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Posts posted by ManuCHIL

  1. 15 minutes ago, Dnl said:

    Sorry but if you spew hate about my country and one that based of lack of knowledge in this area, I’ll not let it go without reply, it’s like saying that I  think that Chile shouldn’t win Olympic medals because the country doesn’t do enough regarding wildlifes(which is a false statement btw, good luck at the games) and that this statement based of basic info from the internet but lack true facts and knowledge behind it, that’s my point, more or less, you managed to make an opinion about a conflict in an area I’ll bet you never visit and from info that at best is out of context at worst is sheer hate.

    that statement is so fake, that I wouldn't waste my time trying to clarify it. In spanish we say "no aclares, que oscurece" (don't explain, it gets darker) 


    meanwhile, there are so many facts about what Israel is doing, probably you are brainwashed as in any country that it's in a war. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Dnl said:

    Well about those “Facts” history started before 1917 , during that time who were the Palestinian leaders? There were 402 years of ottoman rule here, and not a single fight for a Palestinian independence, only in 1964 they established an independence movement, moreover during the 19th and up to 1948 KKL and other organisations bought land in the area, (to this date if someone in the West bank sells a house to an Israeli Jew he could face a death penalty…) so this picture of yours fails to capture the essence reality 

    So I’m fine I’ll enjoy my country preforming in the Eurovision and you can stay bitter about it 

    and after all that you state...Israeli state was settle ... it just make it worse.


    you are bitter, you insult me ... Enjoy being the most hated country from the west world

  3. 22 minutes ago, Dnl said:

    And I hope that you would comment about thinks you have clue about instead of writing about a conflict going on 13,000+ km. away from your country, Israel is a peaceful country we gave up a lot in order of making peace with countries in our area , we so how come we are not peaceful? Or is just the 0 IQ type of blank statement that you write when you mad and don’t have any reason why 



    Ok, attack me a little bit more, but this is the eurovision topic, and I was talking about my wishes, and historical facts from the eurovision history, what are you doing? 



  4. I would change Serbia with Australia, but in general an amazing show!!


    Now the darkest semifinal and moment in the history of eurovision (like the Bosnian jury calling from a bunker in the 90') 


    I do hope that Israel won't qualify, they are not a peaceful country and they don't deserve to enjoy this type of shallow activities. 



    Probably the EBU will use fake applause so the show will look very amateur, so sad

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