2015 and better still they did not even finish last. And guess who we have voting in jury position #24? Yes it's New Zealand . If you are on zero points then you are surely in with a chance of arousing the attention of @Wanderer's radar.
    Ok, so is it time to panic after the 24th jury has passed and you are still on the brink of zero points? The next pair of superheroes will be dispatched:
    Egypt (Jury #26)
    Czech Republic (Jury #30)
    Ok so things are beginning to look bleak but there is still 5 juries to go! 5 more chances to catch the eye of a potential new hero. And to cap it all we have a proven superhero in Malta to round out the voting in a final attempt to save your blushes.
    So, we have run out of superheroes, run out of juries and if you have come this far then we have failed you and that would be a TISC first. And if that happens we will be there to give you a hug (socially distanced of course), and remind you that we are there to pick you up and carry you on to the next TISC adventure.
  20. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Dnl in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Spot on comment 
  21. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Wanderer in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    We can be any state except Pennsylvania.
    While we won't push you to victory, we'll give you just enough points to feel good about yourself
  22. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Dnl in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    We can be any state except Pennsylvania.
    While we won't push you to victory, we'll give you just enough points to feel good about yourself
  23. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Anti-establishment, they have to be no more than 20% off of @dezbee2008 scorecard. 
  24. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Vektor in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Wow, we have less than a week until the finale, how time flies!
    I just hope that whoever wins, it won't be dragged out for days while we will wait for the last few votes to arrive painfully slowly. I don't want to spend days looking at a world map, searching for outstanding votes for the runner-up to catch up to the song leading the race, debating whether there's still a path for them to win TISC. 
  25. Thanks
    dezbee2008 reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    dezbee2008: "My 12s Are Either an Outlier or In-Line with Most of the Juries"

    The United States have a colorful TISC history. Three-time podium finishers, one-time hosts, and celebrated leaders of the anti-establishment - all in large part thanks to dezbee2008. Suppose your entry is still pointless by the time the United States are scheduled to vote. Chances are your wait will be over right then and there...
    Q: How do you go about evaluating TISC entries? Do you use a specific system when picking out your Top 12?
    A: I wait until all the songs are known, and then I pick a time and date to listen to the entries. As I listen to the entries, I put them in 3 groups. Group 1 contains the songs that I will definitely vote for and they take up the higher points. Group 2 includes the songs that I want to vote for, but need additional listens. Depending on how many spots remain for the points, the top contenders fill the remaining spots. Group 3 are songs I eliminate after the first listen, due to either low quality or the song appearing longer than it is.
    Q: And what about the maximum 12 points? Can you recognize it immediately? Or do you take a certain amount of time before deciding on it?
    A: Most of the time, yes. As soon as I hear my potential 12 pointer, that game is over. The other songs will have to fight for 11 points. But there was one contest (can't remember on the top of my head) where I had 3 songs fighting for 12 points. Other than that, my 12s come in at first listen.
    Q: Do you have a favorite music genre? Is there any genre you would like to hear more of on the TISC stage?
    A: I am a 90s-00s hip hop and r&b girl, and because of my love for Eurovision, I have expanded my musical tastes to include pop, EDM, ethnic, and some rock music. I would love to hear more of these genres on the stage, especially hip hop and r&b.
    Q: How important are lyrics to you?
    A: Because of my piss poor reading comprehension skills, I focus more on the instrumentals than the lyrics. Although some songs (like Kodaline with Shed a Tear) have made the lyrics pop out, it's usually the instrumentals that generally do it for me, no matter what language the song is in.
    Q: And finally... How can we get 12 points from dezbee2008?
    A: That is an excellent question, haha. Honestly, I have a system in place, but you know how my 12s go -- they're either an outlier or in-line with most of the juries, with very few in-betweens. Even Olympian1010 joining hasn't stopped our anti-establishment traditions, so I guess the best answer I can give you is to keep trying. Eventually, things will fall into place.
    If dezbee2008's musical preferences still feel like a jigsaw puzzle - maybe this will help. The leader of the anti-establishment has outlined the following entries as favorites during his two TISC participations...
    Stay tuned for more user interviews to come, as we count down to TOISC 2020...
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