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Winter Olympic Games 2030 Bid Process


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Catalonia has backed a potential bid from Pyrenees-Barcelona for the 2030 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, but Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau criticised the lack of consultation before it declared its support.

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Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games to meet with IOC in Lausanne

Including USOPC representatives, the meeting is scheduled for late November. Discussions continue with the USOPC and LA28 as to whether 2030 or 2034 is a better fit.


Bullock, who served as chief operating officer for the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee in 2002, revealed the information during a virtual news conference following the committee’s governing board meeting on Tuesday.

It remains to be seen whether Salt Lake City will officially contend for 2030 or 2034, pending commercial aspects and other logistics to be sorted out with both the USOPC and Los Angeles 2028.

In September, Utah Olympic Legacy Foundation (UOLF) director Luke Bodensteiner told Around the Rings ”there is a real urgency to make this happen in 2030″.

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Salt Lake City's bid is dead if Vancouver-Whistler files their bid because LA 2028.

Vancouver-Whistler will be the favorite bid. The IOC will not award the games to a European or Asian country if it has a North American bid

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Here’s an interview one of our editors had with COE President Blanco regarding the 2030 bid.


“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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2030 in Spain is impossible. There are too many parties involved in the event with very antagonic views. We have the central government (PSOE, social democrats and the ones who re-started the project), two regional governments (Aragon is led by PSOE, but they feel discriminated for not including the region or the city of Zaragoza in the official naming, and Catalonia, led by ERC, who are also very interested because they will use it as a political tool) and two local governments (Barcelona is led by En Comú Podem/Podemos, non-secessionist left/green party, which doesn't want to host the Games, and the Pirineus towns led by Junts, right secessionist party, who like the idea but they don't want to do it with the central government).


And then there is Madrid (PP, right) who already started to prepare the candidature for the 2036 Olympics but they can't make it official until the 2030 candidature fails. Alejandro Blanco is just playing games with the press.

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6 hours ago, Cobi said:

2030 in Spain is impossible. There are too many parties involved in the event with very antagonic views. We have the central government (PSOE, social democrats and the ones who re-started the project), two regional governments (Aragon is led by PSOE, but they feel discriminated for not including the region or the city of Zaragoza in the official naming, and Catalonia, led by ERC, who are also very interested because they will use it as a political tool) and two local governments (Barcelona is led by En Comú Podem/Podemos, non-secessionist left/green party, which doesn't want to host the Games, and the Pirineus towns led by Junts, right secessionist party, who like the idea but they don't want to do it with the central government).


And then there is Madrid (PP, right) who already started to prepare the candidature for the 2036 Olympics but they can't make it official until the 2030 candidature fails. Alejandro Blanco is just playing games with the press.

Lets be realistic. I doubt that the spanish public has any considerable interest in winter sports

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9 hours ago, Cobi said:

2030 in Spain is impossible. There are too many parties involved in the event with very antagonic views. We have the central government (PSOE, social democrats and the ones who re-started the project), two regional governments (Aragon is led by PSOE, but they feel discriminated for not including the region or the city of Zaragoza in the official naming, and Catalonia, led by ERC, who are also very interested because they will use it as a political tool) and two local governments (Barcelona is led by En Comú Podem/Podemos, non-secessionist left/green party, which doesn't want to host the Games, and the Pirineus towns led by Junts, right secessionist party, who like the idea but they don't want to do it with the central government).


And then there is Madrid (PP, right) who already started to prepare the candidature for the 2036 Olympics but they can't make it official until the 2030 candidature fails. Alejandro Blanco is just playing games with the press.

I feel the tensions over the future of Catalonia would worry the IOC - it could all explode at some point. 


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